Which of the names of the twelve apostles are popular in your country?

Which of the names of the twelve apostles are popular in your country?

Here's it's just Peter, Andrew and John (Petar, Andrey and Ivan). Phillips and Simon are rare and the rest are virtually non-existent.

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Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Matthew, and Thomas are all very common names. Simon is a little less popular but there's still a few. Bartholomew, and Thaddeus are less common. Nobody is named Judas.

yahiya (jhon) is popular here

>Nobody is named Judas.
Not even Jews?

From St. Petrus: Peter
From St. Andreas: Andreas, Andree, Anders, Andi
From St. Jakobus d. Ä./d. J.: Jakob, Jaak
From St. Johannes: Hans, Johan, Hannes, Hänsel, Henni, Huschke, Jan, Jens, Hanke, Hanno, Scheng
From St. Phillipus: Phillip, Fips, Phelp
From St. Bartholomäus: Barthel, Bart, Barthelmeß
From St. Matthäus: Matthias, Matthes, Matz, Tews, Täis
From St. Thomas: Thomas, Tom, Tommi, Tomi, Theumes
From St. Simon Zelotes: Simon
From St. Thaddäus: Thaddäus, Thaddeus, Taddel
From Judas: None, because giving out this name is illegal

They usually Anglicize it as Jude or Judah.

Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Matthew, Thomas, Simon and James are all exceedingly popular. some people are named Bart, short for Bartholomew, and osne women are named Judy, same origin as judas. nobody is named thaddeus


Andrej, Andraž

Jakob, Jaka


Jernej, Bartolomej

Matevž, Matej




Juan is a boomer name while Mateo became a very popular name amongst zoomers.

>From Judas: None, because giving out this name is illegal


Andrew - Andrius
John - Jonas
Matthew - Matas
Thomas - Tomas
they're the most popular ones

>Judas: None, because giving out this name is illegal
I'm gonna ask the real question here. Are there babies getting named Adolf there?

a lot of them


What is up with these names and why are they so Anglo sounding? Are they translated from something?

They don't sound Greek or Jewish at all.

Yes, Adolf is a very normal name. Which is a contraction of Adel and Wolf, Noble Wolf.

are popular French names

adel is also an arabic name

Because Anglo's are the descendants of the Israelites, not the Jews.

And Jacques isn't?

they are angelicized

John (Seán)
Thomas (Tómas)
>semi popular

Low IQ

literally mainstream as fuck except for Judas i doubt there is someone named Judas here. Peter is most popular male name in Poland. Matthew, Thomas and Bartholomew are very popular.

Thaddaeus and Peter

>Popular tier
Peter (Pedro)
Andrew (André)
John (João)
Philip (Filipe)
James (Tiago)

>Boomer Core tier
Bartholomew (Bartolomeu)
Simon (Simão)

Rich kid tier
>Matthew (Mateus)
>Thomas (Tomé)

Never ever tier
>Thaddaeus (Tadeu??)

damn, fucked up my greentext

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Peter (Πέτρος), Andrew (Ανδρέας), John (Ιωάννης), Philip (Φίλιππος), Thomas (Θωμάς)
Matthew (Ματθαίος) and James (Ιάkωβος) are rare and Bartholomew (Βαρθολομαίος) is probably non-existent outside of priests etc.


>Popular tier
Peter (Pedro)
Andrew (Andrés)
John (José)
Philip (Felipe)
James (Santiago)

>Boomer Core tier
Bartholomew (Bartolomeo)
Simon (Simón)

>Rich kid tier
Matthew (Mateo)
Thomas (Tomas)

>Never ever tier
Thaddaeus (Tadeo??)

It always crack me up that biblical persons are always depicted dressed like Roman patricians.

>James (Tiago)

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Bartholomew, Thaddaeus, and Judas are non-existent while Thomas and Philip are uncommon/rare. The rest are common.

toga is a levant thing. all of the interterramareniggers ripped it off from Phoenicians. Romans, greeks and kikes as well

Extremely common:
>Peter (also Per, Pär, Peder, Petter)
>Andrew (Andreas, Anders)
>John (also Jan, Johan, Johannes, Hannes, Hans)
>Matthew (Mats)
Fairly common:
>Thomas (Tomas)

peter = Poutrus
Thaddeus = Thwadrows
Philip = Filip
Judas = Yahuza

All of them with the exception of Judas.

I have three names and two of them are apostolic (James and Simon)

I think John is Juan and Joseph is Jose

>extremely common

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Petre (Peter), Ivane (John), Mate (Matthew), Koba (Jacob-James) are sufficiently common, Andria (Andrew) and Simeon (Simon) are relatively less. Rest are non-existent

No it isn't. Toga was distinctive Italian and evolved from poncho-like covering of early farmers. You are probably mistaking it with tunic.

you're right. Aren't they just 2 versions of the same idea of a 1 big piece of cloth making up for an entire clothing?

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Lots of Peters and Thomases here among the Christians. Have never met any of the others tho

My Bosnian classmate thought that name was hilarious.
It's more common in Denmark though.

all off them except Thaddeus (Taddeo) and Judas (Giuda)

Simon (Simone) Andrew (Andrea) James (Giacomo) John (Giovanni) Philip (Filippo)
Matthew (Matteo) Thomas (Tommaso)

Bartolomeo is also not common

I thought we were the most cucked people, by A*Abs, but holy fuck j*Ws cucked you a thousand times more

Their Hebrew names are all pretty common.