Imagine if Europeans had never settled into the Americas

Imagine if Europeans had never settled into the Americas

What would the continent be like in 2019 if it remained 100% native ?

Would they have reached civilization on their own or would they have kept on killing each other in honor of the sun god ?

I'm thinking the latter, seeing as there are still savages in the south american jungles that do weird stuff even in our day

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they would be extinct once Eskimo BVLLs got tired of them

that's a sacrificial tower, where is the civilization on your picture ?

fuck your b8 thread desu

Continue building more cities and become collection of kingdoms and confederacies
or become collection of Chinese protectorates while developing further

Civilization sprung from creation of temples and civilization is needed to sustain creation of massive pyramids in that much scale. Wypipo be like

>Civilization sprung from creation of temples


no ??????

Southern Iberians/Andalusians/Portuguese look 100% like this

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They would have reached unknown knowledge, Maya civilisation was far from basic

They probably would have developed good civilizations, at least East Asia tier. They were advancing extremely quickly in terms of technological developments, it just got cut short by the Europeans. The Incans for example had many accomplishments despite only existing for a hundred years.

We would have to deal with Native diaspora arguing about which tribe is the best on Jow Forums

Göbekli Tepe

why the fuck are wypipo so dumb and behind? We are truly the future of mankind as wypipo grow dumber thanks to you

>They would have reached unknown knowledge

such as ?

Something like mmongolia or Afghanistan aka the only countries not colonized by Europeans.

you are not american what is your problem chang

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they would've been wiped out by Chinese diseases

Because it baffles me that people living in 2019 could be so uneducated and dumb to what's happening in the world. Also I am LEE not c*ang

The strength of the diseases will be lessened as Chinese weren't that interested in colonization and slave trade as they were the hermit kingdom. Majority of plagues in Americas were due to European slavery in South America making starving people in cities, providing an ideal condition for the plague. Similar things also happened in North America as natives fought to enslave each other and sell to the whites which led to population to be concentrated to be safe from the slave raids. Even if diseases wipe out the most, there would be enough time to recover as Chinese were not that expansionist and willing to spend resources on that kind of a project with an uncertain future.

Mexico would be like 100 different diverse states

>would they have kept on killing each other in honor of the sun god ?
God, I wish that were me

Why is East Asia so superior to the West?

It's unknown.

There is no such thing as a "superior" culture as you have no such thing as an objective meter for civilization and cultures. For example you might say East Asia is "better" based on population or say West is "better " based on HDI.

peru (Tawantinsuyu) would be a marxist leninist country, no doubt about it

>imagine if Europeans
Stopped reading, Italians are not European

Not even cloose
She has twice as many eyebrows as an Iberian, and portuguese women have moustaches.
Also they are a bit tanned
Source: a Spaniard (my flag is italy coz i'm in there for holidays tho :D)

>ywn see it
why are we still here

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To reach a civilization they would need a proper land where to start to discover how to plant large portions of land for crops, something hard to do from scratch in the amazon
Also a shit ton of deadly animals

The reason civilization started in Middle-East/China/Mexico/Hindus Valley is because their climate was more civilization-friendly. Also, humans arrived waaaaaay later to the americas.

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some of them had civilization akin to medieval eurasia
but some of them were also paleolithic tier savages
I guess the latter would just have been absorbed into the former

They had civilization dumb ass. Amazon also housed millions historically. Environmental determinism is still retarded and ahistorical.

Hail Aztlan

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They were not really "paleolithic savages" as they communicated and traded with civilizations. They were tainted with curse of civilization. Truly a low iq amerimutt post who doesn't know anything about reality or anthropology


Incas had the highest chance of long term success imo and had an effective governmental style, when expanding into a new region conqured peoples would be shuffled around the rest of the empire, allegedly to mix the population together and reduce regional nationalism (if you grew up in one area and were conqured, but allowed to stay in the area, you were more likely to later rebel but if you were moved from the south to the north and were forced to adopt 'inca' as your identity to the locals, you'd consider yourself inca) and a common language + census

Different regions of the world had greater/lesser time to develop in their area, with south americans having by far the least time to prepare. It's interesting to imagine if they had as much time to develop in their region as the Spanish did. Disease probably still would've led them to getting BTFO though

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incas got btfo by semi nomadic inbred mapuches tho

romans got btfo by semi nomadic inbred germans
sometimes thats just how it be

is that man or woman

sometimes I doubt the whole thing about how everyone was a hunter-gatherer before ~10k bc. yes I know this is a monumentally stupid statement but still. agricultural civilizations could have existed for 150k years since anatomically modern humans and just left no trace; they didn't necessarily need a writing system. buildings and structures decay quickly. it just seems so bizarre to me how recent civilization itself is, makes me doubt it hasn't always existed.

