Being a virgin in Mexico sucks:

Bruh bitches are so fucknig shallow, boring and materialistic, if you are not extrovertive, or don't take part in their normie interests you are done, bitches here will only want turbo normie chads, nerdy guys are left to rot alone.

Attached: 1nn3gx.jpg (513x600, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

have sex

get over yourself

Maybe try to live somewhere else other than Baja California

i live in Chihuahua

Honestly, when you get 2 people like that rolling around naked, you don't look cool. You aren't hip. You aren't rebellious. You look stupid. and I laugh at you. And even if you are in shape, its not quite as bad but it's still looks dumb. Last time i checked, being naked was fun, not cool. You know what's cool? It's motorcycle gangs.
>According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average age Americans lose their virginities (defined here as vaginal sexual intercourse) is 17.1 for both men and women. The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24. That number drops below 5 percent for both male and female virgins aged 25 to 29 and goes as low as 0.3 percent for virgins aged 40 to 44.

If you had sex that means you are part of the mindless apes who are 99.7 percent. That isn't exactly a great achievement to boost about on online forums when majority of apes are doing it. The real thing to be proud of is to be the PURE 0.3 percent untainted with hedonism and civilization of lies. Geniuses are more likely to be lifelong virgins like Issac Newton. Death to the breeders Virgin Pride World Wide

Lo incel mexicano...

Get married and procreate.

how is that different from anywhere else


lol apeshit npc tries to blend in with rest of mindless Borg 99 percent

ten sexo

>pop culture analogy
big yikes


In general being a Mexican sucks.

I'm a fag and I can take your virginity, I think latinos are cute

>tfw CHIhuahense and can confirm op's post but i cant get pussy in america either

Attached: 1563738149820.png (633x758, 18K)

I guess we are Mexico of yurop because the same applies here, have u tried talking to few girls tho?

Post face

fuck off leave us alone you shit up every single thread

I didn't know it was possible for Mexcians to be virgin neets. Every Mexican I've ever met is a turbo normie

sign up for Japanese classes at some language center/university and you'll meet some weeb, introvert girl instead of the typical basic bitch.

are you in Texas or California

Based Aztlan

yeah you're right, everyone is a turbo normalfag here, i'd feel more at home in sweeden tbqh

>girls like attractive guys who share their interests
Those monsters.

texans are californians

Aren't there are a lot of alternative and weeb girls in Mexico?

I'm really enjoying your anti-sex rants this morning. Please keep it up.

Wow the obsessed homosexual is a virgin who would've thought

how'd you know? Texas

why don't you ask your 271 primos and primas to find you a nerdy gf?

lol no, bitches here are basic af
i don't even know them

maybe it's because you're in Chihuahua

what's wrong with being a chihuas?

no problem fellow apprentice(or not) :) we are all comrades

I don't believe it, even some of our African Americans are weebs and like anime, there must be a female weeb community in Mexico

I would bet that there are more alternative girls in Mexico City as opposed to the border states

What if I don't like weebs or anime?

people lack individuality here, they all dress, act and consume the same shit

that's true everywhere in the world besides little alternative circles in cities

Damn i tought i was the only one who noticed that.

>tfw have fucked nothing but Mexican chicks here in Texas

Ive literally never slept with a white chick. I dont know why i posted this, i guess i just feel bad that theres so much prime latina pussy around you that you cant pound. Just lift bro.

I'm white and I prefer Mexican chicks over white chicks. Latina pussy is amazing

Holy mother of based

You don't miss too much everytime i have sex i feel emptyness inside in me, like sex is the only thing in life that makes me feel alive.

>i have sex
you don't belong in Jow Forums

Its time to strive for greater things than apeshit in ape world. Imagine how irrelevant all apeshit is in the universe.

>girls say at the same time that looks don't matter and if you are a virgin it's because you are a disgusting vile person that deserves to die
Those monsters indeed.

What do you make you feel alive teach me.

there is nothing in the world better than smelling my Mexican gf's butt while she jerks me off

Enjoy small things and have a holistic feeling. I like to indulge in study of anthropology personally to enjoy my life. But you could feel "being alive" in different ways from me as all men are different.

Sex is also largely unrelated to your own well-being and being your self(literally) as it's just one of things that society infects people with. It's not something that "makes you alive" or "makes you a human". For example, monkeys who were never taught of sex merely masturbated when he saw something hot, showing sex is merely another act that is taught instead of something inherent or what you "need to do". It's also important to know how pointless squabbles and apeshit in this dust is to obsess and feel pain over those things. The meme about "le biological imperative" is just another social norm to put the ape into check and it is a social construction to make you anxious as shown in my monkey example. Regardless your chemical data reproduces or not it's just all squabble on the dust.

yes and some of them are koreaboos. I know some Mexican girls that are in South Korea. all of them a probably getting RICED by Korean men.

>Go to church
>meet a girl
>get married

>implying k-pop is not basic af

>implying wearing a hanbok is basic

all of them we wearing a hanbok in Korea.

race fetish is retarded lmao and stop thinking all inter"race" relationships as conquests incel

I like smelling my Chicana gf's feet or butt while she jerks me off, I always cum really fucking hard

>Go to church

Well that's it, time to rope.

you just described the typical volcel.