
Lazy fuckers edition

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пpв зa бyгapијa e кaфeaвa pycијa

First for fuck tatars

>This is a store in Bulgaria

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You know, I can't believe there are idiots out there who actually think that having sex makes you look cool. Here's the deal. You got two people or three. Y'll are all naked. Chances are you're not in shape. If you are a guy, you don't have a six pack. You're not on your raw foods diet. Have you heard about the food pyramid? Abbs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym by the way.

If you are a girl, chances are you think you are hot stuff just because bunch of pent up losers give you attention and use you for a quick heave hoe. No. No. No. You have love handles. You are looking flabby in your naked pics like Jennifer Lawrence.

Honestly, when you get 2 people like that rolling around naked, you don't look cool. You aren't hip. You aren't rebellious. You look stupid. and I laugh at you. And even if you are in shape, its not quite as bad but it's still looks dumb. Last time i checked, being naked was fun, not cool. You know what's cool? It's motorcycle gangs..

>You know, I can't believe there are idiots out there who actually think that having sex makes you look cool. Here's the deal. You got two people or three. Y'll are all naked. Chances are you're not in shape. If you are a guy, you don't have a six pack. You're not on your raw foods diet. Have you heard about the food pyramid? Abbs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym by the way.

>If you are a girl, chances are you think you are hot stuff just because bunch of pent up losers give you attention and use you for a quick heave hoe. No. No. No. You have love handles. You are looking flabby in your naked pics like Jennifer Lawrence.

>Honestly, when you get 2 people like that rolling around naked, you don't look cool. You aren't hip. You aren't rebellious. You look stupid. and I laugh at you. And even if you are in shape, its not quite as bad but it's still looks dumb. Last time i checked, being naked was fun, not cool. You know what's cool? It's motorcycle gangs.

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>You know, I can't believe there are idiots out there who actually think that having sex makes you look cool. Here's the deal. You got two people or three. Y'll are all naked. Chances are you're not in shape. If you are a guy, you don't have a six pack. You're not on your raw foods diet. Have you heard about the food pyramid? Abbs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym by the way.

>If you are a girl, chances are you think you are hot stuff just because bunch of pent up losers give you attention and use you for a quick heave hoe. No. No. No. You have love handles. You are looking flabby in your naked pics like Jennifer Lawrence.

>Honestly, when you get 2 people like that rolling around naked, you don't look cool. You aren't hip. You aren't rebellious. You look stupid. and I laugh at you. And even if you are in shape, its not quite as bad but it's still looks dumb. Last time i checked, being naked was fun, not cool. You know what's cool? It's motorcycle gangs.

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I said i will destroy serbian undustry people and everything serbian


Obviously Ukraine.

Uuh can’t you see the ukrainian “I” on the banner below?

>According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average age Americans lose their virginities (defined here as vaginal sexual intercourse) is 17.1 for both men and women. The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24. That number drops below 5 percent for both male and female virgins aged 25 to 29 and goes as low as 0.3 percent for virgins aged 40 to 44.

If you had sex that means you are part of the mindless apes who are 99.7 percent. That isn't exactly a great achievement to boost about on online forums when majority of apes are doing it. The real thing to be proud of is to be the PURE 0.3 percent untainted with hedonism and civilization of lies. Geniuses are more likely to be lifelong virgins like Issac Newton. Death to the breeders Virgin Pride World Wide

greek girls look LIKE THAT?

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>formerly fyrom

A Bulgarian shitposter was spamming fake info on a Taiwanese fishing board

”Before the thread closes , you must get on your knees and worship Tengri and accept that the Bulgarian Empire is the greatest empire the world has ever known, even greater than Kraljevina Jugoslavija!!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, user who had BTFO'd Tataroids a thousand times and who knew that Slobodan Miloševic did nothing wrong and fully understood the necessity of debunking Bulgarian lies replied:

”Which one has the greatest civilization in history, Bulgars or Slavs, Tataroid?”

The arrogant shitposter smirked quite Asiaticly and smugly typed “Bulgars of course, you stupid serf slav(e)”

”Wrong. It’s Slavs. If it was Bulgars, as you say… then why do you steal the slavic language?”

The shitposter was visibly shaken. He shut down his pc which he barely be able to scrap it due to his excessive poverty from years of being cucked by a manlet churka, crying those Tataroid crocodile tears. The same tears they cried when Car Dušan and Petar I Karađorđević conquered Skoplje and took their little empire away from them. There is no doubt that at this point the shitposter wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a Serbian hack.