Incas had literally *just* appeared when the Spaniards arrived. That's far too little time to judge whether or not they would have achieved long-term success. In particular, the lack of a writing system would have severily limited the long-term potential of such a large empire.

The Mayans, on the other hand, proved themselves to be a legit civilization and were basically the Ancient Greeks of Mesoamerica.

This thread would answer your question. Also this is reddit but it's separate from the rest in it's moderation so it's fine.

Incas still had their own system of record and it was enough for them to unify the region. What differentiates the "legit civilization" and the "unlegit" one anyway? It's either a civilization if it has general characteristics of it or not a civilization.

Mayas were long dead when we conquered them.

Of course not, they will just kill themselves to extinction.

White person saying this about others is quite ironic isn't it? Also extinction through warfare is rare even through significant depopulation could occur.


stfu insect

making a bog standard pyramid and ripping childrens hearts out on it for the sun god is not "civilisation"

Fuck you on about zhang

Whitoid shows his true nature beneath his pink, wrinkly skin: an ape.


That's just defensive

>Spaniards infilled ALL OF IT

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That was how civilization is. Brutality, rape, mass sacrifice, emperors, glorification of warfare, religion, and agriculture. Every civilization including the iron age cultures in Britain were like this.

Am I wrong? Europeans are well alive even after centuries of warfare.

i only become pink when i get mad or when i play sports, insect
my skin colour is white and i am slavic, not a f*Rstie

ok then I will formally apologize mr. ape I will not use racial slurs as they are hurtful and mean. I will not use racial stereotypes to criticize others from now on. Thanks for helping me afro-slavic apeman.

all is forgiven, brother

Thank you. All men are brothers under the red flag.

You didn't conquer shit, peasant. The conquerors were (about half) my ancestors.

It would be a better africa, also it would have one to three post 19th century colonial countries that are far more advanced than the others because they adopted european ways and technology.

Collapse of the Aztec Empire was more of a civil war then a purely spanish conquest. Majority of soldiers and all the supplies were all done by native allies of Spain. Without the cracks in the Aztec Empire, they didn't stood a chance.

There would be no marx or lenin because of the butterfly effect.

>i'm in there

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they would be ouga boging in the jungle

Something similar to Marx would still arise as Europeans were already on the road to capitalism. Once capitalism rose in Europe, it would spread to other uncolonized nations like how China and Japan adopted European mode of production which would then result in the rise of communism. There might be no Lenin but there would be something equivalent to Marx. But there is a possibility that natives might reach communism independently as how Marx argued Russian commune and the Indian collectives had the potential of developing into something greater.

Significant portion of population were becoming sedentary in the Americas before the Europeans came.

JUST look at the amount of makeup that creature is using
she must be a 5/10 without it

they would have just been contact by asians or africans and perished either way

get a load of this here brainlet

Pure Natives have more cranial capacity than iberians

Inca, Maia and Aztec empires would be the biggest
other great empires would be formed, with us eventually having so many people that we would start invading other continents (a lot of big wooden boats) and dominate them by numbers
euros wouldn't have enough natural resources to craft advanced forms of defense, so they would fall easier than africans

A sneeze it’s all what it takes to genocide them

not everyone are psychopaths like you mutt. China nor african kingdoms were that interested in colonization or slave trade as they weren't going to spend tons of money on a project that doesn't even pay off quickly.

You secretly know I'm right but your ape instinct keep you from admitting that,

brazilians indios didn't do shit they were cannibals and lived in huts

even without colonization, just contact would kill many of the natives as disease did when the europeans contacted natives

This is what Canada would look like.

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>Would they have reached civilization on their own or would they have kept on killing each other in honor of the sun god ?
They would have modernized. Just like all other peoples in the world. I pretty much think, they would have made a better civilization than modern latam. A homogeneous HIgh IQ population. NOt all the niggers that were brought to the Americas.

Cannibalism is more prevalent in civilizations than the tribes. Also cannibalism is more of a thing for New Guinean tribes. Amazons also hosted great cities and cultures.

Also hunter gathers aren't magically not doing anything while the agrarian empires develop. They dynamically interact and transform also even through your retarded apebrain wouldn't be enough to understand this.

not the brazilian ones they are the dumbest of all americas

When they were trying to seize the city, they destroyed the dams, flooding the cities, and they still lost. Something like 80% of the spanish forced was destroyed, and had to come back months later to a city that had succumbed to disease.

Cannibalism is attributed to any civilization that they don't understand well.
it's actually pretty cringe.

