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Western Sahara doesn't exist tbqh

Fantastic meme! cant wait to share it with my twitter and reddit bros, thanks.

I'd say that it does but I don't give enough of a shit to argue about it and I bet you don't either.

الرجاء عدم اعطاء يوس للكائنات البيضاء


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>Berber is dark but not the KARA BOGA Turk
Missed opportunity.

احكي عربي يا مخنث

انتحروا يا قرود... قصدي مرحبا يا مينا! كيفكم يا حبايب؟

My brown sister is looking for a white Chad to ride
And feel free to stay in my general

قديش صرلك بأمريكا؟ ولا طول عمرك هناك يعني انولدت فيها

اولدت فيها، بس سكنت مع اهلي في فلسطين لما كنت صغير، و عشت فيها لمدة خمس سنين

Can I ask for asylum in America? I'm gay and I fear for my life
I tried really hard but I can't survive without sucking dick

لا، تعذب في مكانك هههه

The big nose Jews thing is a dumb stereotype, turks often have bigger ones

I'll suck yours once I get there nonstop
Help me

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بتدرس ولا بتشتغل

based cousin, do you speak ARAPic?

She needs a Muslim husband who is into mmf threesomes, so she can fuck white Chads and her husband at the same time.

We have a lot white Chads here, and a lot of them would be happy to be used by a brown Muslim girl for her personal pleasure

Also, are girls in your country learning to love cock? Are they still devout Muslims?

انا رايح, بس ينقلع القرد برجع

خلصت دراسة و تخرجت من الجامعة في شهر ثلاث و هيني بدور على شغل، بس هلقيت بشتغل intern
apply and i will think about it, also post a vid on twitter that usually works

Girls in my country are still devout Muslims alhamdullilah but my sister is a slut and she's a proud one
I entered her room multiple times and she was touching herself while imagining a sixsome with 5 white BVLLS
I tried to entertain her a little bit but my small brown dick wasnt enough

انت مسلم؟


Makes you wonder how she got 5 white bulls in Jordan

But seriously, I want a brown Arab slut wife who is also a devout Muslim



مَنْ بَدَّلَ دِينَهُ فَاقْتُلُوهُ

I am gay, and a male feminist

ما بدلت الدين، رميت الدين في الحاوية ههه
مسلمين و متدينين

I can read the letters, I barely remember any vocabulary or grammar.
I hated that class it was always with some lazy Arab teacher and really badly designed books.

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نيك كس اختك الشلكة

I have no sister.

I can't believe it

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>ما بدلت الدين، رميت الدين في الحاوية ههه
جمهور الفقهاء قالوا بوجوب استتابة المرتد لثلاثة أيام وإلا فإنه يُقتل وذلك لحديث علي بن أبي طالب المشهور عن النبي :(مَنْ بَدَّلَ دِينَهُ فَاقْتُلُوهُ، وَلاَ تُعَذِّبُوهُ بِعَذَابِ اللَّهِ). وقول الرسول أيضاً: (لا يَحِلُّ دَمُ امْرِئٍ مُسْلِمٍ إِلاَّ بإِحْدَى ثَلاثٍ: الثَّيِّبُ الزَّانِي، والنَّفْسُ بالنَّفْسِ، والتَّارِكُ لدِينِهِ المُفَارِقُ للجَمَاعَةِ). وكما أن المرتد يعود إلى الإسلام بالنطق بالشهادتين للرجوع إلى الإسلام.

وقتل المرتد إجماع من العلماء قال ابن قدامة المقدسي المتوفى 620هـ في كتابه المغني ص: (16) ج: (8) «وأجمع أهل العلم على وجوب قتل المرتد. وروي ذلك عن أبي بكر، وعمر وعثمان، وعلي، ومعاذ، وأبي موسى، وابن عباس، وخالد، وغيرهم، ولم ينكر ذلك، فكان إجماعا.
ومن ارتد عن الإسلام من الرجال والنساء، وكان بالغا عاقلا: دعي إليه ثلاثة أيام، وضيق عليه، فإن رجع، وإلا قتل.»

ما تبلشش اشي معي، بس اعرف انك غير تكره النتيجة لو بترد تعيد

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very useful guide thank you op

>مسلمين و متدينين

لازم ترجع للاسلام يا صديقي
how do you talk with araps? do they speak HEBREW? also ignore poopflingers

Is your sister really a slut? Is she hot?

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iqtal nafsak, ya murtad najis

Yes and yes

>nashmi seething this hard

i really fucked with him bad yesterday

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Barely see Arabs, and they do speak Hebrew but usually at a pretty low level I guess it's equivalent or a bit worse than kindergarten level in general conversation but they have a bigger vocabulary, educated ones who went to university usually speak Hebrew just fine tho.

How do I marry a girl like her?

Do you have pics?

كلكم سخفاء تافهين
All of you are ridiculous Trivial idiots

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I need a hot arab Muslim wife who wants to fuck hot white chads with me

طيب يا مينا بدي انام، مش قادر استوعب غباء المتدينين هان اكثر

تصبح عأير

Thanks for the water master
In case you were horny my ass is yours to serve
Yes but they are only for me to fao on

we really are cucked as fuck, why do you enjoy BTFOing us so hard?
ارجع للاسلام

We're literally giving you water so you'll stay our allies

>Yes but they are only for me to fao on
How do I know you are telling the truth?

ignore the subhuman with the name, he is LARPing as me.


