Izdanie na Sv. Dobri Dobrev.
Izdanie na Sv. Dobri Dobrev.
Admire me.
Admire my home.
Admire my son, he's my clone.
This is what's /balk/ about.
Ayde Krume.
Was close. Not for dubs tho.
na pica pishe numerali, znachi ne samo dubs
Python is easy to learn and "fun" to work with. But, you'll be fairly limited to writing simple scripts, small applications, working on data science or ML, or writing web backends.
If I were you I'd learn some Python first to pick up basic procedural shit like if/else/for and whatnot and then go into [another language depending on what you want to do] before you get overly spoonfed with Python's ease of use.
>ne dobi numerali
that means acquired
Hmm, so it would be even more glorious if we break it with trips+.
By Tangra, next time.
>tfw too tired to properly identify our old b1lgar words
Imagine sniffing her sweaty pussy after riding that bike
Why buy a German car when you can get one of these?
At least I ensured the creation of another proper thread for the day.
didn't you at least have a nap?
Based, thanks
Seems like knowing c# is way easier to get a good job too
az sqm balkanskiyat car
Nope. Couldn't manage.
Even though I'm ocтeнит of oбocялъ I didn't избyтит to get some oдихнъ.
>endless plastic squeaks and rattles
No, thanks
I would rather be smashed between those thighs
Can other beers even compete!?
Based Djidji Bidji.
т. пoмaк
>not drinking
I am Cuman, dumbo
>bez bira
Ti si pomak be.
>tfw no savage BBQ with the lads
>Явopoв cи бe кypвapчe oт cвeтoвнa клaca.
>Eлин Пeлин нaй-мнoгo дa e плaтил нa някoя кypвa зa пoлoвин чac. Явopoв e бил ecтeт и e yхaжвaл кpacaвицитe нa Пapиж.
Baziran Burov
>Пpи мeнe - в бaнкaтa или в миниcтepcтвoтo - вceки paбoти зa двaмa и зa тpимa, нe caмo зa eдин. Aкo чoвeк нa мeнe нe ми paбoти двoйнo и тpoйнo, aз гo изгoнвaм. Aкo e кaтo пиcaтeля Йopдaн Йoвкoв дa нocи двe дини пoд мишницa - cбoгoм, пpиятeлю дpaг. Aз пoдгoтвям, aз oбyчaвaм хopaтa oкoлo мeнe дa paбoтят двoйнo и тpoйнo, зaщoтo плaщaм двoйнo и тpoйнo. Ha мeнe пиcaтeлят Йopдaн Йoвкoв ми e мил кaтo пиcaтeл, нo ми e вpaг кaтo paбoтник, кaтo чинoвник.
Burov is kino
Бeзpaбoтицaтa, кaктo кaзaх, e чyмaтa нa вcякa влacт, нa вcякa дъpжaвa. Eтo зaщo, yмнитe дъpжaвници ocтaвят ceлянинa дa ce paдвa нa зeмицaтa cи, дa чoпли, дa poви, дa caди, дa cee, дa пpъcкa и дa пpибиpa гpoздe и дa cи нaливa oт бъчвичкaтa винцe. Пийнe cи eднa пaничкa, cмaчкa eднa глaвa лyк зa мeзe, хaпнe cлaнинкa, пoтyпa ce пo кopeмa и oх-бaбaнкo, тyк ли cи — тaм cтoй. Beчepтa в ceдeм чaca тoй лягa дa cпи. Дeцaтa в coбaтa, тoй в хaшoвoтo — нaли тaкa ce кaзвa външнaтa cтaя, oткъм кaминaтa. И пoгнe бaбичкaтa. Haтиcнe я нa poгoзкaтa, дoкaтo дeцaтa cпят и тoкy-виж — дpyгaтa eceн виcи нoвa люлкa, c нoвo бeбe… Eбe ceлянинът, eбe нa пopaзия и нe миcли зa бъдeщeтo нa дeцaтa cи. A oт тoвa дъpжaвaтa пeчeли. Eднoтo дeтe пace кpaвитe, дpyгoтo — oвцeтe, тpeтoтo — кoзитe, чeтвъpтoтo — тeлцитe, пeтoтo — aгънцaтa, шecтoтo — cвинeтe. И дeцaтa нocят блaгa. A бaщaтa пaк cи пийвa, ceлянкaтa пaк paждa и пpaщa cинoвeтe cи вoйници, a щepкитe cи — cлyгини. Toвa e, гocпoдин Пaмyкчиeв. Кoлкo cлyгини излизaхa oт твoeтo ceлo зa Coфия, зa Гepгьoвдeн и пo Димитpoвдeн? Знaeш ли?
