Why are conquistadors portrayed as blonde aryan big jawed chads?

Why are conquistadors portrayed as blonde aryan big jawed chads?

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that's a snow nigger

symbol of racial conquest in media. But spainards are usually not blonde.

americans are tards

The jews want you to hate whites when semetic spaniards are the real enemies

That man have negroid admixture

In one occasion the conquistadors couldn't tell one of their own apart from Mayans

>When Andres de Tápia saw that they were only Indians (for Aguilar looked neither more nor less than an Indian), he at once sent word to Cortes by a Spaniard that they were Cozumel Indians who had come in the canoe. As soon as the men had landed, the Spaniard in words badly articulated and worse pronounced, cried Dios y Santa Maria de Sevilla and Tápia went at once to embrace him. The other soldier who had accompanied Tápia when he saw what had happened, promptly ran to Cortes to beg a reward for the good news, for it was a Spaniard who had come in the canoe, and we were all delighted when we heard it

>Tápia soon brought the Spaniard to Cortes, but before he arrived where Cortes was standing, several Spaniards asked Tápia where the Spaniard was? although he was walking by his side, for they could not distinguish him from an Indian as he was naturally brown and he had his hair shorn like an Indian slave, and carried a paddle on his shoulder, he was shod with one old sandal and the other was tied to his belt, he had on a ragged old cloak, and a worse loin cloth with which he covered his naked-ness, and he had tied up, in a bundle in his cloak, a Book of Hours, old and worn. When Cortes saw him in this state, he too was deceived like the other soldiers, and asked Tápia " Where is the Spaniard ?" On hearing this, the Spaniard squatted down on his haunches as the Indians do and said " I am he."

Kinsky was a fucking schizo retard and not Chad

Thanks for reminding me I need to rewatch the Kinski/Herzog movies, OP.

Attached: MAH_Aguirre_the_Wrath_of_God_Klaus_Kinski_Monkey_658_t658.jpg (658x358, 77K)

Guy from the left looks local, guy from the right looks like some snownigger doing cossplay.

at least he got the nose

>pictured: First Spaniard contact with Brazilians

>one occation
Everyone south of Saragossa is a Nafri

that's Kinski you faggots

That guy was a lunatic that killed 30 monkeys for that scene alone and he also raped his own daughter.
One time he actually kidnapped Werner Herzogs wife from a movie set. Herzog hired thugs to find them which they did in a remote motel, Herzogs wife chained to the radiator.
The director didn't even press charges, he just wanted Kinski Back at set so he could finish the movie.

Oh vaya!

Its seems that the dirty goyim its starting to find out some things

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I understand the skin colour, but spaniards don't really have slanted eyes like indios do.

And people still try to deny the fact that Spaniards are brown

Indios don't usually have slanted eyes.

white "people" ladies and gentlemen

that was literally one movie you utter spastic

The Spaniard typically identifies as an Iberian celt. He is not. Very few remnants of the true Iberian celts are left in Spain (nestled in the mountain valleys of the Basque). The vast majority are a mixture of Celt, Arabic, Berber. Sephardi Jew and Negroid. In the Americas they degenerated further through interbreeding with the native tribes and sub saharan slaves. The history of Spain is one of perpetual ethnic conquest - from the conquest of Carthage, to Rome to the Moorish subjugation (ongoing). In the New World they where consumed by their host population. It is a matter of fact that the average Latino stands little more than five feet tall, suffers from rickets and carries lice. The proposition that the Spaniard is a brother to the Ayran race represents the greatest threat to the future of our people and our movement. On the issue of religiosity; one looks at the character of hispanic Catholicism and finds all manner of gypsy traditions and pagan ceremonies (even such originating in the depths of Africa - as seen in the abject Yoruba influence through Santería). For it is the Spaniard, not the negro in his basest of forms, that is the primary mechanism through which the Jew seeks to corrupt the Aryan genome. This tactic, while traditionally expressed through Spanish migration along the Riviera, can now be seen in the colonization of Northern America. Do not be fooled by professions of political sympathy (a common gypsy trick in the repertoire of these chameleons) and instead learn to identify this imposter through his mongrel appearance, short stature, the characteristic sloping of the cranium and distinctive odor. The Spaniard represents the perpetual trojan within the brotherhood of white peoples, and it is for this reason that he must be rooted out.

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the fact that they didn't recognize him as spanish seems to suggest that contrary to spanish posters' claims here having such dark complexion was not common among spanish coupled with the fact that they were relatively new to the area they might've thought he was just a different kind of native with different eyes
they don't have the same eyes as east asians ofc but they do have a slight asian-ish look

if you actually typed that out by word to word thats pretty sad

This is my favorite movie, it was recorded 10km away from the place of my birth

They're not, it was just that one movie.

that's impossible no spaniard looks asian

>Werner Herzog, a frequent collaborator with Kinski, has admitted that he threatened to murder Kinski. Kinski was saved by his dog, who attacked Herzog as he crept up to burn down the actor's house.[30] Herzog has refused to comment on his numerous other plans to kill Kinski. However, he did pull a gun on Kinski on the set of Aguirre, the Wrath of God, after the actor threatened to walk-off.

