Working full time online

Please suggest ways to make money working online as a full time job

- Youtube advertisement revenue
- Blog advertisement revenue
- Fiverr
- Ebay
- Freelance coding/web design/etc

Attached: 1535466097307.png (3000x2250, 1.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Selling drugs and guns on the darkweb

Selling used panties

Selling rare herbs/supplements

Debt collection

Wew, is this a 'NEET' appreciation thread...kek, losers.

be a JIDF type spamposter on Jow Forums

- online surveys
- testing websites/apps
- being virtual assistant
- streaming/creating content for youtube
- affiliate marketing
- being a paid community manager/moderator
- translating stuff
- amazon mechanical turk
- being teacher/trainer/couch etc
- getting paid as a native speaker for someone to practice a language
- gathering gold etc for real money trading in games, also selling accounts and items
- buying and reselling items on onlne auctions
- freelancing as programmer, designer, researcher (find info about company/market)
- selling stock photos/themes/templates/scripts/game assets on online marketplaces
- publishing a game
- owning a Software-as-a-Service webapp that people pay to use
- authoring articles/posts for blogs/magazines
- being social media experts companies hire

always find it ironic that the nigger family in the photo didn't just buy tickets

why don't these filthy mexicans get a job so they can afford to watch in the stadium itself instead of illegally watching from the outside?

offer some "services" for bitcoin in the deep web, and don't give a SHIT.

>File: 1535466097307.png (1.18 MB, 3000x2250)
> Working full time online Anonymous (ID: 1CQrjCUo) 08/29/18(Wed)09:31:59 No.1087724
The small guy should be erradicated.
The middle should be in prison.
And the 3 men, should be like the tallest one.

>online surveys
>testing websites/apps

I mean it should be like this.

Attached: 1535553119474.png (4508x2300, 1.93M)

Attached: Satoshi Nakamoto.jpg (477x695, 138K)

sorry I've copied it from some thread couple days ago, so paid surveys are not really an option for full time, I see them from time to time on local job sites, also there are sites like where list them, spoiler your are not eligible for most of them:(

for testing you are looking for being hired either by company like and similar (look for 'crowdtesting') or being directly employed as a remote tester by normal company, some try the fiverr route but yeah fiverr.... although more reputable online marketplaces may be an option for finding this type of work,

>Captialism would give the tallest guy two boxes, the middle one box, and the shortest nothing.

Idk about gay cam but cam girls earn a working parttime at fastfood chain.

>tfw if you know how to code or do any kind of programming this timeline is literally perfect for you, you get payed a fuck ton and can work from literally anywhere that has an internet connection (which is literally everywhere)
>too stupid to learn how to code and program despite trying for several years

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I'll help you out user. I was once in your shoes.

same i am retard.

Capitalism the tallest guy would stand on the shortest guy

Who had to make those boxes and where did they get them? Did they pay the carpenters a living wage?

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Capitalism wouldn't give anyone shit. Go make your own box or provide services worth a box you freeloading bitch.

Dammit OP you posted an image more likely to invoke conversation than your initial question. I also am wondering about the same things as OP. I hate my job and I have a shit degree. Help me Jow Forums, what are effective ways to start generating passive income and then compounding it? Once I have enough assets I’d like to get into real estate but I need a good idea to get started.

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Communism would be the tallest guy sitting on the ground complaining he can't see over the fence

No need for a job

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What resources or what's the most relevant language to learn?

Js, no joke.

Where should I start?

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game dev


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i actually did this in a gay website for money. needed the money really bad at the time. my darkest secret that my kid and wife will never know

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Which site? How much did they pay you? Race? Body ratio ?

Woah woah buddy, those guys on the other side of the wall are exactly why we need it there to begin with.
They can watch, idgaf, but don't come in and ruin my baseball game

Someone who made this meme was seemingly too stupid to know that the broader economic model of "Nazism" is called Faschism, somehow despite being in favor of it

Write books, sell on Amazon

Capitalism: they buy some fucking tickets and stop being retards


The best choice in this whole thread

Trade stocks and currency and future

Unironically what I started doing on the side last summer. Overall has been going well, definitely recommend risk management. Only bummer is since I'm only doing it on the side I'm not learning or progressing as much as I would if it was my sole means of income.

Capitalism should be all 3 guys in a bucket climbing over each other to get out while someone who was born a millionaire boils a pot of water


Jesus christ sour grapes much?

1 shekel has been deposited to your bank account. thanks goy.

>capitalism 3 empty boxes own by rich as assets

Made stupid buku bucks as a crypto/ethereum consultant and small-time developer the past few months. There's not much competition because like 0.0001% of people can even explain anything in crypto meaningfully, and the pajeets are fewer and farther between on upwork (as opposed to Fiverr) and no one wants to hire them because they do shit work and don't speak english.

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