S᠍kycoin is bestcoin

>hitting the blockchain conference circuit
>hardware wallets revealed
>android wallet app released
>ios wallet app on the way
>s᠍kywire under heavy development
>obelisk right around the corner

Got in some comfy accumulation at $2, get in here and ask whatever questions you want about the project and pull up some popcorn as we debunk incel whiners that view this project as that girl that won't text them back.

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Let's start off on some information about s᠍kywire, which is why s᠍kycoin will have better staying power in the months and years to come. It's easy to abandon worthless coins like dentacoin, much more difficult when your tech is anchored to the real world.

Attached: 1533747030308.png (5334x6620, 1.71M)

Centralized scam, CEO holds keys to all funds and will turn the keys over to an "anonymous" board (probably still just him.)


Zoom out and kys. You got scammed and your money is gone, get over it and stop shilling this shitcoin. Sage

>hitting the blockchain conference circuit
When are theh hitting the consensus algo circut to fucking get one?
When they gonna get one of those?

You just described any project that hasn't proven that they've locked up the code and thrown away the keys.

Literally any dev can come in and make code changes that do things like fuck with supply.

Someone's making the commits, do you think it's just one person? lol

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Nah, I bought some before it got in the double digits I've been buying all the way down to the bottom. I'm up about 30%.

How can the best coin, one that keeps delivering also be a scam?

It'll be gotten once the primary requirement for their consensus algorithm is completed: skywire nodes.

Surely you don't expect them to push a halfassed product out the door before they make sure it's acceptably functional, do you, user?

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It has to be implemented by other people, there is one fucking node and one person controlling emissions. KYS for scamming people.

>Centralized scam, CEO holds keys to all funds and will turn the keys over to an "anonymous" board (probably still just him.)

That's exactly right :) Which is why the central server that they currently employ is the most logical method as they move forward with building a network of physical nodes. The community has ~7,600 nodes, which is pretty impressive for three months of testnet.

Attached: beeminer.webm (848x464, 1.15M)

I think you're forgetting to switch the proxy back and forth on your skyminer. You can label previously used nodes, user.

What did Skycoin do to hurt you? Does it threaten a project that you like? Maybe you really love EOS or something?

You dont need to have hardware network to design an algo.
Its the most important, difficult bit, and they dont have it.
After 2 ICOs.

Right but that fits the 7 years of development lie? And the testnet of VPNs is tied to the emissions which is completely separate?

>>Centralized scam, CEO holds keys to all funds and will turn the keys over to an "anonymous" board (probably still just him.)

It's a fucking scam and I don't want anons buying scams

Yeah, but if you publish all the secrets to a unique algorithm then everyone copies your homework.

Don't worry, the time will come. It's most logical to focus on the hardware network that the consensus uses.

Lmao how the fuck is it logical.
No algo.
Not now, not ever.

Sure, it takes time to R&D an entire ecosystem of tech. This isn't as simple as a coin and consensus. There's an interesting ecosystem scope to the project that covers a lot of areas.

Attached: skyminoes.webm (960x544, 697K)

Haha, funnily enough, censorship is another great topic to bring up. The entire point of skywire is to circumvent spying and censorship that people such as yourself might like to exercise.

Silly parasite.

Attached: sips.jpg (1280x1280, 130K)

Mm, one of the greatest hallmarks of ignorance is certainty in the absence of information.

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But to answer the question for you again, because nodes on the network are the only way to prove the algorithm actually works ;)

By the way, you sound very simple when you type "algo".

Its a scam user.
I hope theyre paying your curry upfront.

Algo's are only there to create BFT and prevent double spends. You are a fucking retard.

sage, scam. Still has presented no reason why the entire scam supply is being held by a single person for "seven" years.

They pay their faggot posters, I wish I saved the screenshot of synth laying out the rates that they pay for posts and tweets.

If anyone has that help me out so I can shit on these low IQ street shitting faggots more.

Very good :) Now, some algorithms (come on, "r i t h m s") are better than others and solve problems in different ways than others do. I'm sure if you google a little you'll find that there's more than 51% attacks.

That's just the way it was intended. There's no reason to do proof of work and have people running a bunch of useless hardware, so the coin supply is administered.

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Some centralization is required in the initial building of the network. Test net is currently running over 7000 nodes. Once that number is over 10k and fully tested the consensus will be deployed on the network and supply will be automated.
It’s really not that difficult to grasp.
But I’m not surprised because you anti-sky faggots just repeat the same bullshit every time.

When people in the third world are paid in food, it's usually in less perishable staples like rice.

I just like supporting the community. It's really exciting to be surrounded by a bunch of passionate individuals striving towards building something great for the future.

It must be sad only trying to degrade things, user. Does it truly make you happy?

Attached: rmd3.png (320x240, 126K)

Are you fucking high on meth? You fucking meth'd up baby boomer..


Synth has never said that.... LOL, you must be some angry ex employee of Skycoin at this point. whats the matter did Sudo fire you?

No it's running 7,000 VPN nodes (on copy and paste software)

I'm asking about the fucking currency and why it is completely centralized. Who fucking cares if the VPN has a permissioned test net. The currency (that you are selling) is fucked. Fuck you cunt

sage & scam

my fuggin sides, what the fuck is going on in this thread? this lil white boi would be shootin the place up if this werent the internet


bruh, you play madden? INCEL UPRISING NOW HOLY FUCK

>can't answer the most fundamental question

Um, no. Naw man. No. Fuck man. Do you even read what you type? This is pathetic. Go play Madden incel.

Lol. Madden insult fren.

nigga, you already got your ass handed to you now you be goin around asking for other answers, lmao

you that little bitch kid that asks mommy after daddy said "no"

dude why are you keep replying to yourself. really makes you look dumb. stop doing it

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Bullshit. None of the funds are timelocked.

>one node
Every desktop wallet is a full node. mobile is a light wallet. Being a node means you have a local copy of the blockchain. The blockchain and the consensus algorithm are separate components of the system. People who spread misinformation about the basics of technology used in cryptocurrencies have no valid opinion regarding the legitimacy of a project.

Literally none of that applies to skyscam.
There are zero nodes securing the network.
Zero (0).
The "skyminers" are running copypaste vpn software.
The entire network consensus if run from a database in the devs office.

>preferring broken shit now over good shit tomorrow
>zero=0 means everything else i say is also true
No cryptocurrency on the market has a properly functioning consensus algorithm. Distribution of the ledger data does impart security, and the merkelization of blocks imparts security as well. Consensus algorithm is a separate part of the system. Code is not copypasted, its forked. Code forked in this way is traceable on github, and if a project is trying to copy code without acknowledging the source, it is a violation of the publishing license. Having to download the blockchain in your wallet means you have a copy of the database, so although a hard fork could be initiated by the centralized masternode, everyone would know when it happens and how many times it happened (0).

I am regarding you with the benefit of doubt. You are not trying to lie to us in this thread, you are just too stupid to understand what you are saying.


Regardless of what all the FUDkiddies are trying, I'm happy with Skycoin. Bought it cheap and the project looks very promising.

Oh. And the android Skycoin wallet works like a charm.