Why don't they just split it? They're already conveniently two islands anyway

Why don't they just split it? They're already conveniently two islands anyway.

Attached: malvinas.jpg (2025x1350, 1.26M)

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the entire population lives on the right side iirc. the left side is just gigantic farms.

The problem comes from that.
The Malvinas used to be separated in two with Spain having the eastern island and claiming the western island and the UK having the western island and claiming the eastern island.

Why should the UK split it? Argentina has zero legitimate claim to it and zero way to even attempt taking them.

>zero legitimate claim
Actually, we do, but you won't bother anyway.

Attached: falklands timeline.png (358x641, 25K)

What reason do we have to split it, we've had it for like 200 hundred years at this point and pretty much everyone who lives there wants to remain with the UK.

Argies should wait their opportunity until Johnson throws UK into chaos with hard brexit, followed by Scotland indepence vote sometime after it.

What all 5 of them?

So, the French claimed it first, built a long-lasting settlement (brits did not, and in fact abandoned their settlement, whereas the French settlement still exists today) and then gave the islands to Spain, then Argentina inherited them from Spain and, of course, the perfidious Anglo decided it was time to "reclaim" some land that was never theirs.

>Zero letigimate claim

Burger posting let me tell you about your country

Rightful French clay.

I'd be happy to give it to the argies if, you know, every single person living there wasn't passionate about being part of the UK and hadn't been for generations.
Silly as it may be, there would be a huge majority of support for military defending or recapturing it.

Uruguay has a theory that unironically says that those islands are uruguayan, not even joking... That will be the next war.

Attached: las-malvinas-son-uruguayas-juan-ackerman-villegas-oromi-D_NQ_NP_747849-MLU28194567418_092018-F.jpg (1200x800, 210K)

Pretty much

And what is that? That Spain owned it hundreds of years ago?
I'll post whatever I damn well please, its especially pathetic when I know more about the situation then the Argies do.

And what would your plan be for the non-Argentine citizens born and raised their?

Entirely moot point since almost everyone there are brit immigrants and military.

Build a comfy favela for them ofc


>I'd be happy to give it to the argies if, you know, every single person living there wasn't passionate about being part of the UK and hadn't been for generations.
So, you'd be okay with Pakistan or some other Muslim country claiming London just because more generations of them live there?

Don't touch my islans lads

They can stay or return to Britain, that's their decision. Just like Anglos in Zimbabwe and South Africa did.

Is your navy in good shape enough to do that again ?

Looks like Godzilla lol

Uruguay is as much as rightful successor of the Viceroyalty of La Plata as Argentina is. They have the same right to claim the Malvinas as Argentina does.

You should have done like Chile is doing by taking the islands through inmigration, the islands are like 10% chilean and growing.

no you dont lmao seething mutt

new world countries are such a joke

Malvinas are Uruantinas.

>I know more about the situation then the Argies do.
>he actually thinks he knows more about a country than their own citizens.

So exactly what I said
They owned them for a few years centuries ago. No legitimate claim.


The islands can go back when the wops in Argentina go back to Spain/Italy.

Attached: Our Tyson.png (492x760, 576K)

my land, god gave it to me

Anglos should go back to Germany/Denmark/Scandinavia then.

The islanders wish to remain British so why should Argentine get any of it?

thanks burger bro

may our allience last many more years yet

Attached: 1563819652506.gif (530x320, 312K)

from what I understand from Jow Forums, mostly people don't care except for a butthurt minority and politicians who put it on their money and their constitution and bring it up whenever elections are near
how far off am I?

They are called like that for a reason.

Attached: saint malo.jpg (640x360, 42K)

whatever claim there was,
it was settled in June 14th, 1982



Haha no thanks

Londoners wish they were part of Pakistan so why do UK keep it ?

Based and logicpilled.
Seen the state of Argentina's navy, mate? They recently had a submarine sink while it was underwater (it's designated job). Our subs have nuclear warheads.

I'm not memeing though, as stupid and bizarre it is that we have protectorates in the South Atlantic - one of the few things the majority of this country agrees on is we won't let them be taken from us against their will.

