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cavill kept staring at her the whole interview

Cavill is so fucking based

Attached: 1557123831770.jpg (752x527, 11K)

oh, fuck off

Attached: 1563209869559.jpg (400x440, 45K)

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that man could go bald and still better looking than 99% of Jow Forums

if i became buff and i got a nice haircut i would look better than him

>That hypermire
How do I get a girl to look at me like this, bros? Should I use the rope?

pic ?
or describe me your head

i am 201cm or 6'7'' in american units, i've got a pretty good jaw and jawline (square), very nice eyebrows and full lips
only downside is my hairline is kinda fucked because i had a surgery
but i usually get women compliment me when i actually do go outside
i looked similar to pic rel when i was like 15 and had long hair, now i am buzz cut

Attached: MV5BNTE3MzQzODE3OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDE0ODY1NA@@._V1_.jpg (1445x2048, 461K)

do you have hooded eyes
and whats color of hair/eyes
but yes you are already good looking but not as good as cavill with full hair

grey/green mix, lets call it hazel i guess
>do you have hooded eyes
it looks pretty much like in the pic i posted
>but yes you are already good looking but not as good as cavill with full hair
i guess, he has that anglo phenotype so i can't really compete i guess

Man, I want to borrow his cheekbones and his nose.

>tfw I've had girls glance at me like that but I was too pussy to maintain eye contact.
Just be above average in the looks dept, If your were born ugly you're best bet is to work out a lot.

>American units

Attached: AngloInTheHouse.gif (500x209, 1.8M)

be yourself

not anglo phenotype
but light/medium tanned skin with dark hair and green/blue/grey eye is the best phenotype

Imagine being a Chad, being able to command the attention of women by merely existing. Look how enraptured she is with him, just because of how he looks. Being a Chad must be amazing.

yeah i am starting to grow my beard but i can't grow a full one yet
its blonde/black haired mix and i hope one day i can grow arab tier beards, they look cool as fuck

wheres that gif from anyway

The Patriot with Mel Gibson

if you have a great jawline
grow a very little beard
dont hide your jawline

if you are fat
lose weight
a lot of fatties are hiddens chads

i might just grow a beard like this, my dad used to have one just like pic related
it doesn't cover my jawline but is still a beard

Attached: coif.jpg (500x471, 41K)

why croats are so tall ?

What a Gigachad. Look at that frame, goddamn.

Attached: 1445087343007.gif (331x197, 1.91M)

amerimutt propaganda


the most beautiful man on earth

Attached: 1563298331793.jpg (1102x720, 41K)

mammoth meat make you like big like a mammoth
its make sense


He's as close to the mythical Giga-Chad any normie can possibly be.
Also, he plays vida and respects it. LMAO, Feminists BTFO!

it was probably selective breeding because taller men killed more mammoths than short ones
that's why the tallest basketball(NBA) and football(world cup2018) player were Serbian and Croatian

sometimes i spend time at looking at his pics

its was more of strength than eight for killing a mammoth
our ancestors were small but were able to kill a modern man with a single punch
they were strong enough to stop a running auroch(wild bull) with a single spear and alone

Attached: 1465674909541.jpg (601x601, 106K)

>tfw i know this feeling

feels good to be chad

he can't simply be considered human anymore, he is too advanced

>tfw not fat, just a 5'9 manlet with no rigid jawline
Fuck this gay earth.

goes to the lowest bodyfat possible

How will that make me grow 3 inches?

Hot, you can tell she clenched her pussy

its for your face

Handsome, great smile, suave with the ladies, charming with bros... and plays vida.
I love this dude!

Lanklet freak.


he seem nice too