WTF Pudge stop sapping my exp and go gank mid

>WTF Pudge stop sapping my exp and go gank mid

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>need GANK!!!

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>playing dota in warcraft3
>the map version allows me to get my teammates items from courier
>if teammate starts trashtalking take his items and hide them

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>I'm feeding

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>Why yes, I do exclusively play Auto Chess, how could you tell?

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>league of legends

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>Team Fortress 2

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What the fuck is the point of Pudge
>gets cheap kills from out of sight on enemies who let their guard down for a quarter of a second
>does fucking nothing with the gold so he's useless for the team he's on too


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>pressing Q/R for free kills isn't brainlet

>Valve games
>Steam games
>Games with microtransactions
>Multiplayer PC games

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>open mid

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Yes we get it, you hate popular things because /v/ told you to

>Yes we get it, you hate popular things because /v/ told you to

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Makes kids feel special.

>Using the courier to buy blink dagger

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how come pudge was/is played as mid when he literally doesn't scale with levels and items? why isn't he always played as a position 4?

he is never picked as mid anymore

>You can't completely ignore the feeding lanes as a jgler! You are supposed to carry the entire team!

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he was for a really really long time though
during the entire wc3 dota, HoN and first years of dota 2

>does fucking nothing with the gold so he's useless for the team he's on too
that's entirely up to what you buy, you can either emphasize on his ability to punish the enemy team further with atos, aghs and aether lens or you can build auras and dispels. you can even buy hard lockdown

because back then people didn't pick mids that scaled, the game was either 4 protect 1 or a midgame brawl