At what age did Jow Forums lose their virginity?
For me it was 17
At what age did Jow Forums lose their virginity?
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with ur whore mum
>I was molested at 3 years old
I'm a virgin and turning 22
You know, I can't believe there are idiots out there who actually think that having sex makes you look cool. Here's the deal. You got two people or three. Y'll are all naked. Chances are you're not in shape. If you are a guy, you don't have a six pack. You're not on your raw foods diet. Have you heard about the food pyramid? Abbs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym by the way.
If you are a girl, chances are you think you are hot stuff just because bunch of pent up losers give you attention and use you for a quick heave hoe. No. No. No. You have love handles. You are looking flabby in your naked pics like Jennifer Lawrence.
Honestly, when you get 2 people like that rolling around naked, you don't look cool. You aren't hip. You aren't rebellious. You look stupid. and I laugh at you. And even if you are in shape, its not quite as bad but it's still looks dumb. Last time i checked, being naked was fun, not cool. You know what's cool? It's motorcycle gangs.
Which one? Anal, oral, vaginal? With male or female?
18 with my first gf
19 with a slut
Still a virgin at 29.
I don't know yet
i was 21. somehow lucked into getting laid with a girl who saw me working at my old retail store a few years back and thought i was hot
at the start of June with another woman, and I just turned 20 last week.
Vaginal with female, it was shit but I'm not an incel and that's all that matters
must be for a good reason lol
Literally today.
I'm ugly and I have a crippling social anxiety.
I'm introverted and physically prefer guys over girls
don't kid yourself, incel freak.
at least you’re honest with yourselves
says the insecure incel freak
14. Having sex is fucking awesome. Im 24 now and just dicked a 17yo girl this weekend. Creampied her. Delicious.
16 and a half
Extremely based
In 2/3 years when I will marry
>Abbs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym by the way.
Please tell me more about this
Why don't you just kill yourself?
1. I still have hope that I'll fix my social anxiety and find love.
2. Masturbation gives me the necessarily relief to get by.
3. I have other things to live for.
Literally just install tinder and pop a Viagra and smash the fuck out of some slut it's so easy
my first time was actually by the other path
no viginity to preserve, just had no condom
now that I'm older I think that was retarded and I was lucky to not end up with a std
19 with a slut i picked up at a mc club afterparty. 2 years too late. it bugs me today that the 14year old girl i was dating at 17 was such a prude. dat ass was so ready for dik.
12 almost 13
This, why are 14 yo's such prudes? They're mature.
I'll have you know i'm a proud volcel who denies pussy on the regular you nasty incel.
despite all the cope you are nothing but a breeder
i never bagged a babe
have sex koreanbro, even if you need to take a plane for this
Yeah, if I were able to go through those actions, it'd probably be that easy indeed. The issue is the anxiety. It's an intense and irrational fear that prevents me from doing even the most trivial things.
You know, I can't believe there are idiots out there who actually think that having sex makes you look cool. Here's the deal. You got two people or three. Y'll are all naked. Chances are you're not in shape. If you are a guy, you don't have a six pack. You're not on your raw foods diet. Have you heard about the food pyramid? Abbs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym by the way.
If you are a girl, chances are you think you are hot stuff just because bunch of pent up losers give you attention and use you for a quick heave hoe. No. No. No. You have love handles. You are looking flabby in your naked pics like Jennifer Lawrence.
Honestly, when you get 2 people like that rolling around naked, you don't look cool. You aren't hip. You aren't rebellious. You look stupid. and I laugh at you. And even if you are in shape, its not quite as bad but it's still looks dumb. Last time i checked, being naked was fun, not cool. You know what's cool? It's motorcycle gangs.
wo wo wo
nobody says that having sex maker you look cool
it's just a nice thing that adults like to talk about
>According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average age Americans lose their virginities (defined here as vaginal sexual intercourse) is 17.1 for both men and women. The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24. That number drops below 5 percent for both male and female virgins aged 25 to 29 and goes as low as 0.3 percent for virgins aged 40 to 44.
If you had sex that means you are part of the mindless apes who are 99.7 percent. That isn't exactly a great achievement to boost about on online forums when majority of apes are doing it. The real thing to be proud of is to be the PURE 0.3 percent untainted with hedonism and civilization of lies. Geniuses are more likely to be lifelong virgins like Issac Newton. Death to the breeders Virgin Pride World Wide
I had sexual intercourse twice 5 years ago when I was 18.
18, with a prostitute
was high off all kinds of shit so don't remember it really but was bretty gud
Am 25 now, lost virginity at 19.
story? is she cute? where did you met ?
hav sex
alcohol was invented for a reason. im an anxiety ridden cripple myself, but a few beers and a karsk and im king of the world.
If fingerbanging a girl counts then 19.
I haven't :/
How do I?
Have a beer and fuck a girl with a boyfriend, at least that's how I did it
t. whitest man in argentina