I believe in global warm-

>I believe in global warm-

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>Global warming? What are you talking about, dumbfuck libtard? Can't you see I'm wearing a sweater?

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EU and US are in the middle of a record high heat wave
But it was super cold last winter so global warming is a hoax


I know this post is a joke, but a lot of Americans unironically believe this shit.

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I would gladly vote for communism if it meant that everyone behind TPUSA would be thrown in a gulag

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No one buys their shit anymore after they wore diapers in public to protest.

>more ice at the poles
too bad this isn't a thing (also precipiation doesn't equal temperature, a 20C+ increase in temps at an average of -30C still means snow)

Is this satire or unironic? I seriously can't tell.

I like how TPUSA is suppose to target teenagers and college students but they only attract boomers.

those fuckin' socialists, gettin my favorite talk shows cancelled

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It’s unironic. People eat this shit up

Cope harder, commie.

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what do these retards even believe in?
they talk about taxation a little too much for some lukewarm neocons

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>if it's not easy enough for my 75 iq brain to understand it must not be true

Charlie Kirk, the founder, is a libertarian. The people who help fund TP USA are libertarians.
TP USA is just a gateway to libertarianism.

Are you sure? He sounds more like a regular neocon/paleocon

Crowder does a better job attracting zoomers/millenials, right?

He's the standard libertarian. He never worked a day in his life and let his parents pay the bills.


t. this faggot

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Libertarians usually don't act like angry boomer neos/paleos

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Global warming is very real and manmade but people are blowing it way out of proportion, a lot of things attributed to it like the ice caps melting and the sea rising are natural.

>a lot of things attributed to it like the ice caps melting
Like what?

He spends a lot of his time bashing taxation, calling for small government and hating regulations. His rhetoric is more libertarian than conservatives.
I think Ben Shapiro is more successful than Crowder or TPUSA.

holy fuck libtards btfo

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Ben Shapiro is whiny and soy like, Crowder seems more likable
All of these them attract boomers though, it is inevitable.

It's funny how the alt right acts like non paleocon conservatives are "boomers" even though their ideology is boomer as fuck

>We now have a generation who was raised by a generation without the benefit of Biblical literacy. Without the basic norms of right and wrong, life and death become a blurred gray. Even for those with no claim to faith, the Bible as been a source of truth, standards, laws and morality for thousands of years. To ban such wisdom from the public square has resulted in a society that is out to destroy itself. When insults are spewed against this classic Book, it becomes evident that its message has been lost on our children's children. #thetruthwillsetyoufree #seekandyouwillfind #thefearofthelordisthebeginningofwisdom #wisdomcomesfromgod #howcantheyknowwithoutateacher #weshouldntbanthebook

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>student destroyed
I will never understand this obsession with framing discussion around terms of war. Seems like an insight into psychological issues more than anything else.

top kek

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>Global warming? Awesome! I've always wanted beachfront property

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Shapiro comes off as a guy who know what he's talking about. There's also hundreds of videos a out him owning college students.
Because of this, he's far more likely to show up on a millenial/zoomer YouTube recommendations.

Shapiro only comes off as a guy who knows what he's talking about because he only debates unprepared college students who are under 22 years old.
The same applies to Crowder btw. Crowder even got outdebated by fucking Joe Rogan

What did Rogan beat him on?

And for what it's worth, I'm 24 and find Crowders videos somewhat interesting but not Shapiro's.

And it has done wonders for his career, image and brand.
All Shapiro does is cherry pick statistics, ignores context and talks really fast.


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Does anyone follow Stefan Molyneaux besides alt righters?

>charlie kirk diaper
>charlie kirk diapers
Wait, what?

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>Charlie Kirk, a millennial conservative who once created a database of liberal college professors he didn't like, will be a guest speaker at the University of Central Florida this spring.
>The aim of the group, which has over 1,000 chapters spread across college and high-school campuses, is to get conservative candidates elected at the student-government level and fight "liberal intolerance."
>To demonstrate this, members of his group decided to wear diapers last year at a Kent State University protest to, you know, "own the libs" on the hot topic of college "safe spaces." However, as expected, the diaper protest just became a meme of Republicans wearing diapers.
I thought the whole doing retarded shit to "own the libs" was merely an overblown internet maymay. My sides.

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Turning Point is NOT libertarian, they're mainstream neocon conservative with some alt right staff members

Is that why the alt right doesn't like him?


imagine posting that like you won, jesus

If you want to see crowder get torn to tiny shreds and shat out see his thing he had with potholer54, who is an actual scientific journalist.

