John Lenin edition
woke up
got out of bed
smacked my wife across the head
got yourself a gun
blah blah blah *pfffft* shart mart Yank bullshit blah blah *splrtft*
Really don’t give a fuck about most things. People think its good to not care. To an extent it is, it makes me confident because other peoples opinions dont bother me so much. But it definitely effects me in regards to my career and things of that nature
the german sure posts about us yanks a lot
I've always named my pets after the full names of real people. I won a hamster in a drawing competition in 1979... and I called the hamster Karlheinz Stockhausen, after the post war German electroacoustic avant-garde composer, yeah I was a precocious eleven year old.
Germanposters are obsessed with yanks
People that should be legal to kill:
Single linking cunts
>Do brits do [something really inane]
>Do brits have [some gay yank shite]
>Oh my GOD this is just like [yank tv show reference]
>I'm 1/64th British!
tonight's dinner
yea what are you going to do about it though?
not being funny yeah but i absolutely despise every single yank poster on this website
>Excuse me, I'm just going to post some complete bullshit that has nothing to do with British culture like this place is my personal Yank blog
And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.
Someone webm this lmao
He scapegoated minorities bro!
bernd's seething yankposts have far less to do with british culture than anything that any yank has ever said
>We're yanks
>we're queer
>we're here
>deal with it!
Everyone hates you.
>Someone webm this lmao
Do you support CIA spies?
*clueless nasally yank voice*
>bernd's seething yankposts have far less to do with british culture than anything that any yank has ever said
Just in a pub over in Preston playing Magic the Gathering with my friend
A woman asked earlier what we were playing, she seemed impressed
>Everyone hates you.
How 2 lose weight with no effort?
Not sure why Yanks post here.
Nobody here likes them.
Nobody here, besides other Yanks, responds to them.
They never discuss anything related to Britain or British culture.
They've got their own general, why do they post here?
Nice reddit filename.
have you bummed?
eat less
We saw, we all judged it as a VF thing to do apart from your orbiters, go away now Poley.
acquire hiv/aids
should be a crime to have long legs and not wear tights
*laboured yank voice struggling to breathe through his mouth under his own weight*
>*Has a yank flag*
I'll consider it
ugh maygun do brihddish people really ban NYEves and have netflix licenses!?!??
The best yanks are better than the best brits and the worst yanks are worse than the worst brits
am handsome and am surrounded by women lads
the drama is entertaining to say the least lads
yankpol on the ropes
post the vocaroo
>am handsome and am surrounded by women lads
>the drama is entertaining to say the least lads
Cavalry has arrived. Yanks scurrying away lest he post the vocaroo.
idea: dogs but they're playing poker
we used to build rockets back in my day, and yes they would crash, but that wouldn't stop us from building new ones and launching them too
lol can't believe they have optional TV loicenses there
just pay for public TV out of general tax whether you watch TV or not like every other country does, far better system
You're such a virgin spamming this hahaha get a fucking grip
Imagine your last memory being getting mad at Americans on an Indonesian Mime dancing forum before getting murdered on your farm by wogs with military gear
i dont watch any tv, why should I pay for the bbc?
Delete your Jow Forums account
anyone else stare at people whilst talking to them
sausage casserole for tea
big up mumzy
>You're such a virgin spamming this hahaha get a fucking grip
>Imagine your last memory being getting mad at Americans on an Indonesian Mime dancing forum before getting murdered on your farm by wogs with military gear
>"You're such a virgin spamming this hahaha get a fucking grip
Imagine your last memory being getting mad at Americans on an Indonesian Mime dancing forum before getting murdered on your farm by wogs with military gear"
He's dead de lads
quick hide the niggers are coming!
Think bodypiling on one poster is shameful ngl
love them crispy onion things they have on the salad bar at Harvester, think they're called crispy onions
can I add protein powder to volvic lemon and lime?
got no milk see
>Think bodypiling on one poster is shameful ngl
mustard gas
really feel bad for that lad
heart attack gunned
Name on you baboon
Yeah we need all of us to bodypile you because of your gigantic bulk Juan
Have you tried making them at home lad?
Muttoid has been bantered so hard he has developed schizophrenia
Getting REALLY bored of Pewdiepie doing Minecraft videos
take your meds yankpol
I watched this at too young of an age. Traumatized me. And no, I'm not a poof.
becoming exceedingly skilled at harvesting karma on r*ddit lads
fuck up
Niece molester is back lads
Saw you in Penlan once mate you're the farthest thing from a road man lmao
Big lipped yanks running scared in between their mothers legs
Why doesn't anyone wear Jack Wills anymore?
giggling at this
can i get a seconday date check
saw some metrosexual fashion victim paki get utterly mogged in every single possible way by some big 6'4 white guy who was just casually dressed
What's worse?
Noncing your niece
Taking hidden camera pictures of your housemate then assuming her identity
Culchies do here
Fucking saps
It's not trendy anymore like Superdry
Awful lot of smackheads in Preston.
No FLGS, though?
bí deas
*mk ultras you*