Less noise, less congestion, less corporations, less rules, less taxes, less concrete... maybe not quite a world of hunter-gatherers and stone huts, just a simpler and more free one.
Have you ever wish to live on a quieter planet with less people on it?
>Less noise
whites living in my next door will go away in 2 or 3 months
so no
If personal virtual worlds become a thing before I die, I will move to a Alpine/tropical world with almost nobody in it, except for a few slaves to attend my needs.
need a wifi baka
t. private rodriguez
just go to Chile/Canada/america if you want alpine conditions with no trace of humans
But why to move to Chile/Canada/USA if there are places with no trace of humans even in Swiss Alps?
>live next to street
>constant carflow
>sirens from police, firefighters and ambulance on a or regular basis
>extremely loud trucks
>two tramlines (subway above the ground)
>full of Arabs and Turks and blacks
Honestly you get used to the sound but subconscious it wrecks me, I want to live on the countryside again where I can sot outside, enjoy the air and sleep with an open window during summer. More people around you that actually speak your fucking language would be nice too.
Almost every day
there's a house in the fucking picture
There is even a second house in the background.
Seriously, walking in the Swiss Alps for a day without meeting anyone is challenging, maybe impossible.
Of course there's a house in this picture. And where should you live, your opinion, a forest dugout? I meant the idea of a peaceful but normal life, not the life of a forest hermit who never comes out of his forest.
Like on that planet from Legend of the Galactic heroes where farmer people basically lived like in the 17-18th century.
It was comfy as heck.
Such a great concept.
>peaceful but normal life, not the life of a forest hermit who never comes out of his forest.
normie fuck off
then they got nuked by the imperial nobles
Are you that easily getting nervous? It's strange, the Swiss have always seemed to me to be very calm and self-controlled people, who are really hard to get off balance.
there were others.
Remember those who had their crops confiscated and republic guy fell in love with the local girl?
yeah it was during the failed invasion of the Empire by thr FPA
That place was really nice and cozy to live in.
Anyone have that Pentti Linkola quote?
I dream of living on a frontier world from the 40k universe.
Can't you answer anything smarter , ,maybe some brilliant retort, a thoughtful counter-argument? Look at the diagram and see how low it is placed on it, your kind of argumentation .(called Name-calling)
Yes. Less humans. What was said in the previuos thread. Around 200m qhould be ideal which is of course far from what we have now.
Thats why depopulation should be praised in every state north and south.
Depopulation is bad because there won't be any pensions user!
>I wish I lived out in the wild in a fairytale world with no rules and pure freedom where you never ever got sick and never had to work 16 hours a day just to get food
Mechanisation will solve it.