El ogro patagonico...

Attached: ohonononon.jpg (900x734, 62K)

Well since I clearly do, and since you're clearly still assravaged about the pathetic L that Argentina took 40 yeras ago...

all humans should go back to africa then

More than half of their population is military so this is a bad argument, there are no "natives" to begin with.

Las Malvinas son Argentinas.

You know if Argentina are banging on about the Falklands that they have a serious catastrophe or scandal at home. It's like clockwork.

3% of the population of London is ethnically Pakistani, they'd have a hard time organising a movement to unify with Pakistan me thinks.

>Seen the state of Argentina's navy, mate?
Can't they just use their airforce ? it seems pretty close to their coast.
>inb4 their planes crash in the air

what made them randomly decide to invade after 150 years of british control just move on bro lmao

Attached: 1553099269494.png (800x146, 7K)

We keep a frigate down there

Attached: 1563565579883.png (862x862, 784K)

All the war was planned lad, first Operation Condor and then attack the islands so argies can't reclaim in the future and brits can have a military base near to argieland, so they can do the Andinia Plan in the 2050

Attached: 325425.jpg (1000x1000, 107K)

One of these days we will retake it.

We don't care about it on a daily basis, but a lot of us still do. Of course, some use it as a political tool.
>bring it up whenever elections are near
how far off am I?
Only the Kirchner's did.

The reason I care about the islands is the fact it has a NATO base conveniently next to Antarctica, and the fact that thanks to that Brits also claim our portion of Antartic territory. Also oil and fishing rights.


'member the good old days when - despite being neighbours within 30km of each other - we used to do war 5000km away on random bits of land?

is time to embrace islam, I mean it worked with London

I really don't like the prospect of having a NATO base next to our most resource-rich territory.

it's so strange to me these giant islands had no humans before 1760 or so


So what are your plans for South Georgia?


Attached: USAUSA.png (690x432, 20K)

Why’s that so funny? Their claim is as strong as yours.

This. Their only reasoning is "but it's close to us!" Guess we should give Argentina to Chilean bvlls then since they're close to them.

They are the most aesthetic looking islands

new zealand is like that too
>The first settlers probably arrived from Polynesia between 1200 and 1300 AD.
mad considering new zealand is larger than britain

If only Canada had the balls to claim Greenland based on proximity

Greenland is rightfully American so that we can rename it Alaska 2

What prevent us to have some fun again ? No one would react.

Russia is pretty close to Finland... I guess all of Russia should belong to Finland lol

What's in Greenland that Canada would want? I don't know what happens there at all.

Luis Vernet was made governor of the Falklands and all adjacent islands (including Tierra del Fuego) by the government of Buenos Aires. That's part of the basis that sustains our claim.

I just made my dog president of Argentina - now lets go to the UN together to get our cases laughed at.

Behold Las Kerguelenas.

Attached: Kerguelen.png (1840x1915, 2.08M)

Hold up...
Norway is kind of close to the Shetlands...


Attached: B6fKdC_CYAAcg4L.jpg (601x595, 57K)

More natives we can give welfare and apologies to

Also, they were discovered by a Spanish vessel in 1756, and the first settlement there was established by Argentina in 1904.

I want to split a brown girl with my penis

Attached: gfvdc.png (1280x720, 937K)

>The economy of the Falkland Islands ranks 5th worldwide by GDP (PPP) per capita.[120] The unemployment rate was 1% in 2016, and inflation was calculated at 1.4% in 2014.

the falklands war was probably the only modern war in which the objective good guys won


>good guys
lmao Germany

the way they treated POWs does not make them objective good guys

You were objectively the ones at fault. For once, the Brits were involved in a war where the morality of their actions cannot be questioned.

>be argie
>have a gdp per head five times lower than boomer fishermen living on a windswept rock

Well, you're right. The war was not right.

In fact, negotiations were going quite well before the war, the UK even tried to give up the Falklands if we agreed to lend them the archipelago for 90 years or so, but retarded islanders found out and nothing came out of it.

Shetlanders are our brothers so I do not mind if we join forces