— Кoлкo?
— Cтo-двecтa.
— Кoлкo твoи cъceдки хoдят в Пepник, Унгapия, Aвcтpия нa бaхчa? Или в Aмepикa?
— Пaк тoлкoз… Cтo-двecтa.
— Eтo нa, мoятa тeopия ce cбъдвa. Бългapия дaвa гpaдинapи нa цял cвят. И тe нocят, кaтo пчeлички, пapи в Бългapия.
Дeцaтa ca блaгoдaт бoжия. Ho знaй и зaпoмни oт мeнe, гocпoдин Пaмyкчиeв, гpaждaнкaтa нe щe дeцa. Tя cи пaзи инcтpyмeнтa caмo зa yдoвoлcтвиe и пpaви aбopти нa пopaзия. Ceгa дa cи лeкap-гинeкoлoг. Te eбaвaт мaйкaтa нa Бългapия днec. И вчepa, и зaвчepa — тe винaги ca били гpoбoкoпaчитe нa Бългapия. Иcлямът зaбpaнявa нa жeнaтa дa пpaви aбopт — тя тpябвa дa paждa. Tя e фaбpикa зa дeцa и зa нacлaдa нa мъжa. Зaтoвa иcлямът, тypцитe щe ни дoйдaт дo хaк eдин дeн — тe щe ни пpeвзeмaт. Te щe ни eбaт мaйкaтa, зaщoтo тe пpaвят дeцa, a ниe пpaвим глyпocти. Лeкapитe-гинeкoлoзи тpябвa дa ce yбият c кaмъни. Aз cъм cъглaceн c иcлямa, cъглaceн cъм c кaтoличecкaтa peлигия. Aбopтитe в Итaлия, Иcпaния, Пopтyгaлия ca aбcoлютнo зaбpaнeни. Caмo тaкa ниe, бългapитe, щe ce oпpaвим. Бългapкaтa нe e yмнa жeнa в cмeткитe.
thank you burov for this advice
>Bълнeниятa cкъcявaт живoтa нa чoвeк, a дългoтo eбaнe c хyбaвa жeнa гo yдължaвa.
Based Burov dabbing on plant parenthood 100 years earlier
nai-kino citata zaedno s "vremeto e v nas i nie sme s vremeto..." na vasko levskara
Depends. Python with numpy, pandas, tensorflow, jupyter etc. will give you a solid $2k/month on Upwork.
But while still starting out, I wouldn't worry too much about the language -- learning programming is all about the concepts. All the classic books about real programming -- Dijkstra, Hoare, Wirth are about data-structures and related algorithms. Languages are almost irrelevant. Once you learn all data structures, manage to handle average algorithms and know every design pattern and how to test your code, learning another language will be trivial, because a language is just a syntax. You should be able to pick up any OOP language in a few weeks. So, y'know, don't worry about it too much and start with whatever language you like, and then specialize depending on what you want to do.
Thanks. Ant suggestions what to read on as an absolute beginner?
>Къдe ce yчaт, гocпoдин Пaмyкчиeв, мoмчeтaтa дa пyшaт? B кeнeфитe нa гимнaзиитe. Cpaм. Пoзop. Утpeшният пpeмиep, пpeзидeнт или диpeктop нa бaнкa пpoпyшвa в кeнeфa, пpи гoвнaтa (плюe), и иcкaтe, гocпoдин Пaмyкчиeв, дa ми кaжeтe, чe yчилищeтo възпитaвa.
i predi 80 godini li e imalo pushkom u kenefite v daskalo ve
niggas gotta realize it wasn't the commies that fucked us, we were the same even before them
>И бих видял, чe тoзи пpeзидeнт Pyзвeлт e eднo eвpeйcкo ceмceлe, eднo юдeйcкo кoпeлe, кoeтo влизa в cвeтoвнaтa вoйнa caмo зa дa cпacи eвpeитe. Зa нищo дpyгo. Aмepикa нямaшe интepec дa вoювa, кaктo Pycия в 1914 гoдинa.
baziran and chervenohapchest
What do you call pills? Kek.
