Why aren't you playing world of warcraft?

Why aren't you playing world of warcraft?

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Its been garbage since WoTLK and the golden age was in TBC.

They need to go back to making Warcraft RTSs.

This shit never appealed to me. WOW has always given me the feeling of a fat man with stupid-looking facial hair who drinks a lot of mountain dew and thinks he's an intellectual because he posts atheism stuff on r*ddit

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because its not 2007 anymore

Because I'm waiting for classic. Comfy bizness thread.

I'm not a futafag.

It just doesn't really have the magic it once does, and i only have time to play games casual to semi-hardcore status and that's not really enough to achieve what I would like to in the game.

Already have it 5yrs of my life. Don't regret it but I'll be damned if I ever let something so useless occupy my life again.

this, desu

Distraction with playing this game 24/7 is the sole reason i didnt buy bitcoin as early as 2011

cause it's not 2005... it's funny how games are so shit now that we've reverted back to WoW

WoW actually has held its entertainment value quite well. It's unironically still as fun as ever.

> (OP)
>Already have it 5yrs of my life. Don't regret it but I'll be damned if I ever let something so useless occupy my life again.
This exactly. I didn't end up playing all 4 years of HS football because of vanilla WoW. Don't get me wrong, goat mmorpg, but jesus did it consume my life for a few years.

Lets all go to the same classic realm.

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Yeah, those are the people that pioneered the internet, back when it was fucking Based. Something Awful posters, deep web perverts, 4channers, bitcoin users, counter strike hackers, all those fuckers are ugly sperglords who were addicted to Mountain Dew.

If you dislike people like this, you should fuck off to Plebbit

multi r1 pvper here, the game is so shit now and the class design is so watered down and simplified. the game has turned into complete shit that you could play on a fucking xbox

Already made a discord for a biztard guild

Those "pioneers" invented cringe "anonymous" online activism, among other things
now they spend most of their time on r*ddit, perhaps you should go back

Playing games 24/7 is nothing more than escapism, seriously most "gamers" don't even really enjoy the game they're playing, they end up treating it like a job more than anything where it's just the grind to accumulate or improve and they get at it 12-16+ hours per day - it gives people that feeling of accomplishment, tricks them into thinking they aren't just wasting their life like everyone else.

I'm 33, considered myself a gamer since I was like 6 years old. Nowadays I barely ever game, on rare occasion I'll play some random retro game on an emulator but that's about it. I realized I'd wasted probably 10,000-15,000+ hours gaming between the age of 15-25, put everything on hold, fucked up college, neglected girlfriends, ignored friends & family, and for what? so I could rank up in League of Legends, or grind a new piece of gear in WoW? Now that I've quit all that I mostly just feel regret for all the time I wasted. I would have been better off and felt more pride in myself if I'd sunk all of those hours into anything meaningful, be it furthering my education, or learning some arbitrary hobby like playing guitar, I would have been better off spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. Gaming was a mistake and anyone that's still stuck in that rut of playing for the sake of playing without finding any real joy in the experience (or very rare joy) needs to rethink what they're doing.

Gaming Is Escapism. People play to escape their otherwise dull and unfulfilling lives.

im playing warcraft 3 right . find me on azeroth : shootermcgavin

pm me and lets play some dota 1

This. Pedobros used to run this site.

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i am
occupying my neet days with world quests and mythic dungeons. currently leveling my dark iron dwarf

There is a difference in the guy that enjoys a glass of scotch when he comes from work and the guy that stays at his home drinking all day. I'm 33 yo PhD. Wife no kids yet. Game everyday when I can, you don't ever cease to be a gamer it's just gaming can't be the only thing going on in your life. Basically you need to work in other aspects of your life besides vidya, when you do you will find renewed joy in video games.

Dude that’s nothing.
Catch me on Pong. Bitch.

Cause I am 7 years clean.

This, games literally trick your brain into thinking you're doing something useful. Stuff like daily quests trick your psychology even more, because your brain treats it like a chore and rewards you for completing it, even though you haven't actually accomplished anything.

