I have been waiting almost TWO MONTHS for a fucking high 4 figures bank transfer (EFT) from these faggots. Holy motherfuck. And it's not just me. Lots of sellers are waiting for their money. I have submitted tickets for weekly updates from them and they give me the same old canned responses about the Canadian banking cartel blocking them from moving money from their savings accounts to operational accounts.
They told me that their foreign payment processor will be sending out payments in a few days. But they told me essentially the same bullshit back in August 3rd....
Right now you can withdraw BTC from Quadriga no problems (except when their hot wallet is running low and they need to top up from cold). But their fiat withdrawals are super delayed.
Quadriga told me that I can request to cancel my fiat withdrawal and buy back into crypto (since they marked it complete nearly 2 months ago and they sent it to their foreign payment processor, they have to do it manually for me). But the BTC price on Quadriga is 4.3% higher than Kraken. lmao. Something smells. On reddit you can't question Quadriga's solvency without getting downvoted by shill cucks so I'm taking this to Jow Forums. Jow Forums always keeps it 100. I only spend time on reddit at all because there is very little Canadian crypto discussion here.
I also have 27k in "pending" withdrawals that I can cancel right away and buy back into crypto. But then I would take a 5% loss after all fees if I buy back on Quad and cash out at Kraken or some shit. Right now I'm doing all my selling on Kraken. Fuck these shady Canadian exchanges. Kraken is proper. I believe Kraken did an audit showing they were solvent some time ago.
The only good FIAT withdrawal service in Canada for me has been Bylls and BitBuy
Don't use CuckdrigaCX. Also, don't use Kraken because the CAD pair their has shit tier pricing
Noah Mitchell
>Also, don't use Kraken because the CAD pair their has shit tier pricing Kraken's CAD pair has improved tremendously over the past couple months or so when they got themselves a Canadian credit union bank account for processing incoming wires. Their trade volume is still on the low-end. But I have been able to get a fair price for my BTC on there over there recently.
Evan Murphy
Like right now on Kraken you can sell BTC for $9172.40-$9235.80CAD/BTC. The price on Bitfinex converted to CAD is $9164 CAD/BTC (preev.com/btc/cad/source:bitfinex). And then of course minus 0.16-0.26% trade fee on Kraken (you get a bigger discount if you day trade volume on Kraken. I do my day trading on Binance instead). Minus $10 flat CAD withdrawal fee. If you are cashing out small volumes then yea Bylls and BitBuy is probably better. I am avoiding CuckdrigaCuckXtreme from now on until I get my motherfucking money from 2 months ago.
Xavier Lee
Can you cash out OTC at any of these exchanges? Like walk in a walk out with a bank draft or similar?
Juan Gonzalez
i use gemini, had no problems yet
Xavier Garcia
>Can you cash out OTC at any of these exchanges? Like walk in a walk out with a bank draft or similar? Quadriga and Coinsquare don't have OTC desks, no. Kraken does but it's international. Their OTC desk probably doesn't include CAD. There is a vibrant OTC community in Canada operating outside of the exchanges but be prepared to pay hefty commissions. Heh.
Cameron Lee
How do you cash out on Gemini?
Anthony Powell
wire transfer
Aaron Howard
Gemini is proper. The 2.5+% foreign transaction fee that Canadian banks charge sucks though. What good is having US dollars sitting in a USD bank account if mostly everything you need to buy in Canada requires CAD?
>How do you cash out on Gemini? So as long as Gemini acknowledges your Canadian driver's license/passport and utility bill/bank statement as legitimate, you can sell on there and withdraw USD via bank wire (note: any international bank wires $10k and above are going to be reported to FinTRAC, since you are Canadian and FinCEN, since Gemini is American). If you withdraw USD to your CAD bank account, be prepared to pay a 2.5+% foreign transaction fee to your bank. If you have a USD bank account, you don't pay that fee. But you're going to need to convert that USD to CAD (again, 2.5+%) when you spend that money in Canada/pay your bills.
