Not being American

>not being American
How do you cope?

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By not getting shot.

I eat sub-par burgers and watch Michael Bay movies while crying. Feels really bad.

By not dying from heart disease.

just fine

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Eh, I think I'll manage somehow

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By doing this.

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By not getting my penis mutilated by the pharmaceutical industry.

Based stepan

Im a chi and I feel so confused about myself and my place in this country
>hate mexican culture but love the food
>hate my family on both sides but my parents are okay
>hate talking in Spanish in front of other latinos because it makes me feel unamerican
>hate most American sports except basketball and love soccer
>hate American politics and how retarded and extreme both sides are but find myself agreeing with 70% right and 30% left
>hate illegals but also hate it when latinos are unfairly demonized
>Think of myself as an American but pains me to think that there are some people who think chi's like me arent "real" Americans
Honestly, maybe Im just too insecure and hate myself which is why I project my insecurities like so. I guess I will continue to convince myself that I am American because if the alternative is admitting that Jow Forums is right then fuck that.

With that mediocre lawn you will never be accepted as an American

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i am black and my lawn looks better

This is sad.


Im unironically whiter than arabs though.

>UNIRONICALLY being an united europoorian
how do you cope?

Are you going to plant some grass or what

People might not like you for being a chicano, but no one would deny that you are an American if you are a legal citizen.

My parents are legal and my mom is a citizen. They arent married because they're a dysfunctional mess so my dad isnt a citizen but he does have permanent residency (green card) and a mostly clean record (one DUI from when I was a baby). I was born here but I was mostly referring to the cultural aspect of being American

>universal health care
>i can and own guns but drugheaded neighbours dont
>low crime
>good workers rights
>free education
>less class separation than us
>metric system
>no fucked up divorce laws that cuck the man and give everything to her

Sounds boring

>>no fucked up divorce laws that cuck the man and give everything to her
Really? I thought Scandinavia was basically cuckland.

niggas the fucking sun is burning the lawn, nothing you can do about it

You underestimate american boomers. When I lived there some boomers managed to keep their lawns perfectly green in fucking mid july

You're not even trying.

the only reason I would like to be an american is to have access to easy femdom escorts and dominatrixes, but europe dominatrixes are better so i guess I cope about not being euro?

thats what your golddigger girls think when they marry norfag guys. what you bring into the marriage is what you leave with here. and 50/50 care of the children are what the judges want, that means no one pays the other for them. cuck that.

>free education

Are you a clueless 16 year old? This is how they think.

By having a foreskin.
Oh wait I'm in Israel I can't say that I don't have one too.

keep sething private rodriguez

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I am happy

ok. universal education then. its from the tax of everyone and the oil fund. that means you can be a simple farmer, carpenter or even live on welfare, and your kids have the same rights for education as someone born rich.

t. joined the military to get his education paid for by tax payers

Poor people do get financial aid in most universities in america but yeah universal education is just more straightforward. The middle class students are the ones who get fucked by the tuition btw also most of the university debt is actually caused by medical schools and law schools. A bachelor's degree average debt isn't that big.

Based, but why would Norwegians marry Romanian women in the first place?

i should ask my cousine about that, but i think it is bc she is hot as fuck and knows how to keep a home. like making dinner and raising kids. and he can leave her today if he wants without loosing anything.

>bc she is hot as fuck and knows how to keep a home. like making dinner and raising kids
How old is she? Your average hoe is ugly and does none of that.

Getting enough american cultural influence using Jow Forums

he is 36 and she is 23. the average girl here does that but its not the same. its not easy to live with a romanian girl, they give a lot and want more back. i know her well and things here are very different. my cousine had to dump her for a year while he had too much work both at home and work.