What the FUCK is their problem? Seeing them argue in broken English was kind of endearing at first...

What the FUCK is their problem? Seeing them argue in broken English was kind of endearing at first, but they just keep spamming the board with this bugbattle autism.
This thread will probably get derailed into a jap vs korea thread too.

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Japanese mental institutes allow their patients to access Jow Forums.

>their problem
*Japanese problem

Gook Koreans don't have BASED sentinelese/andaman BLACKED genes

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so we BBC confirmed?


I'm just curious how long have Japan and South Korea hated each other

both are horrible.

Japan's seen Korea inferior since its annexation in the early 20th century, but hating Korea is rather a new trend, like for the past 10-15years.

this sounds very interesting.
Mental institute patients should be allowed to post on Jow Forums as an experiment

What we are looking for in Korea.
"Do not lie again"
That's all.

Dear god I can imagine the results from them browsing Jow Forums and /x/

Korea has only one type of school textbook. Korean teachers educate children with textbooks provided by the country. There are many lies in the book.
How many textbooks do you have in your country? Do you know the democratic country where the government issues textbooks?
Korean children hate Japanese just as Islamic extremists hate Christians.

I think we speak decent english

>I think we speak decent english

Mutual tsunderes, it's like Meds and Nords.

it gives me a headache reading you most of the time, you throw word into wrong place
like this posterwhat is this shit

ngl, you guys have terrible english. I thought it was ironic thing to do cuz japan=kawaii but, I pity and cringe for you guys.

Isn't it just “muh Jomon” spammer trolling Korean posters?

The Korean government keeps telling lies every day.
We are very tired of it.

Is he trolling?
He is too autistic and dedicated to be just trolling.
His Jomon and anti-Korea spamming is his life work already.

>I think we speak decent english

The general Japanese population hates Korea.
People who had sympathy for Korea before began to criticize Korea. Zainichi also criticize Korea.
Hatred against Korea is becoming the consensus of Japan. Korea must recognize and deal with that fact.

All Koreans don't even know the existence of jomon
I knew that there were native Japanese jomon since I came to Jow Forums.

Korea does have a great deal of historical pride in ancient history, not a lot of race or ethnicity

>The general Japanese population hates Korea
"good grief" at most. those unironically "hating" Korea are equivalent to Jow Forums dumbasses


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Sums it up perfectly

South Koreans have victim mindset like Jews and Blacks in the west. They constantly have got brainwashed by their school education and the media.

the guy was still posting while i was at lectures and after i got home.. That guy needs to get a job.

Obviously it seems most people hate Korea politically but not culturally.

Employers have the right to choose who to hire desu.

literally what the fuck are you talking about??

I think its a boomer thing, I used to take EPP with Korean and Japanese who were in their 20s and they got along with each other.

back to llbe you cockroach
섬짱개한테 놀아나는 애국보수 통베여러분 통베로 돌아가서 겨나오지 말아주세연!

Attached: 화교.png (882x7128, 3.24M)

You think any employer would want to hire someone who dwells on Jow Forums 7-24 everyday and talks about his hatred towards Korea alld ay?
Even Convini owners wouldnt hire him because he would commit hate speech towards Chinese/Korean coworkers and customers.

because jomon are the master race ffs

lol jomon jomon jomon
and fucken jomon

who the fuck keeps posting jomon crap?

It's our problem. Don't interrupt us and don't come to japan and korea

So how are japanese politics like
any interesting parties or is everyone kind of the same

you could've said, "why would anyone hire this retard." you tried to deliver a 4D haiku and it's hard to comprehend your intention.

He says that jomon guy is too retarded to get a job.

LDP is by far the biggest, liberals are miles behind them. they slightly kept in check the right of proposal to change the article 9 of the constitution yesterday

do normal people care or get passionate about politics, or is it just the retards you were talking about are politics very polarized with people calling eachother pieces of shit and fascists and commies and what have you, and saying that if the other party wins the world is going to end, or is it less intense

The Jomon guy is dreaming of impregnating his pure Jomon waifu while not realizing he is a Korean/Chinese Yayoi scum larping as Jomon.

It’s because they’re not confrontational. Maybe they can tolerate each other and even like each other as friends, but if they got to talk about each other’s cultures in private they’d probably go off.

>do normal people care or get passionate about politics
the turnout was less than 50 percent, which was the 2nd least of all the elections. not fatally indifferent, but yeah they don't pay attention in general
>is it just the retards you were talking about
l bet they don't come out of their basements
>are politics very polarized with people calling eachother pieces of shit and fascists and commies and what have you, and saying that if the other party wins the world is going to end, or is it less intense
far less bipolarized than, say, America, but yeah ever since Abe kun became the pm it's been becoming like America a bit. but they argue mostly on sns like twitter

Where’s the cute American guy who posts pictures of himself in every other Jomon thread

ching chong chang ching chung chang?


통베 = 화교 육변기
허구헌날 섬짱개한테 선동당해 일뽕 빠는 일뽕보수들 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Attached: 화교.jpg (1080x1322, 126K)

That's a myth.

you are starting to look like my mental countrymen famlam

It's not. The Mexican found the implication pretty obvious too. You're the problem here.

because he is

Lol this bait couldn't have been any more obvious but here you retards are.

are you not retarded?

Please stop making us look bad, retard

You do not look mentally healthy.

t. 倭國保守

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We're baiting retards like you by preteing to get baited

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So we get called Zainichi if we say anth against Netouyo, but Korean netouyos call anyone who disagree with them Japanese?

Korea is beggar.
This is the reason japan hate them

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There is no country as impolite as Korea. I feel sorry for the Secretary of State of Pompeo who is dealing with South Korean liars.

I hope that Korea v Japan shitflinging goes so far that north and south korea unite into great korea just to fight a greater evil - nips and chinks.

>What the FUCK is their problem?
It's only one Japanese guy spamming all these shits.

along with gooks giving him attention

I hope Korea will be more mature...

Read.this is only reason

I hate pro japan korean more than hate korea japanese

To be honest, it is no use what we say to Korea. Let's watch Korea die.Japan welcomes Samsung Electronics to die.

The Korean president has a very high approval rating. Korea will die out of anti-Japanese sentiment as it is.

>t. jeolla dweller

Actually, more than half of the young Japanese show a positive image of Korea.
Only smelly 40s and 50s Japanese guys are obsessed with Korea

It is a lie of the daily newspaper and the Asahi Shimbun. In the yesterday's election, young people are most in favor of the Liberal Democratic Party with Prime Minister Abe.

I always find the Jomon-posting by that Japanese dude hilarious. In reality, Japanese are like 92% Yayoi (Korean) and 8% Jomon based on what I've read, but it is entertaining watching this guy cherrypick the 8% of Japs with Jomon features and triggering the Koreans here (all Koreans look mongoloid, not just 92%).

Do you want to eat a whale?

No. New Zealanders have strong empathy for whales. We don't like whaling at all, but are somewhat relieved that you guys are whaling in your waters instead of ours now.