Benjamin Kelly
Where is this vibrant community uou speak of user. I found no such OTC thing
Benjamin Morales
>Where is this vibrant community uou speak of user. I found no such OTC thing localbitcoins, paxful, localethereum, there are tons of brokers who do cashouts on their website outside of these sites as well. They all charge commissions.
Parker Sullivan
Einstein exchage , although highish fees has treated me very well
Zachary Lewis
Best part you can phone them up 24/7
Lucas Hernandez
I've heard some pretty sketch shit about Einstein exchange refusing to process withdrawals to clients and such. Sounds like a scam exchange much like ezBtc (ezBtc still owes me 1+ BTC. It took them 17 days to pay out 1+ BTC from the 2+ BTC they owed me in total). What the fuck is it with Canadian exchanges being so sketch? Now there are reports that Coinsquare is faking trade volume. Fuck this country.
Dylan James
the fuck, for real? i've stopped using ezBtc as an on-ramp since they have such low volume and usually trade ~5% higher than quadriga or coinsquare and have heard about slow fiat withdrawals but nothing like you described
Jordan Ross
yeah I've been waiting motherfucking 20 days and counting and all I got was 1+ BTC from them. They owe me another 1+ BTC (2+ BTC in total). SCAMMERS. You can tell they are running out of new suckers to fund their ponzi scheme when they struggle just to pay 1 bitcoin.
Adrian Roberts
I've used coinsquare for months and they've been great.
Zachary Rogers
>I've used coinsquare for months and they've been great. I've heard word on reddit that coinsquare is faking trade volume. With the site trading with themselves. Whether that is a disinformation campaign by Quadriga or not though, who knows. What I do know is I've been waiting almost 2 months to get paid by Quadriga. Jesus. lol. One guy got a low 6 figure wire recently after waiting since MAY!
Leo Garcia
Using quadrigacx is okay for small amounts
Gabriel Rivera
>Using quadrigacx is okay for small amounts Define small? I guess high 4-figures isn't considered small then since I've been waiting 2 months for my money. lol.
Cooper Collins
lesser than 2000
Ian Phillips
Hey user they took 1 month to give me my money it was about 12k and I used the cc withdrawal method and then transferred the money to my chequings account. I think i got it sooner cause i complained on the quadrigacx subreddit. Your money will come tho but how long i dont know. Fuck these guys.
Andrew Green
Probably, I got my withdrawal after three months kek, my butthole was clenching the entire time. $6.5k
Zachary Ramirez
>I used the cc withdrawal method and then transferred the money to my chequings account. You're going to be paying cash advance fees if you do that shit user. I moved "credit" from my credit card balance to my bank account once and my bank charged me a cash advance fee. Fuckers.
Easton Ward
The crypto sphere in Cucknada is fucked, every path to buy in or cash out has obstacles and middle men to trim your money. It has to be the fucking banks, I can't believe nobody is able to create a good honest service that can promptly process deposits and withdrawals.
William Cook
LOL @ all the cum guzzling Quadriga shills downvoting me on reddit just for speculating that Quadriga may not be solvent because I've been waiting forever for my money. Mt. Gox used the exact same excuses about banking and we all saw what happened there. Crypto users have a right to be paranoid when they're not getting paid.
QuadrigaCX is the worst exchange I've ever used. I waited 2 months and had to withdraw my money back into crypto. They're horrible. Use CanadianBitcoins. I pulled out around $500 with them and they were good.
Bentley James
All these, absolute garbage. There's currently no hassle free way in canada yet
Brody Gray
CanadianBitcoins was good. I had no problem using them. They were 100x better than QuadrigaCX. Have you tried them before?
Elijah Powell
I have been using QuadrigaCX to cash-out on and off since 2017 and haven't had any serious problems until now. The most I ever waited for my money until now was a month. Now I'm waiting 2 months. At this point, I am starting to doubt their claims that the delays are due to the Canadian banking cartel.
