Why can I never make it though more than half a working day before I get so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open...

Why can I never make it though more than half a working day before I get so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open? Even if I get a lot of sleep it happens.

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Stop smoking weed

try looking up sometimes.

Lots of sleep isn’t important, consistency is. I function better sleeping 11-6 than 12-8.
Do some light exercise in the morning, don’t have heavy lunches and drink a decent amount of water. Breaks from screen for 20secs every 20min, make sure you get up and walk around occasionally and make sure you’re sitting with correct posture (feet flat on the floor, legs slanting downwards, arms rest on desk or arms rest without pushing your shoulders to far up or dropping them too far down).

go no carbs no sugar no caffeine

stop eating

mid day protein-rich snack

Drink only water
Take ZMA before bed
Don't look at TV's or screens a couple of hours before bed.

This. Sleeping while stoned or having had alcohol makes you skip REM sleep. Bad for you long term

get exercise daily and this will go away.

Power walking a mile at night if you are lazy. Find a hill if you can

>t. fat fuck who eats take out exclusively and finishes every meal with dessert and smokes weed everyday and sits at a computer all day

stop eating bread

Terrible pic there OP but RR is truly a goddess.

Attached: RR.jpg (1280x949, 442K)

Pics related.

Attached: RR2.jpg (679x877, 70K)

British women are so ugly.

>get more exercise
>get your testosterone tested (doctor will do it through simple blood test)
>go ouside more and get some sun
>eat healthier foods, less sugar/carbs
>if you feel mentally ill or depressed this could cause the tiredness, see a psychologist

Cut out gluten or reduce it, get good sleep, excersize.

Made up lots of weird diseases and food allergies for myself until I realized it was depression. A few weeks after I started meds I stopped being tired all the time.

Rachel Riley now or Vorderman in her prime?
I would choose Vorderman.

Attached: vorderman.jpg (510x384, 37K)

Ear a half a habanero pepper per day and 1-2 raw garlic cloves

You spelt Jewess wrong.
>in b4 khazar milkies

I was in the same situation
When I analyzed the factors, it seemed I got extremely tired after eating pasta, which I did almost every day

When I stopped eating it, as well as white bread, it fixed the problem right away

So check what you're eating, there's a good chance you can improve yours


I did this and was reborn with the very first shot. A lifetime of depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, even my bipolar disorder - gone in an instant.

I met myself for the first time at age 39. That other person is dead and forgotten.

Elaborate pls

I'm so tired all the time it definitely feels like chronic fatigue. I don't want to do anything except lay in bed all day. Lifes become so tiresome.

Happen to to have any articles on this? Sounds interesting. Haven't smoked weed in 5 years, but I remember feeling really well rested the morning after

Hmm? I told my doctor about fatigue, he said "have you had your testosterone checked before", I say no and I get butthurt that he suggested there was something wrong with my "manliness levels", I get the blood drawn anyway

Testosterone 100 ng/dl, on the chart, that is testosterone of a 95 year old man. I get one shot every Monday in the thigh, 200 mg. 10 minutes after the very first shot, crippling anxiety and crippling depression vanished. It actually fucked me up, I had been suffering for over 30 years with depression at that point. It was like someone who has spent decades in prison - they are institutionalized and can't function outside.

I have absolutely no anxiety or depression at the present time.

Interesting. Thank you user.

I've experienced some of the same things as I've gotten older might be worth looking into.

sleep apnea

Placebo my man. Sleeping drunk/high is horrible for your REM cycle which is the most important

I second this.
I sleep really badly and I need 10h to be barely rested.
Turns out I do apnea.
It's an easy fix and you should search thid way too.

Riley now, without a doubt. Although I have to admit that prime Vorderman is looking better than I remembered.

Sounds like you're depressed bro

no gluten aswell

I could go give a speech in front of a million people at any given time and my heart rate wouldn't go up. It's worth looking into for that alone. Health insurance covered it, too.

If you go through with it, make them take your vitamin D levels also. I had a critical deficiency and I WORK OUTSIDE in the sun. I had no clue. Now I know why my teeth started rotting.

Good luck, user.

ur ugly

>no carbs
>mid day protein-rich snack
>muh proteenz

you guys are victims of marketing. The strongest animals get plenty of protein naturally by just eating plants. Gorillas, rhinos, elephants.

eat whole foods.

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did you feel no urge to have sex / hard to actively pursue a girl?

is the "easy fix" wearing the scuba equipment in bed?

You're a fucking moron. Animals are accustomed to the foods they've evolved to eat. You can't treat different foods like they're just equal repositories of nutrients that your body can access whenever it wants.

Some (lower food chain) animals are evolved to eat plants, and have stomachs and digestive systems designed for this.

Humans ate almost exclusively meat for 99% of their history, our stomach acid PH is literally 1, its HCL. This is not to digest plant matter lol.

