Is this fight like greek-turkey tier, like a pakistani-indian tier, palestinian-israeli tier or a Russia-Ukraine tier

Is this fight like greek-turkey tier, like a pakistani-indian tier, palestinian-israeli tier or a Russia-Ukraine tier

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God is Corean ^__^

Mainly between retarded shills.

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I'd say it's like us. The other examples you mentioned are at war or are about to be

greek-turkey tier I guess but with less tension(never had any direct military conflict since 1945).

Koreans as a whole are like your Sjw neets tweeting shit 400 times a day on twatter and soi journos defending all that shit. They do this irl. Japanese oldfag polacks were/are trying hard to silence them but this shitshow will end soon. Shit has reached the point of no return.

It’s like African beggar korean who asking endless compensation and master europ japan

But we do economical sanctions on korea now
It can kill korean more painful way

Removing Samsung business from Korea

timmy-jimmy tier

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currently Greece-Turkey tier

I'd say slightly below Greece vs Durkiye tier.

>greek-turkey tier
which one is always making problem now a days, Greek or Turkey?

Turkey due to their president being a brainwashed Georgian Mutt who repelled Turkeys anti-islamic laws



Jjokbari are monkey barbarian shits that need killings ^__^ all of them ^___________^

More like wiping ass with toilet paper-infinitely appearing brown stain tier

Med-Nord tier.

in that case the meds have already won

" Med-Nord " is only in the mind of non euros

not really, most of the races you mentioned are racially related even remotely, our fight is mostly whites vs sandniggers, civilization and sandmonkeyland, golfers and basketball americans.