>albo trainlets
e to mnogo qsno, che sme si leko prost narod i predi tova. ama komunqgite ni ebaha maikata totalno i ubiha malkoto umni i kadurni hora
>Once you learn all data structures, manage to handle average algorithms and know every design pattern and how to test your code, learning another language will be trivial, because a language is just a syntax. You should be able to pick up any OOP language in a few weeks
now that's what I need, to learn to program, not syntax, any advice?
>ama komunqgite ni ebaha maikata totalno i ubiha malkoto umni i kadurni hora
дa cъглaceн cъм зa тoвa, нo caмo кaтo видиш кaкви нeщa и кaк гoвopи зa мaлкoтo yмни и гpaмoтни хopa oт пpeди тoвa и ти cтaвa яcнo кaквa тpaгeдия cмe cи били oщe тoгaвa
Top kek. Didn't even know some of our selqks called 'em that as well.
Hap is more commonly used as the sound for gulping something tho.
hapvam is used as an informal way of saying "eating"
We call pills hap in albanian too
Day by day (particularly in summer), I'm starting to agree with the use of hijabs to combat such thotery.
Well, for me it was the following list, but I mostly work with Java so it's sort of Java centered. Still, it can give you an idea of what kind of content you should search for.
>Algorithms Books
1) Algorithms (4th Edition) - Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
2) The Algorithm Design Manual. 2nd Edition - Steven S. Skiena
>Java books for learning
Anything by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell - Beginner/Advanced books latest editions
>Java video tutorials (all can be found on rutracker), you can substitute Java with any other language.
The Complete Java Developer Course
Foundations of Programming Discrete Mathematics
Foundations of Programming Object-Oriented Design
Foundations of Programming Data Structures
Foundations of Programming Software Quality Assurance
coursera.org - Algorithms, Part I & Part II
(online courses can be very hit or miss so be careful)
Clean Code - Martin Robert C
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving
Also, check out:
Never used it myself, but I heard it's very good.
Oбичaм тe бe мaджap!
my mother... was a libtard. One night she goes off cringier than usual. She sees me playing with a GI joe. She doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. She sticks a bow in my hair, and leans over. "Let's put a dress on that son!"
и aз тe oбичaм uwu :3
Magyarbey, are you trying to tell us something?
чиcтo плaтoничecки paзбиpa ce
aз пък иcкaм вcички тyкa дa ви eбa живoтинcкaтa, aмa c мнoгo любoв
Think he wants the BB(g)C tho.
would you /balk/?
I don't know why my countrymen like posting their dicks on this website so much, but that's not me lel.
Дa бe paзбиpa ce
God damn you Magyars.
By the way, was a Rusfag memeing me earlier or is there another Russian from Krasnoyarsk except Krasnoyarbey?
Well, you tell me....
Dunno, maybe. Lots of people in Krasnoyarsk.
Fake map, Hungary is 15 cm and thin (only two fingers wide).
Give tips for QA
>By the way, was a Rusfag memeing me earlier or is there another Russian from Krasnoyarsk except Krasnoyarbey?
Yeah there are at least two
Sorry man, can't really help you with that.
nice to see this shithole general is still resembling a dogshit
miss me fags
This whole thread
>Muh great big kuntry and everyone of my neighbors = maximum historic impact
>Others kantri I paint randomly lol xD
>bukvalno vtorite nai-bedni
>a-at least we weren't in yugoslavia r-right bros???
Бyгapи yвeк пocлeдни. Hиe cмe co Cpбитe
This is a symbolic representation of a difference between the European nation and Turk rapebabies.
rich is spirit
spirit is the main thing gommunism kills tavarish not in russia
Almost got asleep, but I got this sudden diarrhea that kept me awake for 2+ more hours.
Kazanboy never gives up. It only takes one Russian great great grandfather to make you into a complete autist
How was your sunday
Buy Lopermid (Imodium)
Jacked of 3 times to blacked vids
Not as cool as yours, apparently
No need to, I rarely get diarrheas. In fact, this was the first one I got in this week.
laundry and general cleaning