When I first started cashing out at Quadriga (early 2017), it took one week. Then periodically it would take 2 weeks sometimes. Then periodically it would start taking 4 weeks. Then eventually a month. And then a month and a half. Then 2 months+. It is getting progressively worse. So there can only be TWO options. 1) The Canadian banking cartels are getting progressively aggressive 2) Quadriga is progressively running out of money (ponzi). Haha.
Nicholas Hall
>Quadriga is 4.3% higher than Kraken. lmao. ya they're always 3-5% higher but as long as you strictly use Quadriga to onramp/offramp it all works out the same since your buy & sell price will be higher.
I've withdrawn about ~$250k on Quad in total, last one was a couple months ago for about $9.5k and it took about 30 business days (listed as 7-14 business days on their site)
The same day I received mine I saw a bunch of posts about other people receiving theirs (and an IRL friend of mine also received a payment) so they seem to do them in big batches.
All that said, the bulk of my withdraws were 6+ months ago so it is possible they're insolvent and just using new money to pay for smaller withdraws in the meantime (thats what ezBTC seems to be doing as well), but who knows. I managed to get all my money out of them to date.
ya ezBTC is a scam I think, if you go look at the BitcoinCA subreddit there are multiple people creating threads and posting screenshots with the exchange owner, and apparently there are multiple legal claims filed against the guy (forget the owners name, Dave Smilles or something?)
Caleb White
>ya ezBTC is a scam I think, if you go look at the BitcoinCA subreddit there are multiple people creating threads and posting screenshots with the exchange owner, and apparently there are multiple legal claims filed against the guy (forget the owners name, Dave Smilles or something?) David Smillie
Daniel Murphy
no one has been outright scammed just some very lengthy time delays but still the best option for Canadians.
Colton Hall
>ctrl f >no shakepay
used them to buy, went smooth they use e-transfers
I hear that Shakepay's e-mail addresses for Interac e-transfer funding keep getting blacklisted by Interac. Interac (which is owned by the banks) deliberately blocks known crypto businesses. Just like how Interac Online was blocking QuadrigaCX.
I don't know what Shakepay's cash out price is right now since I'm not with them. But I'm pretty sure I'm getting a better rate on Kraken CAD. Kraken is a proper exchange. Shakepay is like a broker. They shave several points off each transaction. Shakepay is good for cashing out small volume. But I need to cash out $42k worth of crypto.
Kevin Hernandez
1 btc is 9281 on shakepay right now.
John Wood
Shit I was looking at the buy, to sell its 8990, which is about the same as what you see on coinbase pro
Angel Anderson
I have nothing to add other than I fucking hate that pos exchange and their 0.5% fees. I always wondered why there was such a premium and now I know, u can't get your money out of that trash site.
Xavier Morales
cheers lads i've seen some of those threads but i was under the impression that they were all posted by a disgruntled former employee. mainly was using their exchange to on-ramp fiat since they offered e-transfer deposits. don't think i'll be on/off-ramping any fiat in the near future but maybe kraken will be the best option.
Lincoln Perry
Coinsquare fakes some volume, but they use a legit bank in Calgary for wire transfers. Extremely fast (usually 2-3 days for me) fiat deposits and withdrawals
Ryder Hall
Well shit, I better bite that bullet and sign up for a murican exchange. Tis a shame but when you gotta sell you gotta sell. I still got a bit of time maybe some of these Canuck exchanges will pull their heads out of their ass. Good luck op I hope you get your cash and don't get fucked by the tax dicks.
Zachary Moore
>Well shit, I better bite that bullet and sign up for a murican exchange. I've been selling on Kraken lately (they have a CAD pair). Kraken is US-based. Just like Coinbase. Silicon Valley.
Kraken is a good on-ramp. You need to send a large wire for it to be worth it though. It costs at least $30 to send a wire with your bank. And then Kraken's bank charges a fee for the incoming wire as well. But the fee is not percentage based. So if you do a large wire, it's worth it.