If I cant get a real job that pays at least more than 40k a year after six months of finishing college im going to just kill myself.
If I cant get a real job that pays at least more than 40k a year after six months of finishing college im going to just...
i like your tolerance to failure
>40k a year in Canada
Isnt that the equivalent of 10k a year in Europe
Come to the US, we pay 50k to people with gender studies degrees
Where I live, $120,000 a year is barely enough to pay monthly bills and necessities.
Graduated highschool at 17, took a 6 month course to get a certificate in paralegal studies. Went to work for a law agency a month before my 18th, company partially reimbursed my expenses to go to law school. Got my law degree at 24, barred same year, 25 now making $160,000 a year.
Go into lucrative fields fellas, and do it smartly.
What an absolute farce of a field being overtaken by automation
Kek conveniently you didnt mention daddy or his connections
>at least more than 40k a year
Isn't that basically right above the poverty level?
>being overtaken by automation
Excuse me, what? I don't know what kind of justice robots you lot have in Japan but law is one of the few fields not falling victim to automation.
i feel like necking myself reading this
>fields fellas, and do it smartly.
You sound like a fucking idiot
Hi Alberta
>10k a month just for living
Damn, and I thought living here was expensive
Nobody is going to get that just 6 months after graduating. You have to work your way up.
You have life on easy mode. Any Amazon employee getting paid $15/hour can make an annual salary of 40k+ CAD.
Toronto's GDP per capita is about 44k. Other cities like Montreal are below 40k but things are much cheaper.
>10k a year
I wish
Careful OP. I am 3 years into my STEM career with my 4 year degree and I just broke $40k and it's not enough for me to pay rent and take care of my lady and her even lower salary.
>he is in the know
Broooo can i suck your dick
Renting a mansion is nota necessity desu
Mansion? I live in a two storey, run-of-the-mill suburban house. It costed almost $500k and it wasn't even finished when bought.
Not easy mode, smart mode. Never had a college fund, got the certificate with money I saved up from summer jobs and the degree with money I earned from the certificate. Not my fault people don't make an intelligent effort at improving their lives.
Which field of STEM? Surely you're not a programmer
so stop whining you fucking middle-class cretin
It literally is though. Your mentality is literally why people get screwed
>tfw my wife and I combined are about to break 150k in base salaries
The salary jump from grad to a few years experience in CS is insane to me. I decided not to care for the first year and will re-evaluate later
What did you study OP?
counting salary by year is retarded. I know na will do this but just so you know
Analytical Chemist. I can find jobs, just not great paying ones and it hurts my soul
Wew. Your largest city has a GDP/c of 1/4th of our capital and 1/3rd of our largest city
>Your mentality is literally why people get screwed
I'm not who you were replying to, but what do you mean by this?
My mentality is why people get screwed? Working for all I have causes people to get screwed? Not being belligerent, I guess I don't understand the point you're trying to make.
>counting salary by year is retarded
Actually sometimes we have to. I am salaried, not hourly so the rate they offered me is a yearly rate.
>after six months
Good luck with that desu
My first job after college paid me 58k a year but it took my 1 year to find it
I graduated in 2016
The problem is that living in cities is very expensive, meanwhile finding work in the countryside is very difficult.
get lost weirdo
yeah unironically
why fix a broken system when you can get anyone who worked it into their favor to shill for it
Because rental costs and other bills are given out on a monthly basis
But what is wrong with working hard and being rewarded for your hard work? How is the system broking I'm asking.
based on past graduates ive talked to and online salary data i should make about $85k to $120k/yr starting salary depending on location. but i am doing a phd and probably wont be done until 26-28 years old, and just a masters may have been better for lifetime earnings but i will enjoy the researcy work much more as i can work on the coolest shit. i should be well off either way
>my sister got a 90k/year job in her first year after graduating with an arts degree
Man I hope I can pull this off too
Please commit suicide
Not with an arts degree.
>mommy and daddy paying for my education
>going to go to graduate school
>will graduate with masters degree
>not planning to get a job
>not working on building my resume
can't wait to pull this on my parents. shit is gonna be fucking cash.
>rental costs
You have no fucking solidarity with any fucking one but yourself
You are a fucking cancer on society
Seriously neck yourself
no u
He means that you are a lawyer. That’s like a political Commissar in the Soviet Union who is part of the inner party saying that communism works. Well yeah it does, FOR THEM.
>being this mad that people make more money than you
Seek help
>couldn't even make a bragpost without shitting on those below you
people like you were made for mass graves
I'm a NEET, you are literally seething because some user is making more than you, its pathetic
It’s not that you make lots of money. Many people who make a lot of money like engineers, doctors and programmers are very productive and provide important and in some cases essential functions. You on the other hand (or so the reasoning goes) makes a lot of money being a parasite.
>You have no fucking solidarity with any fucking one but yourself
That's working off of a lot of assumptions. Firstly it's assuming that I've always been in this state, I most certainly haven't. I came from a lower middle class family. Not the worst, I'm not a rags to riches story, but my family didn't have a lot of money. I went from being a near broke gas station worker to a successful lawyer. What do you two have against working hard and climbing the ladder? Should I have stayed at the gas station and worked there until I died?
I'm not the lawyer user
He's not me, the lawyer. He's a totally different poster.
I posted this
>so fucking defensive he resorted to strawmanning
unironically slit your wrists
I'm not getting defensive, I'm genuinely trying to figure out why you believe what you do but you're just being emotional. Can you calm down and just explain how working my way up from poverty to comfort is inherintly bad?
