Ever wish you lived on a quieter planet with less people on it? Less noise, less congestion, less corporations...

Ever wish you lived on a quieter planet with less people on it? Less noise, less congestion, less corporations, less rules, less taxes, less concrete... maybe not quite a world of hunter-gatherers and stone huts, just a simpler and freer one.

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Yes, we need to get rid of at least 6 billion people on this planet

I always wanted the population of Japan to be 1/10 or even less.
This place literally is full.

Fuck no, that sounds boring

Yes, sometimes I fantasize about being the last person on Earth and exploring the world until I get tired of it and kill myself guilt free.

You can already get most of it by living in the countryside.

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People in countryside are fucking bigoted, insular, narrow minded assholes though.


1 billion is the ideal Earth anything more is just straight retarded.

Most of the planet is empty, it's literally your own fault you live in a city.

Be the change you want to see

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its not simpler anywhere, just takes longer and more difficult to get shit done

>implying that's a bad thing

and a japan with 1/10th of its current population wouldnt be exactly like the country side?
you must be some stupid sexpat that got shunned out of some villages

yes, i unironically wish i lived in the middle ages

literally why

simpler times and i like manual labor so it wouldnt be too bad imo except diseases and shit

Middle ages in America or in Europe?

For a capital city, I'm glad Ottawa is small.
But.. it won't stay that way for long. A lot of retirees are coming here, and with it, probably some of their families, too.

Violence was so prevalent during the middle ages, and death was always next to you.
Also the hygiene during the time makes today's India looks like the cleanest place ever.

he isnt implying anything french peasant, he is stating it you are subhumans, conservashits should be hanged

we would be still painting our cavewalls with poo if it was up to
>noooo you cannot leave cave, cave is tradition, dont build house ancestors will damn us
>nooo you cannot go into that forrest, never been there before, this is our home, no leave nooo


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europe, but either one really
more exciting than being a neet

You don't know what implying or stating means, do you? That's rich coming from a supposedly "educated" city folk.

t. tranny


I have wished I could live on a quieter city without noisy chingooks

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i think with how niche my field is i will have to live in some city but i plan to save up and live the rest of my life in a more rural area asap

Most humane and least edgy way would probably be to put infertility chemicals in the water so the next generation is a tiny one.

t. weak twink


Probably. This coupled with the low birthrates in the west could solve the issue. But of course governments wont implement such programs.

I live in a rural shithole and it's exactly like thaf

gay little shits, get molested by the priest more
sorry francois, launch the next smearcampaign on your competition while lamenting on your superiority

I live in a rural town and the people across my street are meth heads. I'd rather live in the city desu, at least there's shit to do there.