I thought bottom right was pamperchu for a moment there, lmao.

was for

He actually debated potholder54. It's a bigger retard than I though he was.

I wonder if Canadian or Mexican politicians ever find it weird how so many Americans involved in politics view a country in the middle east as a closer ally then their own neighbours.
In Australia it would be weird if someone did the same sort of shit regarding England, and we're part of the common wealth. Israel and America have fuck all actual geopolitical history.

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Did they? I did a Google search for "potholer54 steven crowder debate" and the first page of results are threads from reddit talking about how Steven Crowder backed out of some debate.
There was also this
>In September 2016, Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer started a "meme" smear campaign where he used fake Tweets to claim that Crowder is the leader of the alt-right and advocates for another Holocaust,[30][31] seemingly in the hopes of ruining Crowder's reputation à la Ben Garrison.[32] The "meme" was picked up by David Duke,[33] Jow Forums's Jow Forums,[34][35] and The Right Stuff, which released a fake podcast titled "White Power with Crowder".[36] Trolls on Twitter defamed Crowder on the hashtag #CrowderFacts.

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The average conservative doesn't really give a shit about Israel. And Canada and Mexico are viewed as allies by the government when anyone besides Trump is president.

The funny thing is that Ben Garrison is actually a racist

>The average conservative doesn't really give a shit about Israel.
Bullshit but my post read:
>Americans involved in politics
You've made several weak attempts to deflect criticism that have gone nowhere, like a passive little bitch. What's your deal here?

>The average conservative doesn't really give a shit about Israel
That's wrong though.

they never did becaause they do it in different ways but just videos where he shits on every single claim the guy makes in an article and his only defence is to tell potholer to come on his show for a meme debate with the sound guy he pays to laugh at his jokes

I never hear conservatives in real life talk about Israel

Evangelicals absolutely do, but they're only 20% of the population. I was actually surprised when my Trump fanatic Catholic grandfather actually agreed we should stop giving Israel billions (though he still buys the whole "only democracy in ME" line about staying allied).

>seemingly in the hopes of ruining Crowder's reputation à la Ben Garrison.
In a twist of irony, that smear only made Zyklon Ben stronger.

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that one is very true

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Hey libtards,
Don't want to work 80 hours a week to afford your cancer treatment?
Um, Vuvuzela, sweaties.

Please Like & Subscribe.

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the real redpill is that global warming is being used as a marketing technique to force people to buy new cars, just like diet shit is being used to force people to buy overpriced food

>EU and US are in the middle of a record high heat wave
its 63 degrees here right now with a high of 70 tomorrow

>americans be like "these celsius are too spicy, lets use something that literally no one else knows"

I don't care if you understand it, I can understand it either way

Lose some weight you fat bastard.

¿? what the fuck do you mean
of course the country where the biggest "News" are about wether cocacola is healthy or not needs to project this much

this thread is all the evidence in the world that Jow Forums is just /leftypol/

Go back to your echo chamber ya cuck

>this thread is all the evidence in the world that Jow Forums is just /leftypol/

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Is the ice at the poles increasing? Thought it was getting smaller, I voted green because I trusted them.

It isn't increasing. Americans are just braindead retarded.

if you see the turning point USA logo you can safely assume that its bullshit

its too absolute but other than that there is nothing wrong with it

the left truly cant meme

The issue is while seasonally there is for a time more ice the problem is this ice is thin as fuck and quickly melts, ice caps aren't supposed to be thin

>I voted green because I trusted them.
Great soon we will have another million engineers and scientists

Based & dare I say it, REDpilled

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During the winter the ice caps "grow", but the ice is thin and immediately melts come summer. So no the ice at the poles aren't increasing since the winter growth isn't permanent. If the winter ice managed to stay and was thick that would be good news but since it isn't yeah shits fucked

>i voted green because i trusted (((them)))

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nice proxy

>because of their degrees in art history
why do conservatives pretend to care about the background of the person talking about global warming while ignoring the overwhelming majority of climate scientists confirming it's real?

Funny how those socialist countries in Sovjet Bloc were far more conservative than USA during the Cold War.
But I guess it is convenient to leave some things out.

Theyre obviously talking about american college commies and not czechoslovakia. the average american couldnt fucking tell you which countries were ex soviet besides... well the ussr

Should be more specific then, ameripolitics do nothing but reduce and simplify everything to absolute minimum for dumbfucks to understand.
What the hell do "conservative" and "liberal" even mean at this point in america? Because I sure as hell do not know.

Fucking lmao.

has this been edited or is his face really that tiny?