These veggie gains faggots are literally lying to you.

No Fap
No Weed
No Alcohol
No Shower
No Air
No Porn
No Games
No Walk
No Sit
No Stand Up
No Fly

U r out of shape

>tfw it doesnt sound like youre memeing
Humans (and most primates) are omnivorous. "Omni" meaning "all" and "vorous" meaning "to put things inside you"

Homo sapiens were hunter-gatherers for most of their existence. I wonder what they could have been gathering.

Humans, in the small population sizes that existed prior to the 1800s, literally hunted to extinction thousands of species of animals including fucking Wooly mammoths and many other absolutely gargantuan animals.

For an appreciation of just how vast of a quantity of meat this is consider the fact that a single cow can feed a person for an entire year.

We have only one stomach, not multiple stomachs like other herbivores. Our digestive system most closely resembles wolves, lions, and other preying animals.

Diets are mostly determined by your place in the food chain. If you are a slow animal that can't catch prey, or you're a small animal, you eat plants.

If you are fast or, in humans case, have an enormous brain that allows you to make tools and plan, you eat meat.

Meat was always always always preferred over plants. Plants have always been a secondary food only important as insurance against a failure to hunt.

This is why kids universally hate them.

yes, and it sucks, but not as bad as not doing it. The dreams you have when you first start are worth it alone.

not enough direct sunlight

>Humans ate almost exclusively meat for 99% of their history
> eats processed bologna samich and fried chicken tendies

you know volderman is up for all kind of shit

suck ur mum bruv

keto diet, that shit gives you constant energy

I wanted to fuck constantly. It makes no sense to me. My wife never wants to screw and we fight about it all the time. I've never had anything like "erectile dysfunction", dick can get hard as steel in a fraction of a second.

The blood tests don't lie - 100 ng/dl is about what a 95 year old man has. It's up to 950 after 23 weeks of injections. My sex drive has not changed whatsoever, still constantly want to fuck, same as before. I've lost 20 pounds and look very toned/cut and I haven't even been to the gym yet.

could be sleep apnea you fat fuck. go see your physican about it. sometimes they have screening devices you can wear during sleep.

not enough monster energy

Attached: thatboomerenergy.jpg (1188x792, 333K)

and no dairy


I’ve wanted to have my testosterone checked for a while now because I heard how much of a major issue it can be from Jow Forums. I’m slightly depressed but not as bad as I used to be but I suspected it was just because of life and other factors. I have occassional anxiety as well that, maybe once a year or so, becomes almost unbearable, but never to the point of a panic attack and recently I’ve been able to manage it better than in the previous years. In other words, I do have some issues but they’re nowhere near debilitating. I exercise regularly and intensely without issue. I’m 20 years old. And I forgot to mention that anxiety runs in my family. Would you suspect that I have testosterone issues? I also have OP’s issue of feeling fatigue in the middle of the day despite sleeping well. Could be sleep apnea but I haven’t looked into that either. Would appreciate your thoughts. I’d really like to get rid of this lingering depression that is so irritating in my daily life.

you forgot no pillow

950 is through the fucking roof man no wonder you feel good. 450 is about average for a 26yr old you are at 20yr old levels. Enjoy going bald as fuck and increasing your risk of cancer ten fold. Im considering low dose twice a week to get my levels to a 650 then 2 a week low HgH shot to get the shredded aesthetics.

if you ever had silver fillings, you absolutely have mercury poisoning to some degree
it kicks the shit out of some people in wildly different ways (combinations of shit memory, shit respiration (from breathing to post-nasal drip), shit energy, feeling like you always have to shit (usually because you can't do it successfully), shit nerves
the list goes on)
get emeramide via your country's early access programme; it has literally zero side effects, and completely neutralizes the typical inorganic mercury molecules that wind up dormant in your body's cells, and forever fuck up their functions
it's able to get into cells, and even cross the blood-brain barrier if you take it with DMSO
the company that makes it, emeramed, is compliant to various early access programmes
when you try to get it from your doctor, you'll have to remember that many doctors won't believe you if you tell them that your fillings fucked you up, despite the mountains of proof that they leak elemental mercury right into your oral cavity and that mercury stays in your body (especially the brain) practically forever
give them some fucking story about how you were constantly exposed to mercury through some means that they cannot refute, and that you know emeramide is both way safer and way more effective than DMPS or DMSA, let alone shit mercury chelators like BAL

Attached: amalfills.jpg (650x365, 63K)

>no fly
I'm out

I remember doing an internship ata company working 8h a day and wanting to kill myself every minute cause i was falling asleep.

Now i just browse Jow Forums, go for a coffee or just talk to other guys in the company

Stop fapping and porn, helps a lot with fatigue for me

Seconded, OP should get a sleep test if possible. Losing weight will likely help even if it isn't sleep apnea, tho.