Tell me your best gypsie story

Tell me your best gypsie story.

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why do americans do this?

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this was just the most eye-catching image but ok

Every Serb on Jow Forums screeching.

Not mine, but they robbed my grandmother who was very senile at that point.

Long story short, three women ringed the door and somehow talked their way to be let in. Two of them kept my grandma occupied, while the third one went on treasure hunting throughout the house.

I hope they had their eyes cut out with a razor

the US has over 1 million of these guys.

>they still behave better than dindos

had an absolute filthy shag with one a few years back.

the US doesn't have gypsies
it has """gypsies""" from western europe

A gypsy tried to sell me some shite when I was in London but I just ignored her and I think she cursed me or something. Would explain why I'm still a virgin.

I am a Gypsy

Never met a gypsy in my life

>be me
>don't live near gypsies
>happy end

Fun fact the word gypsy in Spanish comes from "Egyptian"

fun fact: the german word for gypsies "Zigeuner" comes from "Ziehende Gauner", which means "mobile thiefs"

When I went to St. Petersburg, I wanted to take a canal ride. There was some lady advertising canal tours and as soon as she heard me speaking English, she got this fire in her eyes and practically screamed "BEWARE OF THE GYPSIES". I guess she assumed I didn't know better.
Later on the Moscow metro, a woman who looked like a gypsy tried to pickpocket me.

And that's my story.

They let me ride on one of their horses (a pony I guess) when I was 5 or so years old.

Once I saw several people who were brown and looked like gypsies and I but when they get closer I heard that they were talking in Spanish

don't you think it comes from the same root as latin words, zingano, tsigane, gitano, zingeuner?

interesting, I guess you just keep your money and ID in your shoe when you're in these places

wtf, why you guys such nazis?

bitch tried to use mind powers to take my money

Back in the late 90s, a gypsy child in Vatican city tried to steal the GameBoy Color out of my pocket. I kicked the little shit as hard as I could.

Or in a fanny pack worn on the front. You'll look like a douche, and out yourself as a tourist who might be worth gypping, but they won't find anything in your pockets.

That's a myth. It stems from Byzantian greek
"Tsingános" meaning "untouchables".

I was walking down streets after I got out of the theatre, I grabbed my wallet from my pocket then eventually dropped on the ground. As soon I tried to pick it up there was an old gypsy hag screeching some nonsense as she waved her arms with an empty cup, like she was asking me to give her the money. I told her in english that I need it for transportation, but she couldn't understand shit and was getting angrier. I also yelled at her but it caught the public's attention. I didn't want to continue with embarrassment, I just gave her a small coint and left.

are they not untouched by the modern world? how am I supposed to know?