>we are giving you your own water so we stay allies
cousin, we will remain your allies always because its the only option, otherwise we are useless and america will cut the gibs, and we will become an even worse shithole.

Lying is haram
A most merciful and down to earth master

For us American gibs are nothing, they raised it to 3 or 4 Billion a year and israels GDP is over 330... How much do you get from them?

Then how can I get a wife like your sister?


we are a puppet state and a buffer zone to israel, our existence is wrong, cant you just invade us?

why don't you bully amerisharts for more gibs?

Can't invade because evrope and BDS are already going batshit over every time a Palestinian trips on something and an IDF soldier is somewhere nearby

we live on gibs, too bad most of the gibs go to our nigger royal family and to the rapefugees, fuck this shit heap "country", there is no point in asking for more because it will all be wasted.

>caring about palirats
gas those rodents no one will miss them
this subhuman here:is a palirat rapefugee

>Palestinians hating on Palestinians

>thinking i am palirat

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No one will miss most of them but we're being taken to international court over military operations in Gaza that have a good reason behind them, can't really do much.
Just have to hope that the younger generation in Gaza will be less brainwashed by the Hamas and will be more cooperating however considering Hamas shot protestor more than once I guess it'll just become China tier.

fuck jews

>implying 80% of Jordan is not Palestinian
>Implying the other 20% are not basically the same as Palestinians anyway
Do you have a hot slut sister too?

hamas LARPers piss me the fuck off, they act like they're some kind of foe to israel while the only reason they continue to exist is UN saving their ass, they receive equipment from iran too and act as if they're not a proxy, you need to elect someone other than bibi, he keeps using hamas for political purposes and shit, while they need to be squashed.


دحشي زبي فكس امك المعفن اذ ما بتوكل خرى و بتسكر باجوغك

badw rat?

Why can't Israel drop the whole Jewish ethnostate thing and merge completely with Palestine under a totally secular democratic government? I'm not trolling, just a Middle East brainlet.

It's not Hamas, it's Islam
Muslims keep fighting because they actually think that one day Jesus will get back, Muslims then will kill jews one by one and you probably know the story of hiding behind rocks and trees and shit
>We need Jihad, return to Islam etc
>This entire fuxking post

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You could call it Palisrael. Or just keep it Israel. Whatever.

Never call a self hating Pali a Pali
It's hurts their feelings


political islam a la. hezbollah
basically the ends justify the means. secularism is secondary.


why do arabs reek of spices and stale old cooking oil?

fugged an arab chick a few weeks ago after a party, she had a really large ass and actually didnt reek

ar*Ps seething, israel is the future.

Was she a devout Muslim?

>actually calling the devils party hezbollah

Not sure, I think so - she wore a veil, not the full face one but a burka
Until we arrived at my place, that is

Lol what the fuck does it sound like to you, dude?

I don't mind uniting with Israel, Just pointing out that you're a faggot larping as an islamist

طالعة ريحة الصويا منك

post pics of GTFO virgin

>subhuman still cant decipher my endgame

OH NO NO NO, i guess that is understandable due to the complexity of my plan.

>طالعة ريحة الصويا منك

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I need pics. Both of her, and your bwc

I want a brown arab Muslim wife who loves using white chads for sex

also this

Defeatist Muslims get jahanam
You are supposed to fight for Islam and no sit and wait like a pussy for muh Mahdi

Why the fuck would I save pics of some random flick I met at a party for a one nighter? Are you daft? Think her name was Ferous or some shit

are you the same faggot that was in the mexican thread crying about wanting a mexican wife? pathetic

you dont want a brown arab muslim wife you just want pussy lmao, fucking virgin freak, have sex.

>kaffir lecturing me
still, you can't even begin to wrap your tiny brain around my supreme masterplan

>he doesn't know

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Thanks :)
>, you need to elect someone other than bibi, he keeps using hamas for political purposes
Which is why he keeps getting elected, brainlets think he's some savior that came down from heaven
A) Palestinians don't really want to be under a Jewish government
B) lots of Jews here are incredibly racist even towards "their own kind" (see Ethiopian riots from not being long ago and the reactions), I'm really not sure how Jews from Arab countries which look pretty similar to the Arabs they mixed with can hate Arabs so much and it's something that didn't exist before Israel was a thing.
Also I doubt a secular government would pass even with the palis they probably have less seculars than here and they're not the majority here as far as I know.

At least post your bwc to see how believable it is for a brown Arab girl to want to use you for sex

>are you the same faggot that was in the mexican thread crying about wanting a mexican wife? pathetic
Why would I want a spic wife? Like imagine being hot and brown, but you are still an 3ajam kaffir, so there is no point. Arab girls>spic girls

Why would an arab girl want to be with a literal cuckold like you anyway? grow the fuck up and stop shitting up my general

thats gay and im no pederast, but i know exactly why you are asking for it

Secular government? Please
They all will vote for the first islamist that pops out
This literally happens in every single Muslim election, Every Muslims end game is muh united caliphite with Sharia

>Why would an arab girl want to be with a literal cuckold like you anyway?
So she can be married to a Muslim man while still being able to use hot white guys for sex

Because I love white cock, and the girls who love them?

Honestly bibi is fucking based if you think about it, tricking the most high IQ people on earth like that, he is also funny as fuck.
why dont you go make a thread about it?