What's the white country (fuck off with Jow Forums puns) where the girls worship hispanics the most...

What's the white country (fuck off with Jow Forums puns) where the girls worship hispanics the most? I've been thinking it's Canada or France. I've heard they do it too in Germany but I've been there like 5 times and never felt that way.

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Definitely the United States. They worship Hispanics so much that they are rapidly becoming a Hispanic country.

probably b/c youre an autistic fag

literally nowhere. You're ugly brown manlets who look like gypsies, no offense.

none of them?

That's just mulattos though, not every hispanic is brown. There's a lot of sexy hispanics with nice white/tanned tones.

Argentina and Spain

>white country


latinos are usually very successful among germans tho
I don't know how you managed in Germany but if you do the same here you'll be ignored aw

none of them sorry

poland & croatia

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If you werent autistic the girls wouldnt ignore you at home

nowhere , same tier as pajeets

I've dated 2 french girls though. I've flirted with 2 or 3 German girls and it never got really far.

German girls are too tall. Most french girls are like an average of 155 or 160. Average german girl is like 175. Latinos are manlets so taht kills us

I was expecting a Chicano or a Colombian flag. Can you pathetic white worshipping newfags fuck off?

Imagine unironically finding brown/black nipples and pussy lips attractive Lmao

Imagine unironically being a basic shitskin like you :DDDD

Let me guess you also think you’re white but tanned?

Poland, bielorusia, czechia, slovakia, Ukraine, denmark, canada

>...think you’re white but tanned?

is this a thing in mexico/hispanics ?

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Literally Cubans.

You might be a retard bro. Nobody in the world is gonna worship you because you eat beans on rice. If you're a good looking guy you'll find chicks who dig your Latin look. If you're a manlet Timothy who makes threads like this on Jow Forums than you're probably not gonna get worshipped

Definetly not in france
T. latino in france

In Paris there are ten of thousands of Latinos, so you're boring there
In the rest of France any latino would be 8/10.