You can get by with 60k in toronto or vancouver pretty easily by yourself so this post is a lie
Seriously get help you mentally retarded fuck
Yes you are
We do?
This Finn is chimping out because he can't explain a simple concept, just throwing names instead. Very sad frankly.
literally outline it here yet you ignored it because youre a shit-eating narcissist
>know I should probably do something with computers or programming
>Know nothing about computers and have no interest in it
>English major
>Have some ideas for possible jobs but just barely
>My future is either shit pay or death
Life is shit
Well secret police, commissars and many other inner party members in the soviet union came from poor backgrounds. The point is not from where they come but that they work to help those in power in maintaining a system of exploitation and are reaping the benefits from doing so. The argument is that lawyers in large fulfill the same purpose. I.e that lawyers are profiting from the suffering of others and help to perpetuate that suffering.
I have no college degree and I make 42k.
I still go to college because my current job is soul crushing and if i don't do something I like, i will probably shoot myself.
>be highschool drop out
>make $130,000/yr
What job
Finn friend, that was not me. Please review these two posts
>im not even paying atrention heuehueheue
Get out fuckhead
readymix driver. includes OT because i take what i can get while im able to
I know Scandinavians are stereotypically autistic but you're taking it overboard friend. You've made a mistake in identity.
50k a year as a car mechanic at 24, only recently started because i was a neet for a handfull of years
planning on getting a bachelor in maritime engineering, then I will easily make upwards of 80-90k a year and only rising for every year if not alot more altogether
God I can't wait for you brainlets to die off after mass automation
I know americans are stereotypically vapid as shit, but you're taking it overboard friend. You've made a mistake in identity.
>implying there will ever be true level 5 automation
>implying it wont just be an advanced cruise control that still requires an operator in the vehicle
That's not even mentioning union issues. Do you see autonomous freight trains?
Where I live, spending 120 000€ on alcohol a year, is basically a necessity if you dont want to feel depressed.
Semantics. Scandinavia, the Nordic countries, Northern Europe, whatever you want to call it you knew what I was talking about.
Large scale automation should be seen as a possibility. Likewise, it should also been seen as a possibility that no large scale automation takes place. We cannot predict the future
i work a job where I can’t drink on weekdays
No, not semantics.
Finland is in the Nordic group, not in the Scandinavian group.
It's two different categories.
Cope harder, brainlet.
I didn't think you needed to be sober to suck cocks.
The secret is to be drunk on the first day.
Once they think that drunk you is the sober you, they wont know the difference.
Also this.
It really is semantics saying as a quick Google search will show that it's not even a decided matter, some Finns say they identify as Scandinavians and some don't. All you're doing is trying to further an argument that doesn't exist and looking a fool doing it. Just stop.
what is this thread
After finishing college I spent 7 months as a NEET fapping and playing vidiya then I just got a retail job a few weeks ago.
It is a decided matter and a very existing argument, actually.
What some fennoswedes identify as doesnt matter, they are established categories and terms, you are just desperately trying to save face. Man you are insecure.
>7 months
>It is a decided matter
No it's really not
>What some fennoswedes identify as doesnt matter
Because they're not people and their existence only hampers what you're trying to say? Call me insecure all you want, you're the one on a megacope tyrade saying the opinions of people who prove you wrong don't matter. That's cope if ever I've seen it.
I spent the previous 4 and a half years of my meme degree coming straight home (lived with parents) to fap to furry porn and watch anime and cartoons.
Yes it is.
And no, because established terms doesnt care about peoples feelings.
Finns are finno-ugric which falls under nordic, not scandinavian.
"While the term "Scandinavia" is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term "Nordic countries" is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, including their associated territories (Svalbard, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Åland Islands)."
"Sometimes also" does not mean you are right or have proven anything, sorry. It's not even geographically part of the Scandinavia either.
Besides that, despite your desperate attempt to twist the truth by saying alot of finns identify as scandinavian, the vast, vast majority of both Finns and Scandinavians both agree that Finns are neither geographically, genetically nor lingually related to Scandinavia.
So yeah, you know - you arent fooling anyone with your half assed attempt to save face.
"No. The northwestern part of Finland is in Scandinavian peninsula, and we have a lot of shared history with Sweden, but if you want to be accurate, we are not Scandinavian, just Nordic.
Scandinavian refers to Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Nordic includes Iceland and Finland as well."
From a Finn who was asked if Finland is Scandi.
"Nope officially we are not scandinavian country." Another Finn who was asked the same question.
"Finns are in the same family as Lapps and Estonians. Originally they came from Asia. Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, and Icelanders are Germanic."
"Finland is a Nordic country, together with Iceland and Scandinavia.
Scandinavia is Denmark, Sweden and Norway."
More accounts from more Finns.
Get fucked.
"It is taught in the much-admired Finnish schools that Finland isn't a Scandinavian country (well, according to some geographical definition the western parts of Lapland are actually included, but this is quite obscure usage of the term). Foreigners often use Nordic synonymously with Scandinavian, but within Northern Europe people tend to know the distinction quite well."
So what now faggot coper McSmarty pants?
>Education major
>52k a year starting (albeit with not must room for growth)+benefits+ample vacation time
>Get to do something I genuinely enjoy
I mean 55k-75k a year isn't a whole lot, but with a wife doing some small work here and there it's definitely livable.
Finland is not scandinavian. No Finn I've ever met identified as Scandinavian. Finland is nordic, not scandinavian. Scandinavia is strictly Norway-Denmark-Sweden, no others. Finland is completely different in every aspect (culturally, linguistically) from the scandinavian countries.
Lol he is not coming back after being blown the fuck out so hard
Where does Iceland and the Faroe fit into this