/carib/ + island friends

Island threads for island peeps and frens

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Do you live on an island?

No. Do you? Are a fren to islanders?

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No, although I'd like to. The last island I've been on was Washington Island in Wisconsin.

Where did all the caribs go

They are scattered. They still exist but having them all in one place is a challange

Attached: crab and cigarette 2.jpg (720x720, 98K)


Don't be alone finbro

Hello fren. Hows it going?

Can Brazil join?


Cool, how are you?


finbro probably went to sleep :(

Me too
Not yet

Attached: crab 5.jpg (900x600, 293K)

how's finland going?

Doing pretty alright. How about brazil?

I'll gather the crabs one day. Not today though

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