
love is love edition

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There's a niggard in the google home page!

niggering a shagoid

actually i really like postpunk and noise
but i dont have the voice for that either

Not on God's day ffs

self vs self is one of their best tracks
full of energy

never sung in my life, me

Wow the annual 'French post that makes sense'. Feel so lucky to have witnessed it.

sometimes I wonder if the world is run by a small group of elite pedophiles who worship satan and sacrifice children to Baal

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what about church or hymns in school

depends on your denomination innit

gay is not ok

yuck, just accidentally ate meat for the first time in 4 years

eating a yoghurt with 20g of protein in per serving

jesus christ almighty

jelly of black and blue passports

maroon is such an ugly colour


you've set him off

me? a natural vibrato


fuck off murderer


>6'4 and large-framed
brick shithouse

Eddie Stobart truck

really, really good post

you can see a similar thing in womens tennis as well - when serena williams got btfo by that 18 year old jap, for example

Good morning
I just had a morning banquet

you lads make me laugh

Is the Bard....?

A) A welcome member of /brit/
B) An attention-seeking cunt who needs to fuck off

>tfw 5'7 and built like mr patel behind the counter


Good morning
I just had a morning wanquet


Just got back from fixing some tweaker's AC at 3:30 in the fucking morning

had some good morning sex with the gf. was well good. can still smell her cunt on me.

Don't think they're the ones who 'run the world' per se. More like their less talented entourage who happens to have access to wealth and is bored and so they become nonces. Like prince Andrew. Same factors as neetdom lead to the same result.

wasn't molested in school so didn't do any of that shit. Happy birthday and the national anthem were just mouthed.
Not sure how people even sing in public It's like wanking in public.


agree with this to some extent
but i think its less to do with biological differences (though im sure they play some part) and more to do with the fact that men have hundreds of years of social conditioning instilling values of sportsmanship into their psyche which overrides their bestial nature, and women, who have only really been playing sports in the last few decades, dont have that influence

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*deep burly manly voice*
Alri mate, I'll have a lotto along with these tampons, they're for me, because I'm a woman. So it's ma'am, you got that mate?

Good morning Melvin :)

this is a genuine mental illness you're a fucking freak

Really erudite analysis here pal

good lad, our bard

Was told something along these lines by an ex who pegged me. Was it eqorth the most intense (physically and psychologillyc) orgasm of my life? Maybe

how is that even possible???

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fuck off you literal child


it been scooped out

why the fuck would you post this

mad the way half the americans on here think they are superior to british people because british people had a war with british people and british people won a few hundred years ago

what losing an eye? happens quite a lot i imagine


>Dragon Ball Z(ed) Original Soundtrack

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maybe he was born without eyes

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>averaging 0.5 posts a minute for the last hour solely whining about "redditspacing"
holy cope
absolute state of spencer

>Whad'll it be today, boss?

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just rolled a spliff lads

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is it, though? Remember that Ayo Technology song? Was that 50 cent and Justin Timberlake wanking together on the radio across the planet for years?

He's Been De-Eyed

A. Absolutely good lad

not observing a pixel of that frog's chronicle from the previous

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marlboro and a red bull please

kebab and chips with burger sauce and extra chip spice please

oh and a dr pepper


pack of gum and some skips thanks mate

A frog walks into a bar in Calgary. He goes up and orders a candian club and dry.

The barkeep is very confused and asks the frog why he, a frog, is at a bar and that hes never seen anything like it

The frog ignores him and points at the toilet door. "A lady with a pink hat is about to walk out of the toilet."

Sure enough a lady with a pink hat walks out of the toilet

The barman is astounded by this as he makes the drink

The frog continues "a man on a rusted bike will crash outside the bar"

Sure enough a man on a rusty bike goes over the handlebars just outside the bar

The bar keep puts the drink on the bar and asks the frog his name


The barman asks pepe how he can tell the future with such accuracy

Pepe makes eye contact with the publican for the first time and without looking slides a $5 note across the bar

"I'm a Jow Forums teller"

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>chip spice

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20 gram amber leaf and a kinder egg please

going to talk to the cute girl at the boardgames meetup tomorrow

Biggest bottle of Jameson you've got, one shot glass.

>the bradleyposter is here
well, i'm off, tarah

20 silk cut and a pack of pork scratchings boss


Christ, how am I meant to eat 172g of protein in a day? Feel like I have to scoff down loads of shit for that.

don't bother, i'm already fucking her, sorry lad

what the fuck is chip spice?

mental how this stuff in unironically actually happening right now

clearly a corner shop and not a kebab joint you moron

coping with the facts

it's 2019 lad, we can all fuck her

what's funny dickhead

Just this milk and loaf thanks bossman.


you don't need that much tbqh, 150 will do

Rape is a concept. The fact is nature doesn't under the concept of rape. I raped an adult fit-teenager (19) white-woman at night, near her job. The reason I say nature has no concept of rape, was because I was able to get her to orgasm multiple times while I was vaginally penetrating her. Her moans were shallow and no it's not like porn. She wasn't screaming or anything like that. She was crying silently. What you will experience as a man will be her very warm and very tight but initially dry vagina. Your penis will feel like it's creating a vacuum and you will hear an audible noise if you completely withdraw. This will leave as her body/nature betrays her will and she starts to get a little bit looser and lubricated. As you fondle her breasts or put pressure with your hand above or on her pubic area and as you keep reciprocating in her, she will start to release vaginal fluids and she will start to lubricate her vagina as well as your penis. When she orgasms you will know. The shaking, the very tight muscular vaginal spasms as her vagina clenches around your penis. It's as if she were being tased. Sweating & panting. I was locked up for raping her, I was homeless and didn't care anymore. Luckily I got lucky, in this case. She the "victim" was too ashamed and said she would refuse to testify against me if the case were taken to trial. The prosecutor asked if I wanted a deal or if I wanted the charges dismissed with prejudice and have this looming over my head until the statute of limitations ran out, and the victim can change her mind anytime during that time frame. I took the plea of a lesser charge and didn't have to register as a sex offender. And now it's over, I'm a free man. I will tell you the pleasure of rape is natural and is unmatched. It's a euphoria and ecstasy that will last a couple of days. And you will get pleasure in the fact the victim will masturbate over this for a long time.

Mental cases making up stories? Been having for centuries mate.

thats like 6 packs of beef jerky


just a pair o' digits thanks mate

2kg bag of Whey
100 eggs
Bag of 200 chicken fillets
Frozen broccoli

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ye you're trying

that's what they want you to think
mental how all their stories share many similarities

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Start buying greek yoghurts, a serving has like 20~30g in them and they're tasty.


here you are boss