Why are Westerners so degenerate?
All the White tourist girls here wear super tight pants with butt cheek hanging out! Even if they are kids! And I even see their father with them. Imagine being a cucked dad letting their daughter dress that way.
Why are Westerners so degenerate?
All the White tourist girls here wear super tight pants with butt cheek hanging out! Even if they are kids! And I even see their father with them. Imagine being a cucked dad letting their daughter dress that way.
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daddy issues friend's bad influences actually.
If you have a daughter be sure to check her friend by inviting some of them to your house.
Most of time it is either parent or education fault, but bad friends is also worth noting
>All the White tourist girls here wear super tight pants with butt cheek hanging out! Even if they are kids! And I even see their father with them
Take pics next time
We let public sexuality be normalized in the 60s and it's been getting worse ever since.
They gave women too much freedom, it started with the right to vote and the snowball effect took place.
Soon you walk around naked.
I saw that happen in Boulder, CO once.
nah people are more prudish about being actually naked now
Yes, it's shameful.
But at the same time the entire western world uses your women like cumdumps, throwing stones in glass houses and whatnot.
Oh no how horrible
I don’t see the problem. You’d see the same on a beach. Why are third worlders afraid of the human body?
So what? are you gay? just enjoy the view
and that's a good thing
The worst thing about it is that they don't have a big ass to display that outfit either, so it looks awful
T roastbeef
hilarious coming from a thai tranny
This was my first thought as well
They're trying to please us black folk.
Hilarious coming from a Blacked ™ patient
I saw a wh*te woman wearing yoga pant at the mall the other day. Like holy fuck this is not your house nobody wants to see your saggy ass roastie.
I never saw this kind of thing here, but when I went to the US I would see this stupidity all the time
based chink
I wish Jow Forumsasianmasculinity incels would get rangebanned.
>masturbates to porn regularly
>"omg why are roasties such degenerates? they should be pure like me"
modesty is no longer respected in any aspect of life here
not even comparable
Because Thailand is hot as shit, so it gives wh*teoids an excuse to "dress comfortably." And since Thailand is often regarded as being somewhat safe for women, girls can disregard cultural norms in favor of whatever makes them happiest.
Don't act like it's only women, though. Australians and Brits in SEA usually wear short-shorts and shirts with armpits so deep you can see their pubic hair.
yes i agree. masturbating to porn is a lot worse
>calling others degenerate
This kick sexual tourists out before calling anybody degenerate.
Masturbation is actually pure, as you only have yourself to do it.
>Thailand is hot as shit
Our climate and fauna is exactly same as yours retard
Name one country that banns "sex tourist"
>having women dress like whores makes you first world
This is what roasties actually believe...
Ncie strawman, roastie.
Night-time temperatures get close to freezing in most of North India in the winter. India also has the Himalayas.
Your climate is similar to that of a handful of southern and coastal states, not the entire country, "retard."
Best Korea
How exactly do you identify a "sex tourist"
By banning all fat middle aged White people?
I agree, but you come from a nation that is known primarily for its sex tourism so I'd hold my mouth shut.
india is hot as shit
We don't even have to ban sex tourist, they'll die out due to the raises of bahts.
>Sex tourist
Only heard of this when I came on Jow Forums.
You think any normal Thai person give a shit? Loooooooo
>the Himalayas are tropical wet-dry
>the Thar Desert is tropical semi-arid
Hot sensual clothes =/= nudity
Nudity is not as bad imo
Easy. Fine prostitution make visa harder to obtain.
Why are you incels so ass blasted about people having sex?
why would that even matter?
women do wear very little clothes these days here but it's so normal that nobody cares besides muslims
Yeah. I think actually seeing them walk naked would kill my boner. Those yoga pants do wonders for their posterior.
>why are people systematically excluded from fun ass blasted about people having fun without them?
>people are enjoying things in life and it upsets me
i see lots of nudists in spain and its not that attractive.
whore clothes are actually attractive, not the bodies themselves. Bodies are natural
Yes. It is natural to want sex and to be upset if you are denied it
You need to import more hot brown girls (Arabs and Latinas
i want black cuties
>20k population
>only 2 black females in the entire town
vote for left wing parties so you can import more black qts
If you are a right winger, you have no one to blame but yourself if you don't have a qt black or brown gf
left wing parties only care about gender quotas for locals, not for migrants.. they would only import black males
i guess ill have to visit some african country and get them myself
But most people here are fine with prostitution
Many of my guy friends visit local soap parlours to release theor syress
we have plenty of qt niggers here in the states
And still you are big prudes
yes but the USA is way more expensive than spain and the aircraft trip is pricy too, and also i dont want to get robbed in a black neighborhood
it would be safer to visit Africa than to visit Detroit or Baltimore i think, and way cheaper too
Africa is only an hour trip away for you.
>also i dont want to get robbed in a black neighborhood
>it would be safer to visit Africa than to visit Detroit or Baltimore
Poor sweet innocent user
>Africa is only an hour trip away for you.
>le walk 10 minutes cross 3 countries europe meme
its not.
would be at least 10 hours by car, and that would be to north africa where there are brown arap girls, not black girls.
>Poor sweet innocent user
check out any travel vlogger visiting Africa and then check one visiting Compton or Detroit
Seeing 12 year old girls with their butt cheeks hanging out makes my dick diamonds though.