The strength of the diseases will be lessened as Chinese weren't that interested in colonization and slave trade as they were the hermit kingdom. Majority of plagues in Americas were due to European slavery in South America making starving people in cities, providing an ideal condition for the plague. Similar things also happened in North America as natives fought to enslave each other and sell to the whites which led to population to be concentrated to be safe from the slave raids. Even if diseases wipe out the most, there would be enough time to recover as Chinese were not that expansionist and willing to spend resources on that kind of a project with an uncertain future. Without the Europeans enslaving and suddenly forcing concentration of population through invasion and slave raids, disease contact would have had a much milder impact. For example, people dying in Nazi camps by disease is still responsible for the nazis as their torture and forced labor of the prisoners severely weakened them.

Get a load of this retard

I literally just gave you an example of Brazilian natives building cities and creating a flourishing culture. Are you really this thick-headed?

That is often true, but the Aztecs were pretty metal with their cannibalism.

But they would have recovered. Just like the europeans and the asians recovered.

The american indians had it bad, because they had to deal with disease and a foreign invasion at the same time.

Then, Europeans brought all these niggers, and made the whole thing even worse.

American empires were unlikely to be very interested at the seas. They would probably just trade instead of going apeshit like the Europeans did.

A sneeze, forced labor, enslavement, concentration of population and bad sanitation is what takes to mostly genocide them.

more like peruvian indios not the brazilian peru also has the amazon
they ate the flesh of their enemies because they thought it would absorb the power

Blacks weren't really that worse than the whites. Natives actually often allowed runaway slaves into their bands.

our natives were descended from asians that passed through the bering strait, not from africans
we would evolve to start creating harpoons, catapults, poison bombs, spike bombs (old school trigger-based "C4s")
natives already had trigger-based traps, poisoned darts and bows
most of our tribes were conquered because they had rival tribes that wanted them defeated and made an agreement with the invaders

>natives actually often allowed runaway slaves into their bands
Not really. That didn't happen anywhere except in the US. And many of those black "accepted" into native tribes were taken in as slaves themselves.

Some did. Some didn't. Amazon is a big place with many different groups of people so you can't generalize them. The example I just gave you is also about the Brazilian part of Amazon not the Peruvian one.

>But they would have recovered. Just like the europeans and the asians recovered.
no old worlder faced all their diseases within a century, they had thousands of years for their populations to recover

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The biggest reason was disease.
If the natives had not been as weak to disease, they would have recovered. They would have held out for at least 100 years more.

Modern Americas would be 95% native amerindian. A homogeneous society, and probably much more developed than it currently is.

> In the lands which later became part of the United States of America, the first recorded example of an African slave escaping from European colonists and being absorbed by Native Americans dates to 1526. In June of that year, Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón established a Spanish colony near the mouth of the Pee Dee River in present-day South Carolina. The Spanish settlement was named San Miguel de Guadalupe; its inhabitants included 100 enslaved Africans. In 1526 the first enslaved African fled the colony and took refuge with local Native Americans.

Muslims in American History: A Forgotten Legacy by Dr. Jerald F. Dirks. ISBN 1-59008-044-0 Page 204.

They teach this to kids in middle schools

My point is that if there had been no invasion, and had been exposed to disease earlier, without invasion, they would have mustered more defenses.

If 50% of natives had been available to fight, they wouldn't have been conquered for at least 100 yeras more.

If they've had 100/200 year gap between disease and invasion, they would have probably made it. I think

Natives aren't just one group of people in the same way of labeling entire group of people living in Eurasia as Eurasians and assuming they are all homogeneous. Majority of empires and confederations were extremely diverse federations between different cultures.

I know. They weren't homogenous ethnically, but racially they were.
Just like how asians are all asians, but not really one ethnic group.

That's what I meant.

If natives hadn't been hit so hard by disease and invasion, tney would have had some time to modernize and develop macro-cultures and "homogeneous" countries.

There were already huge cultural groups that could have been counted as regions and later transformed into countries. Like Nahuatl, Maya, and Andean cultures.

Some natives actually survived in their own independent states for quite a long time under European protection for collaborating with them. They began to crumble only when the empires became republics that were then expansionist, showing irony in the so-called "Liberty, Equality, Justice:" of the republics.

they all look the same

You are actually correct as if natives tried to build a "modern" european style of capitalist liberal republic, they need to create some sort of a national identity to unite the tribes into a "fictional" homogeneous culture like creation of nation states in Belarus.

Yes, but those "independent states" were micro-states. They were at no point a threat to colonial spain, or republican mexico.

The republics weren't pro-native either. As many of its leaders were mestizos or castizos that had long forgotten their native roots and adopted spanish culture.

But they don't. You could say the same for Europeans if you never met a European before as there's relatively little genetic distinction between Europeans between countries.

the amazon rainforest is still a huge trap to anyone, even for experienced adventurers
there are still cannibal tribes living there, no trained soldier in this world would survive without help for more than 1 week there
natives could have used a thousand natural traps to stop the invaders, but because of their rivalries, they chose to agree with the invaders in the exchange of destroying their rivals and occupying their land