Because I lost my virginity in high school

Gots to get those epics son

How is this Jow Forums-related? Time is money and you're waisting it?

but I am desu senpai. the only thing left after I made it.

Fuck Blizzard.

Starcraft 1 , Diablo 1, Age of Empires II
boomer master race

Fun game. I've enjoyed the changes they've made to the game so far. Actually having fun.

>i made poor life choices and now I'm gonna extrapolate my retarded behavior to everyone so I give others lessons on how they should behave

can you make real money playing WoW?

This desu

Because that game is like a drug to me and if I start playing it again my life will rapidly detioriate. Haven’t touched it in 6 or 7 years

> tfw over 365 days /played by the time WOTLK came out

A game made by pink haried dikes and beta cucks. No thank you.

Because it's a shit game. I'm waiting for Pantheon Rise of the Fallen

Cryptocurrency needs to get integrated into gaming before this begins to take off for the average user.

thank god I discovered this game in highschool during the golden age (vanilla and TBC) and got bored of it before finishing high-school. Had some great moments in it and it was one of the best games ever made, but I've seen it turn so many people into losers that it's not even funny. If you have a genetic predisposition to become a loser or you are weak minded, this game will 100% turn you into a useless pile of shit. I know a guy who's been playing this shit for 11 years straight and he doesn't even realize how much it fucked his life up.

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I am, just not this shitty expansion.

i only played during teenage years. why would i play other expansion after wotlk. lich king was the final boss of warcraft 3 series that i used to play and the reason i started playing wow till cata came out.

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>The Bizkids
>Moon Knights
>The Age of Bull

Some guild names that come to mind

>The Chainlinks
>Knights of Bogandoff

Hey now... stop talking about me bruh.

>seriously most "gamers" don't even really enjoy the game they're playing

This. Most of the time they just rage basically lol. Why the fuck would you even play if it just makes you nerdrage, it's fucking stupid. If the game feels like work to you then you should fucking stop playing immediately.

>learning some arbitrary hobby like playing guitar

Why would that be any better than gaming? Sounds even more retarded to me than gaming 24/7.

because i dont enjoy anything anymore

>giving away your hard slaved shekels to play a "game"

user, I...

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not playing until classic is back

i played all the strategy games those were good 2 not so much

>not playing the official MMO of Jow Forums


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Tiberian Sun , Baldur's Gate,Age of Empires II.
Can we be frens?

The only people who play WoW nowadays are the people that played it 10 years ago. There are almost no new players, 95% can be considered veterans at this point I think.

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are you german by any chance?

i only played WC3, never WoW


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Can I get inv?


I try to avoid video games that demand more than a hundred hours of playtime as I'm actually trying to make something of myself and find them to be far too much goddamn time that could be used reading or lifting or learning a skill, all of which I enjoy more than levelling up and le epig pwnage. I also find a lot of the community of multiplayer PC games to be utterly fucking isufferable. That said I wouldn't mind jumping back into game once I've actually made it. I only come on Jow Forums because I have no social life and there's sometimes decent info

he's right and you're wrong :^)

I love MMOs but definitely sacrifice things in my personal life as soon as I play them.

I wish I had self control and could limit my play time.

Making music is infinitely more useful and meaningful than playing a game lol. At least you're creating something, even if it's shit, but if you're just starting, of course it's shit, that's how skills work. A hobby that you can turn into a career is much better time spent than sucking hours of your life into a game that you probably won't ever be pro at. At least with music or gardening or writing or whatever you won't be embarassed in your 30s about wasted time and having learned nothing. And the best case is it actually becomes something meaningful

Nah I absolutely understand the draw and I do love video games, I've been addicted to cigarettes and adderall for extended periods of time and I have to imagine it's similar. Once I cut out drugs I also cut out the games, it actually took a period of homelessness for me to realize how fucked up my life had become

But I am user.

