It appears that my superiority has led to some controversey

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I'd just like to quickly point out that this is "international", not "national".

Based and New Jerseypilled
201 checking in

do you honestly think we can tell the shape of states? besides texas we cant

Boo fucking hoo, you are on an American domain, go call the coppers on me for a hate crime you kike

Why New Jersey has so big butt?

There are more cultural differences between neighboring US states than there are between any European countries.

732 gang represent

bada bing...



I thought I was looking at liechtenstein for a moment


Amen. 2 American towns side by side have more difference between them than the entirety of Europe put together.

holy shit im so west is based coast i dont even know what state that is

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>Amen. 2 American towns side by side have more difference between them than the entirety of Europe put together.

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Great Lakes coast is best coast

>muh saltwater
Yeah no

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imagine actually believing this

Do you think us Americans should add some kind of redditeqsue /banter tag for our slower European brethren?

Imagine not.

Imagine being British

Keep telling yourself that.

908 here

The cultural difference between Slovenia and Bosnia alone is as big as that between the Midwest and Mexico.


don't have to innit

and you're on BRITISH invented internet you thick yank nigger

The cultural difference between Slovenia and finland is less significant the cultural difference between somerset county and Middlesex County

Word wide web isn't the internet. Darpa invented the internet

what is that? looks like southern brazil

we are not a commieblock-filled taiga

WWW is the internet, the rest is shit yank add-ons

609 here brothers

keep quiet nerd

Same, we're Jersey lite though may as well be integrated into NYC at this point.

I hate NYC desu

Literally can't recognize this state

>we're Jersey lite though may as well be integrated into NYC at this point.
True, we’re basically just a suburb county of nyc



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You must mean North Jersey. South Jersey is its own different thing


Pick one

Internet encompasses the www meme. Www meme does not encompass the internet.

Internet = American
Jow Forums = American
Google = American

You are living in an American world

Based. How do we stop new york supramcy?

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Yes we are talking about 201 (Bergman county), follow the convo dude

South Jersey independence

Fuck off separatist. From Cape May to Bergen, we are all New Jerseyan brothers.