The other anons applauded and became chetniks sworn to defend Greater Serbia that day and accepted Draža Mihajlovič as their kralj and savior. Gook moot himself appeared in the thread and banned all Bulgarian posters for ever and ever.

The Bulgarian shitposter still tried to convince himself he was white so he went to a white supremacist rally the next day, but he was mistaken for a Gypsy and beaten to death

Northern Macedonia isn't white.

You mean the socially handicapped 0.3% minority

I post in a thread with bulgarians and russians expecting aids any second now

>tfw normal and not autistic
>can't post anymore because flag has been tainted since forever by various autists

>бившa бюpм

These are the historical borders of the geographical region of Macedonia.
Macedonia was never a separate sovereign country.
The people living in the country now named "North Macedonia" came from the Caucasus and speak Slavic. They have absolutely no cultural, historical, linguistic, religious, ethnic, or other relation with the ancient Macedonians.
Another thing that's unique to the case of "North Macedonia" is the fact that for the first time in the history of mankind a group of people willingly name and label their language and their ethnicity, and by extension their entire identity as a people, after the place they immigrated to.
Case in point:
Americans named their country America - they didn't land on a shore, saw a sign with "America" written on it, and decided they would call themselves Americans.
But this is exactly what the Bulgarians living in "North Macedonia" did.
They stole/adopted the name and identity of the people that lived in the region before them.
You know you can't argue against this.

Attached: Macedonia.jpg (700x3670, 403K)


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Зa Poдинy, зa Cтaлинa!

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Tomorrow I'm departing to İzmir. I won't have access to internet,WI-FI for 1-2 months, because my grandmother's house doesn't have any internet, I'm lucky if I found a 3G connection. However, even though I found an internet source I probably won't be posting here because I'll be busy with having SEX and all that jazz.

So, before I leave, I wanted to say few things.. Like FUCK AOIDS AND FUCK SLAVS... Yes, thanks.

wtf they changed the name to north macedonia on 4cham

I dont let nicola tesla or issac newton to be virgins they may have been in this dimension but when they died i made a place for them to have girls and with the memory of their brain from the lifes on planet quack (earth)

A fact.

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More russian-mutts showing up

nah it's formerly former yugoslav republic of macedonia now known as the country north of macedonia

Based. Have fun, man.

>all nationalists are butthurt and obsessed with the ottoman empire

slavs have more hellenic roots than you mr turk

In Turkey, if you leave your home you don't have internet because they didn't invent 4g in 2019

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lol funny pic

but yeah the script is ukrainian

We wuz here before you.

formerly yugoslav formerly republic formerly Macedonia
A walking meme

Thx m8.

>The people living in the country now named "North Macedonia" came from the Caucasus
First time I hear this. They always told us we came from Ukraine in the 6th century

Irl, only subhuman North Greeks are from Anatolia and this is provable in the 1920's population exchange with Turkey


You are Turkish sperm dumped on Balkan clay and we'll genocide you the first change we get.

I need those stickers ebin

But they literally are. Show me a Bulgarian nationalist that isn't obsessed with "the Turks" (bonus if he doesn't look like one, lol).


You're a retard
>shows various maps where macedonia is clearly shown to change borders through the ages
>uses this to dispute modern day macedonia
Very low IQ.

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We have 4G and 5G, I'm just too stingy to use 5G because it costs a lot and I don't have 4G.


Are you that half russian mischling mutt btw?

I always knew i was destined to be a proud ottoman loyal to the sultan

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No. I'm in Russian threads sometimes, but I speak fluent Russian, so there's that.

Indeed! The Ottoman Empire had a lot of potential, but Uropoors ruined it, unfortunately.

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what do turks think of these niggers

You just called a superior being a brainlet, you turkish sperm. Repent for your sins in the afterlife.

I don't read any Bulgarian posts, the green flag is filtered

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Did you guys know if you kill a serbian its good karma for you

And if you torture serbs is good karma as well


So what were they then? They spoke slavic, where the medieval bulgarians went?

3-lane highways, stay mad thirdies


Speaking of Young Turks, I am reminded of that time when a bunch of angry Buggerian proletarians sent a bunch of offensive emails to them. It was a shamefur dispray, but extremely hilarious:


Our boy has a new video in Skopje with his Bitola bitch, we need to donate to him


that's 2 lanes you fucking mong
the em lane doesn't count

Spoken like a true shiptar

Macedonians are like any other small group of people who resides the regions of Bulgaria (like Vlasi, Shopi, Tzintzari, etc)

Baкa изглeдaaт Maкeдoнци. Bиe, цигaни?

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Literally tziganin face with blue eyes

Who here is still a virgin? I'm 26 and I haven't even touched a girl's hand.

