>belgian national day
>when there is no belgian nation
Who, where, what and why?
>belgian national day
>when there is no belgian nation
Who, where, what and why?
I wish I was Belgian so much.
Was ist das?
Of all the countries in Europe, Belgium's existence is the once that baffles me the most
Like, literally what is the point. Y'all are speaking dutch or french anyway, so why not be dutch or french
*Romanian colony known as Bâlgia
Historically, its an English territory on the continent between France and Germany, for balance of power.
Nowadays, its a neutral non-country to lead the EU, so that actual countries don't get mad that their rival is in charge. If France was leader, Germany would be mad. If Germany was leader, France would be mad. But if Belgium (a made up non-country) is leader, nobody is mad, because nobody takes this joke seriously.
Historically, its an English territory on the continent
>Bulgarian education
Thanks but it was yesterday
Belgium is a British imperial project that developed into something else. This is factual. Prove me wrong, swamp german. Protip: you can't.
Now fuck off, before I piss in a river and cause you to lose 50 square miles to the sea.
Belgium was a French annexation project that didn't work out. The British didn't do a fuck.
Can confirm.
Wallonia is ours.
>nigger mountain
your country is just as much a non-country as mine
Don't be too harsh for yourself. I love Belgium and its history. I'm just stating that the revolution was influenced by France and not the UK.
Fucking based.
because FUCK the French and fuck the Dutch accent
it was influenced by a wave of revolutions. There were revolutions all over the world influencing eachother.
This is so retarded I don't even want to adress it. Belgium never had anything to do with the UK and mostly belonged to the fuckign Spanish throughout history.
It's also not as random as you farmland countries seem to think. Even back under the romans Caesar had to conquer the territory of "Belgica" which is roughly the same territory is it is now. It didn't come completely out of nowhere.
Vriendschap, I am a belgoon on vacation in Montenegro
I like Belgium :)
>mostly belonged to the fuckign Spanish throughout history
that's right white boy, your ass belongs to Kara Boğa
you are not the same people the romans conquered
no shit
Who were better rulers according to you; the Spanish or the Austrians?
Belgica was part of Gallia.