ill start
>no future
ITT: Americans tell you about your country
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do it, tell me your opinion.
drug shithole who has no culture and is the same as venezuela
let's hear it
last one I heard was "russian slav shithole"
l*thuania is a second world shithole
med wannabes who speak a romance language that has slavic influence and is full of gypsies.Lithuanian is the language that is most similar to Proto Indo European and you guys are Germany's friends
tell me about , amerimutt
not white honestly. also you are basically africa
Please tell me about my country Mr American
Cucked and mixed, following our great example! :)
enemy of the austrians. they had a chance to finish you off and kill the roach menace a few centuries ago but you were saved by england. not white also, and you are arab
Refugee cuck fags who are going to living under sharia law soon.
Third world drug shithole
Your countries have no impact on the world whatsoever
Nice country but i dont like you because your offspring in the Americans are the worst humans in the world. I'd take a billion Africans over them.
Your better than most muslim countries at least you have that going for you.
Im next,american
turks in denial
>no future
Ay Tone, wait a minute...
>"They are trying to take over the world."
>"They are starting all the wars."
>"They are stealing all our money."
>"They are destroying Europe time and again."
>"They are destroying the white race."
"They believe they are above everyone else and have an ideology of supremacism."
>"They are keepin' a Slav brotha down."
>"They are controlling all of Europe behind the scenes."
>everyone trying their best to hide their jealousy of them
>universally resented and still secretly admired and envied
>have been ethnically cleansed and POGROMED in the past
>still manages to get on top every single time
>Vote overwhelmingly liberal and leftist
>Memed about to have self-hating, neurotic and psychotic issues
>They take over and control the media of other nations.
>Highest IQ AshkeNAZI come from Germans/Austrians (and some Italians)
>Ashkenaz literally means Germany and Ashkenazi culture formed in the Rhineland
>THE Rothschilds are German-Jews
Have we become (((them)))?
Thread theme: Vibrant (((German Kultur)))
Tell me muttoid
hardmode: don't bring up anything about immigration, keep it about my country will ya
>the future is brown
A drug kingpin developed your country more than your own government so uhh, yeah.
you like us, right?
Yadda, yadda, US state, yadda, yadda, Peach state, yadda, yadda niggers, yadda, yadda, CSA, yadda, yadda, KKK, yadda, yadda, rednecks
tell me
I don't know about my country, please America, tell me!
tell me kudasai
like, ugh, stop trying to make this meme happen. It's not gonna happen
joseph stalin
Wales scotland and northern ireland are all irrelevant and are basically 3rd world tier with no culture of their own
no future also, prepare to get MIGRANTED
a country so worthless that Russia completely invaded them 10 years ago, then just left
drug shit hole
roman descendants
basketball and hot bitches
proto mexicans
best muslim country
worst muslim country
father of european civilization
filthy g*rmanic descendants
cartel shithole
magyar bull
canada but with warm weather
you are american
strong as a bull
superpower by 2045
based but only in the non anglo parts
best east asian country
We are both Britons
Subhumans with a Lord of the Rings ass script
Highly catholic slavs who have been irrelevent since the Poland Lithuania Commonwealth fell
Our territory we conquered during the Spanish American War whos governor admitted to being corrupt
Well known for drugs and prostitutes.
Boring stagnant place that everyone wants to leave, like Bulgaria.
Everyone is suicidal and wants to move.
Lazy and apparently run by delusional feminists. Economy is kept alive by obnoxious Brit tourists that leave destruction in their wake.
Commonly villainized over here because Armenian diaspora and their descendants hate you. People dislike Erdogan, they think of him as a power hungry madman.
Hot, sweaty place full of lazy people who just want to leech off the EU and brag about having old ruins all day.
Jow Forums types think you are basically Somalia but covered in snow. Progressive types think your country is literal heaven on Earth and would cut off one of their arms if it got them citizenship.
The only time Hungary is ever mentioned here is when people are talking about how based/evil Hungary's reaction to the refugee crisis is.
Most people like Australia. It's stereotypically regarded as full of killer wildlife and awful heat and the people have weird accents. People here don't really get Australian banter though, a lot of people think your people are just rude and condescending.
Beyond the comparisons to the state, people find your country interesting. Khachapuri is a hot meme food among yuppies, Tbilisi is a popular hipster choice for vacations. That coat with the bullets sewn onto it is pretty cool. Also Stalin.
Metal music, fantasy books, lots of Catholics
Love-hate relationship, English people are commonly fetishized (muh dapper boys and English roses), British culture is popular, some people dislike you because the anti-American Brits are pretty vocal about it
Yes, it will. I am going to force this meme, if I have to. But I won't. Because it's true :^)
bastardized germans
>Germanic-Ottoman Empire
I'm all ears mate
I guess the usual for all LatAm "they're all mexicans" not white etc.
my ancestor :)
Great country with great history. A shame yall didnt win the nepolionic wars. Seems like a shitty situation right now with mass protests and migrants shitting everything up. Best country in western europe.
White enough. Seems like yall had/have a pretty cool cowboy culture in the rural areas. Shame yall lost the falklands war against the *Nglo. FAR whiter than mexicans and brazilians. Bueatiful southern half, patagonia is GOAT. I know nothing of your politics.
Bf1 wasn't that bad. It's light years ahead of BFVagina
Please judge my country
bland but in a good way
Do it faggots, I'll allow you to bark at your masters
Please be nice
Beautiful with shit politics. Otherwise nice people
Pinochet, used to be powerful in the 1800s
Im so bored right now that this seems like a fun idea. Do it, American
America is a Judaic-Negroid Republic.
Mini serbia,
I literally have no clue about any aspect of your country whatsoever
That one really hurt desu
Doesn't the Rothschild family own all of your coastline?
That's kinda the stereotype. Otherwise only people that are into history know about how you guys were independent of the Ottomans for centuries
Thanks, outside /His/ people on Jow Forums just think that we are no different than Serbs which is really annoying
I dont think so, but one in every 2 companies is russian owned and 40% of real estate is privately owned by them so im pretty sure its the Russians who own us
Any Russian who can afford to own shit like that is almost unanimously Jewish-Russian (almost all of the Russian oligarchs are Jewish) and just a face for who actually owns stuff.
“black mountain” is the coolest name of any country.
Oh shit. Well that explains the fact that our president got the King David award. Still, nice of them to give us our independence back after 90 years.