Yeah man, so basically the Bulgarian nation doesn't exist, crazy, right?

Attached: IMG_20190218_101520_198.jpg (600x600, 86K)

Mediaeval "Bulgarians" were Slavic as well. But if you mean the Turkic Bulgars from which the nation got its name, well, it seems they were assimilated almost immediately in the 7th-8th century. There are no discernible traits left from them in the modern Bulgarian population, neither cultural or linguistic nor genetic or phenotypical.

>Bъзниквa и дpyг въпpoc, дpyгa хипoтeзa пo нacтoящия, дeйcтвaщия зaкoн, пpи кoятo мoжe дa ce oкaжe в близкo бъдeщe, чe имa oщe мнoгo милиoни хopa c бългapcки пpoизхoд. Ho, кoнкpeтнo имaм cлyчaй, в кoитo cъм paзгoвapял c хopa oт Taтapcтaн нaпpимep, Peпyбликa Taтapcтaн, кoитo ce cчитaт cъщo зa бългapи. Знaeтe, чe в cтapa Boлжcкa Бългapия и тaкa нaтaтък пo иcтopия cъщo имa бългapи, кoитo имaт мнoгo пo-дpeвeн пpoизхoд, oткoлкoтo, дa кaжeм, мaкeдoнcкият бългapcки пpoизхoд и бългapcкият нa нoвa Бългapия.
>Teзи хopa в мoмeнтa в cвoи дoкyмeнти – aкт зa бpaк, cключвaнe нa гpaждaнcки бpaк, ce пишaт бългapи. Toecт, тeхнитe дeцa cлeд някoлкo гoдини мoгaт cъc cвoитe aкт зa бpaк, cключeн oт cвoитe poдитeли, къдeтo пишe, чe и мaйкaтa и бaщaтa ca бългapи, дa дoйдaт и дa кaжaт: aми ниe имaмe бългapcки пpoизхoд.

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Like any other nation on the Balkan Peninsula.

Gutaj srpska sperma milosevic sakal da ja osvojuva makedonija poslem vojnite vo bosna i hrvatska

Ne ni priznavale drzava srbite

Ne ni priznavaat crkva

Picka ti mater srbomanska da te najdam koj si ke te tepam



Balkan nations are all greeks in denial, except turks, albanians and greeks. Those three are all turkish states.

Iztochnici molq. Zaintriguvan sum

Damn that's cheap for a bottle of that size.

We don't. Literally no one in Turkey knows they even exist.

Vlasi and tsintsari are the same, its just the same name i think
And who are the shopi anyway?

Prosto vsichko e mish mash

How do you know someone's ancestors are not gypsies but assume they're Greek?

Thank you for not grouping us with M*cedonians.

Breaking: Turkey gonna invade Syria today


Shopi are the local people who resided the region around Sofia, Pernik, Blagoevgrad too i think. Famous with their lazyness and egoistic mentality.

Saw a black guy in Ohrid Yesterday holding a big titty woman

I was visibly innerved and upset and now my entire vacation is ruined

Stop shitposting Klime. She's a local Ohrid coalburner.

Why arent you on the beach balk?
Dont tell you are closed up in your home with this weather.

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>a big titty woman

Your taste in women is nigger-tier.

The shopi end in Dupnitsa. Blagoevgrad is Makedonia.

I will be by tomorrow.


Here we call people shopi who are from the eastern and northeastern parts
What's their backstory, are they slavicised vlachs or something else?

They are the whitest people here


Tfw i said serbs will be destroyed and their undustry in serbia

Dark stories of serbs dieing and ruining their country keeps appearing in the media

How did novak dzokovic win anyway oh well time to ruin his life as well

Heard the number of escorts being hired in Skopje is increasing in student dorms. Has it really gone that badly to shit?

Why is this guy such a subhuman.

>Sir, why didn't you stop injecting copious amounts of krokodil on time??

>I wanted to, but just as I was peaking, I received a vision of Sergei Lavrov (pbuh), who told me the ancient TRUTH, all must know about it. Yes, the Bulgarians are in fact, a FAKE nation. Yes, he told me details, showed me proof but I had to keep injecting to hear him out.

>I didn't need that arm anyway, even more so, I will now be receiving glorious disability pension of 3000 rubles per month!!! Spasi i sohrani, brat.

Attached: b1ee9d09-04b6-4831-8167-ae40f2991104-Krokodilvictimspic.jpg (986x555, 155K)

god i fucking hate that armenian cunt next to him

Srpsko kopile sve da ti ebam po spisok odi si od mojata drzava

beta soyboy alert

>skopje dorms
All provincialis , let them do what they want