Tell me literally everything you know about Namibia

Tell me literally everything you know about Namibia

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It's very hot and it's very cold

Katy Perry made a song about it

I know this guy who is Namibian just because I followed rugby for a while.

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More than half of it is just a giant desert, they have some really nice beaches, and they used to be a German colony. Also, they were part of the South African state. It has a very small population and seems like a nice place to visit.

It's from Africa? Maybe?

God tier surf spots.

Its in africa

Apparently they have weird looking cows with huge horns?

Behati Prinsloo, colonised by Germany and they are not that violent, unlike other African countries. If you got the dough you can have a comfy vacation there.

It was the location of the first Grand Tour special, and unlike their previous special episode from Top Gear, they did not get stoned by overzealous LatAms

Namibia is pretty safe, it's the better south Africa.

>tfw you will never stone the Top Gear crew for provoking you with a license plate

Namibia shape has a long thin panhandle.

No one suffers there

Their capital city has a bizarro-German culture.

Some based ancient plants grow there if i remember correctly

The people there talk in clicking noises.

This is the nicest thread discussing an african country I have ever seen

former german colony, still have some german parts in their country

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I'm an Africaboo and I know a lot of Namibia. It's "the 4th world meets 1th world": the country.

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>Behati Prinsloo
She has a project to protect rhinos in her country.

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I find it pretty neat that there's at least some residue of the German colonial legacy there. I wonder what made it last there longer than the other places.

their wolves are cool