You see a native of the New World for the first time and she gives you this look

What would you do?

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Give her a banana

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French kissu

>Tfw no kuruminha gf

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kill all males natives first so i can have my way with all kuruminhas

slap her

kill all the mens
breed her and all the tribe so a new ethnicity that look half mena,med half amerindian
is created

The D, I shall provide it bountifully. Mm yes.


Spill spaghetti, get back on the boat and sail back home because I can't talk to women. Hopefully die before I make it all the way back.

the only correct answer

Do Native Americans don't exist in Amerimuttland? Do Amerimutts don't have airplanes?

Do you think conquistadores went mad because all the pussy they could get?

once you fall in love with a native girl, it's really hard to get out of it.

Obviously you're supposed to imagine you're a conquistador in the OP.

>Do Native Americans don't exist in Amerimuttland?
They didn't exist in Spain or Portugal, which is where I would have come from originally.

>Do Amerimutts don't have airplanes?
Not in the 15th century, no.

Put the mentally handicapped creature out of it's misery.

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We're talking about the present day, retard.

No we're not. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to explain it to you. Are you autistic?

i think she must be surfering from some unknow disease so a run away from her

>*colonizes u*
i mean they were kinda lucky when you think about it

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Natives are ugly

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