Because white guilt.

go back to mexico retard spaniards are mostly native iberian

Iberians are semetic kikes who blame their crimes on whites kys

>waaah you can't just kill 30 brazilians and kidnap someone's wife
ok soiboi

*blocks your path*

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The two spaniards living with the natives had adopted their wares and clothing and they were extremely tan, also this stories exaggerate the timeframe it was probably like 30 seconds until they realized, they were probably expecting a fully clothed spaniard not a man with tribal tattoos

a extremely tan spaniard doesn't look asian

>mfw my family is conformed by generation after generation of dirty blondies and redheads from Asturias and castilla la mancha.

fuck my ancestors... i can't even go to the beach. Fuck Godos, fuck Asturians and specially... FUCK FUENTEALBILLA

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Wearing leather and plate mail armor in this climate would make me want to kys myself

Imagine carrying around carrying metal over your sweatshirt in very humid heat while hundreds of mosquitos try to cover whatever skin is still exposed, meanwhile half your crew has the flu and you're shitting yourself from the worms in the bush meat

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he was pole though
the bandeirantes were half-indio mongrels though.

Fucking based, actually.
Today (((anyone))) making films is a fucking cuck without any personality.

>fat, wide nose with big nostril>fat lips

They really need to stop with all these live actions

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they did it better and for a better price

true kino

You guys should all watch it if you haven't already.

It depends, it’s common to know someone nicknamed “chino”

Lol. Post an ethnic Spaniard with Asian-like eyes.

Also, Idk about Spain but in Mexico "chino" is used for people with curly hair, too for some reason

They were swarthy jews and other meds

This football player is “El Chino” Losada

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How retarded


im the only that fascinated by conquistadors
imagine landing on an alien land full of exoctic animals
giants snakes and cats (annaconda ,boa,python and jaguar,puma)

strange temples and peoples

conquisatdors were based

There are blondes among us, but of course they are a minority, we are classic altlanto meds. Even ancient portray's of our conquistadors show that

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Have you seen what Nordics look like?

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Aryans didn't have pale skin or blue eyes, you fucking mong.


Film documenting the dysfunctional bromance of Herzog and Kinski - spanish subs

thats a arab

Yeah, not even Nazis thought this. Some thought they were straight up East Asian, though this isn't true either.

t. insecure who likes antónio costa

stop projecting apezilian

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>t.immigrant who indeed loves cossta

I am indeed an immigrant from Northern Europe (well son of immigrants). Fight me.

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sure you are shitskin migrant, sure
keep buthurted about pics of conquerors

Cala-te manlet

I also read the Conquest of New Spain. The reason they couldn't tell him apart was because he had been living with the Indians for years. He was dressed like them and covered in tattoos and piercings. Also, the very passage you posted shows that they could not recognize that he was a Spaniard because didn't look like one. Which was the entire point of the passage, the guy went native after being stranded there for years.

volta pa selva

>reading and understanding things on Jow Forums

I'm sorry but how new are you ? Spain brown Spain moor lmao desu based

That's how it works

I know he's shitposting. I just get annoyed when I recognize the exact passage that Costa Rican imbecile is quoting incorrectly to spread a half-baked meme.

It's shitposting lad. Nobody really believes Jow Forums posts. Unless they're retarded.
(you can however find good posts here, they exist)

that's a german movie

most of the other Spaniard characters were dark haired and relatively swarthy
Kinski just fit that role perfectly

>you can however find good posts here, they exist
This is the only reason I browse Jow Forums. There are the occasional top posters. Relative to this topic, mesoamerican user is one of the few good posters on Jow Forums.

goblinos are taking out your home, there is nothing you can do to stop the hispanification of the americas, soon your child will speak the language of cervantes

>i can't even go to the beach.

The reason why America is chockfull of crazies is largely because of kraut admixture. There I said it. Benjamin Franklin was right.

Spaniards often have asian eyes

He is one of them, stop replying to his post and giving him attention, you spastic mong. All of you are taking the bait all the time.


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That's not how the average spaniard or portuguese looks?

Everybody is going to speak Mexican, not your pathetic "JODER OSHTIA TIO".

They just have Southern Iberian/North African

refugee or identitarian?

i dont think they were that heavily armored, it would be really cumbersome in the forests

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>Be latinamerica
>thousands upon thousands of citizens
>lose to 400 out of shape iberians

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look at this ugly goblina shit

spaniards were more based than any snownigger will ever be
don't @ me wh*toids

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native americans are ugly as fuck. ugly cavemen, why would anyone want to breed with them

Lol based

based, natives are ugly niggers, dumb hideous squaws and bunch of reject alcoholics


More racially pure than you, mutt

>viggo mortensen
haha :DD

They are ugly so no one wants to mix with them

I posted that passage because it was related to the thread and that same passage also mentions that one of the reasons why they couldn't tell him apart was because he was tanned, don't know why you get so jumpy

A lot of Mayans and Central Americans do not even have epicanthic folds

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No it’s because of Irish admixture. The Irish are cursed race of subhumans.


shut the fuck up subhuman