>Why yes, I fuck Asians
>How could you tell?
Why yes, I fuck Asians
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I want to sniff her mound and then pump her full of my MED BVLL SEED while Pingpong Huawei is outside in the other room listening.
That they do ;)
Yea I'm thinking he's based
He bought an overpriced sexdoll. Good for him I guess.
She'll dump him for superior BBC :)
You just posted that like 10 minutes ago lad
She's average and she's not thicc. She looks to be 150 cm or something.
Either way, race mixing is cancer and people need to make fun of race mixers. Push them into suicide too.
she gets blacked already. her bf probably owns half the real estate in vancouver or w/e
>healthy minded males would feel insecure at whom e-thot spreads her legs to
>she’s not thicc
Yes, she’s not obese, she’s a beast who can likely kick your ass. 169 cm btw.
Yep, her face is below average compared to Baltic girls.
She has the body of a fit Asian chick ie short and stubby. Pass.
I've always thought they were a cute couple.
who do westerners love cuckolding so much?
I don't find her attractive at all so I don't mind.
She has had 3 boyfriends in the past and all of them were Asian.
I have Asian male friends and I tell them that White women don't love you, much like how Asian Women don't love us White men. They are just looking to take advantage of you for money, and because you will submit to them just for a green card.
White-worshipping insects and yellow-fevered whitoids can't handle this truth-bomb.
t. Zhang
Westerners want to have sex with Asian women, but why do you hate sex betwenn white women and asian men?
This is what I felt when I was browsing porn sites of west
Videos that have sex with Asian men and white women have similar proportions of likes and dislikes
AMWF is fine. Korean male, WF is straight cringe. You guys love to brag about that shit its fucking annoying.
WMAF is also fine but WM with sea gooks is cringe
I just hate sex tourist stealing our pure brown men
Just be white they said...
Why are white women such whores
>I have Asian male friends and I tell them that White women don't love you, much like how Asian Women don't love us White men.
Dude, that is the same for all women of all stripes.
Try faking being fired from your job, and your wife would be immediately ringing up her backup guys stat.
My wife is richer than me, lol.
We're both average in looks btw.
Girl doesn't look happy.
She is sick. Dating outside the race means she have a sickness which prevents her to keeping her blood and her offspring 'her'.
good riddance for us whites that her traitororus dumb sick genes in her offspring will be marked by ugly asian features of her daughter or son lol
>youtube gf
kek, another proof she is a fucking trash mentally-wise
date phds, date math professors.
yandex top manager is a milf with math doctorate and four kids in the same time. That kind of women should be the role model for young generations, not '''influencers'''' with fake blonde hair
that's the harsh truth, sweetie, get over it
good white women date good white men
if white women date non-white, she is no good, pure nature things
Bitch you don't even do grappling, women are used as training material for 12 year olds.