Fucking West Slavic wannabes

Fucking West Slavic wannabes.

>not wanting to have anything in common with their big brother Russia
>stealing tons of words from Polish and Czech languages

But somehow they still choose to remain the Orthodox cyryllic-writing peasants.

Attached: Belarus_Ukraine.png (1236x1245, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cyrillic is better for writing slavic languages, with exception of few nasal sounds

You, Rusy, also stole many West Slavic words.

>we and russians grow from the same tree


Ruskies are bros. I would rather had nothing in common with poles instead.

Attached: 37e4a80e1352f22420f2fbdda1cf74b1.jpg (460x437, 15K)

>>stealing tons of words from Polish and Czech languages

Rech pospolitaya, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

We are all slavs you dingus, all the languages derived from proto-slavic / church slavonic

If OP is baitin, he did a bad job

Hand Lwow over then.

Attached: 1559975890372.png (551x853, 148K)

Rzecz/Rech/Řecz are actually one of these common Slavic words. Pospolitaya/Pospolita is definitely not of Slavic origin.

I just hope these artificial languages: Belarusian and Ukrainian will become extinct soon.

No offense but Polish sounds so awful and annoying compared to other Slavic languages

All sort of Slavs are disgusting barbaric people.

Thank you god that Russia isn't Slavic.

Polish girls sound cute!
Like snakegirls from anime!

I mentioned PLC and stuff expecting that you'll realize that your lang influenced the langs of Belarus and Ukraine during the time you "ruled" over them.

Well, Belarussian is on the verge of extinction, so you should consider giving Belostok back ;)

And it was a BIG mistake because of that our language got (slighty or not) russified making it more distant with Czech (yes, we love Czechs, we're pathetic).

Thank god we don't have your ugly accent.

This is coming from an insect Korean

my chočam być padobnymi da ciabie...


Why, you idiots? Why? You'll never be!

Polish pride = whore pride

Attached: 1546874480751.webm (480x270, 2.89M)

sempai ... kali laska dazvoĺ nam vučycca ŭ ciabie!

Then let your lands get annexed by us.


It's ''nia'', NOT ''ne''. Quit stealing West Slavic vocabulary.
