DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2215.3

DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 人々 interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/

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How the fuck is the first character supposed to look like せ?

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it doesn't look like サ
so the closest interpretation is せ

>Learn about す causative
>Start seeing it literally everywhere now that I know about it

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I ignored anki and all Japanese learning for 2-3 months now. Have 5000 reps in my backlog. I was already at a level where I could read LN’s while translating maybe 1-3 words per page. Wat do?

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Read more

But I feel compelled to clear my backlog first, how do I un-addict myself from anki?

Spam space and enter

Three months is nothing. I haven't launched Anki in well over a year. As said, read more.

Why are you using green text even though you’re not citing text of other posters now?

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This is you

Lookup "greentext stories." The exact same usage.


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You can understand it as "quoting reality", at least that's how I see it.

You are missing the context of this post since you're not obsessively reading every post made in these threads or else you would have known this was a reference by the Japanese user to when the pole complained about the Jap user using greentext this way.

Get your DJT lore straight.

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Who are you quoting?

I just like the color of green, as the boy who I mentioned in the previous post as
and he mistakenly presumed it as
loves pink.

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You're welcome, 後輩.

It's so annoying. I only see it from time to time, so every time it takes me a bit to realize I am looking at a す causative

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Especially when some Japanese shitposter uses it since he saw you just learned it


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Anyone else feel a rift between you and other Japanese learners/weebs in general?
It seems everyone loves Japan for it's modern aspects and almost none of it's traditional aspects, like all those English teachers who lament that they weren't stationed in 東京 and are stuck in comfy 田舎.

I suppose it doesn't really matter since everyone can enjoy the culture in their own way, but I do wish I had a few buddies that can share a passion for shit like 神話学 or 伝統的な建築 or even 哲学.

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>it is

>夕 and タ are different characters


Learn English

I used to practice this technique with my friend when in high school, in a way that お互い隙のある時にはいつでも首チョップしていい.
And what we found was you can't make a person faint simply by hitting the back of his neck but can at least petrify him by hitting the bottom his neck where his 頸動脈 is located.

Attached: MakingHimFaint.jpg (506x500, 135K)

m8 literally nobody cares about its vs it's. Its will soon go the way of s'

I care, though.

ヤ ユ 彐
ワヰ 卫刁

please NOOO

Who are you quoting?

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What's the difference between


I can't read Japanese properly yet, and I can't find it in English

nvm, found it ありがとうございます

Well which fuckin one is it?

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What's the difference between those 3?

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That German guy.

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He wrote したい though

Jow Forums wisdom, u will master it in time
>yfw learning the ways

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See? he said he wanted to 寝さす his beer in refrigerator!

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Does the first part mean "between 1,600 to 1,400 cases of HIV have been reported since 2008"?

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>between 1,600 to 1,400 new cases of HIV positive have been reported since 2008
Yes it does.

The べ in 夕べ can be written 方 or 辺 in kanji and means "that general place" or "that general time." It is also used in words like 海辺 (海べ, "near the sea") or 水辺 (水べ, "near the water").
And it's also the same as the え (originally spelled へ, like the particle へ) that appears in 行方 (行くへ, "place gone to") and 古 (去にしへ, "time that has gone away," where 去にし is a past-tense conjugation of the archaic verb 去ぬ/往ぬ).



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I’d like to start reading things in Japanese to get things to stick more... I’ve heard Doraemon is good for instance but I can’t find raws anywhere. Do you guys have any other suggestions, preferably something easily accessible online?

Doraemon is for retards like Canada, real weebs read Yotsuba

It's my birthday in Japan

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see >Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:




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I was sure I was having a stroke or developing dyslexia until I looked up this company.

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Help me. I broke my brain trying to understand it.

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Could someone please translate some of these questions/answers?

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Huh, I never realized that you use that kanji for that phrase.

At that level, rather than having strategies based on the opponent, they have no choice but to see how far they can get with just focusing on 一歩's boxing.

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I fucked up
At his level right now, rather than making him match his opponent (with a strategy) we have to bet on concentrating on his boxing and seeing how good that will go.

how far*

I couldn't grasp this 合わせるより. I still have a problem with too complex sentences. Thanks.

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It's just
合う meet, match (in this case it's to match something, if it was making him fight him then they would use a different word probably, I thought Ippo wasn't gonna fight him yet which is why I fucked up and didn't think it through hard enough)
-aせる (causative, let someone/make someone do something)
より (rather than)

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What do you guys think about Cure Dolly? I'm a beginner who found it through warosu and the channel is super helpful with nailing the grammar into my thick skull. It was all just going over my head before now.

Autism for shitters that won't read books and grammar guides

I like her videos more than any written grammar guide however the later videos in the series have become pointless. Doesn't devalue the earlier ones though.

is there any OCR software that i can use to read raw manga by hovering the mouse cursor over the speech bubbles?

Brain and eyes are better

that wasn't very helpful

Why can't they just have 26 letters like a normal language? I'm trying to be a weeb but they're making it hard on me.

It will be once you learn some words

>Cure Dolly?
are you talking about that lady that is white and tries to teach japanese. very autistic as the other guy was saying.
i remember watching some videos when i was first learning. its not too bad but youd rather just read it

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>こんにち は is not こんにち わ but actually こんにち あ the same way 日本 へ ようこそ is 日本 え ようこそ

>ル is located between リ and レ and it looks like a combination of both

i figured all of that by myself, so i'm feeling very atamagaii.

None of that is true, what the fuck are you reading

don't be okotta, friend. we're all gonna make it. someday you might become just as smart as i am right now.


there is no need to be upset. just accept that i've already made it. you can be atamagaii someday, too. we're all gonna make it.


being butthurt and jealous of my atamagaiiness is only going to reduce your IQ. this way you will never gonna make it, user.

You only get the privilege of shitposting if you actually know something worthwhile which you don't.