You can only post ITT if you unironically love your country

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Your King is often over here and also got once shot by a BB gun lmao

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I love my cunt

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These guys fly over my house every spring

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aight, posting on comfy thread

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amazing picture

Howzit Going, lesser nations?

why yes

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Cute doggo

Go to bed, Norway!

I love my country MEXICO
I despite Amerigoblostan


comfy, as i mentioned

thank you. nice doubles

nice quads

god i love my cunt so much

only the fauna and flora

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Based Thaibros

It's not perfect, but it's the only home I know.

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Meet me at the 16th street mall in Denver Colorado I will break your obese spic nose.



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Mmm yes

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luv Brazil
luv Brazilian food
luv Capiria culture

'ate Cariocas
'ate Northerners
'ate Southerners
'ate Neighboring countries

Simple as.

Yes, I love this country
as it rises forth,
rugged, weathered, above the sea

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I love my country

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I “love” my country too (Holland btw). Things are orderly, we have a king, and we have our Dutch way of life. I feel at home there and i feel like everyone feels the same way about their country

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It mostly seems like all Brazilians hate their country.

i'm a citizen of the world :)


If there was an imaginary scenario that required me to kill every man, woman, and child in another country, to ensure my country and countryman's survival as the only way - I wouldn't hesitate. I'm not talking about recent wars, we all know those were for money/power. But if there was a 'it's either us or them' situation, I would already know my fate. That's what so many other countries will never understand about certain Americans, not the degenerates and scum, but the American's that would do anything if it was needed.

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I like it too. It's the largest archipelago in the world.


love me land
love me kins
hate me cunt
hate islam
simple as

Love my country but hate the way it's run.

I just went to Wat Pra Kaew today and I was and SOOOOOOOOO angry

Filled with yelling Chinese desecrating Thai temple. SHAME government let this happen.

Hell no

>criticizing royal family is illegal

Why do you have to love such a country?