>Boomers of Bizcraft


classic when

I play it occasionally, though not nearly as much as before. Too bad it's AH doesn't work like a stock market, I imagine a biz guild could make a killing on it if it did.

Turning music into a career is pretty damn hard too bro, only a small fraction of people who play a quitar will ever get payed for it.

>Making music is infinitely more useful and meaningful than playing a game lol.

The same thing can be said about gaming. Really hard to go pro. I learned english from playing video games when I was a child, also plenty of games have a lot of math involved in them. What the fuck had I gained if I made some shitty songs when I was a kid? Fucking nothing. Complex multiplayer video games have way more dimensions than playing a guitar. You sound like you define your values through what is more valued by other people, the masses. Not something that is actually logical. Basically you're a normie.

>not longing investments and sinking thousands of hours into MMOs, effortlessly watching years of your life fly by to nearly free entertainment as your investments rapidly skyrocket relative to your perception
Not gonna make it.

vidya games are for retards, stop pretending they aren't

>played probably 100 hours of WoW these past two weeks
>bitmex open on the other window
>making money, grinding gear, watching movies

feels good man

You sound like you define your values through what is more valued by other people, the masses. Not something that is actually logical. Basically you're a normie.

Lol fuck off "muh masses" most people care more about cawadoody than genuinely understanding and appreciating music, get off it. Those songs you made as a kid could be looked on as memories, and if you kept at it, then you could have garnered a following at the very least, I agree music is impossible to make money off of nowadays but actually learning theory is far more valuable and opens up many avenues that aren't staring at a screen pwning noobs. Reminder this is Jow Forums not /v/

>Lol fuck off "muh masses" most people care more about cawadoody than genuinely understanding and appreciating music, get off it.

Hahaha, in what fucking world are you living in? Even here outside of /v/ people don't seem to give a fuck about video games. You fucked yourself with your own argument and you're too stupid too see it :D.

Just admit it, music is more valuable to you because you know girls think gamers are losers compared to musicians. No mind of your own, literally a normie.

Lol music is a pursuit in its own right, and I don't find the same enjoyment in a child's hobby like I do in music, the fact that girls like is just a plus friend ;) Also I play games too they're just objectively less useful than learning skills, and acquiring mates, capital, resources in the real world requires far more mental energy than any video game, except maybe flight sims lol

most normies are impressed by and look up to someone who is half decent at an irl side hobby while also being successful in their career. You know those guys who win lifting competitions or marathon races while also working full time as a doctor or engineer, people respect you a lot for those types of things.

Then you have the people who are good at their jobs but are fatasses and have no real hobbies besides watching TV. They get more respect than NEETs but not much more.

Its a shame they could never get the battleground matchmaking right, few things have ever been more fun that a well balanced pvp battleground

Who are you? If you're multi r1 we know eachother
> t. 3100 healer

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>most normies are impressed by....

Yeah, I stopped caring at that point. That has literally no value to me. That's our fundamental difference. Like I mentioned earlier already.

Yeah you value pwning noobs at the expense of making anything of yourself, understood, No mind of your own, literally a normie.

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>tfw enlightened gaming race pwning noobs

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With respect to the vydia vs music making discussion, remember that the former is just consuming someone else made while with the later is an act of creation/production. To provide a semblance of meaning in someone's life, struggling through the process of creation is an absolute necessity. Nothing wrong with consuming crap once in a while but that should at most 20% of your time besides studying/working.

t. Software developer whose "hobby" is music making.

OK. But it's empty rn i was going to wait until wow classic launched

Wouldnt one of them fancy new COMMUNITIES be a good idea?

sincerely a no guilder

>He thinks Anonymous today is Anonymous of 2004.
user the original Anonymous is in jail, dead, or rich (finally having too much to lose). The faggots going around today screaming #FuckKrumpf are exactly that, some reddit faggots who spend their time sucking dick and own a twitter account. They have no skills.

I encourage neets with not much else going on who only play vidya to make an attempt to make a video game, or maybe assets or something like that, draw art and sell it, it's incredibly rewarding

> that the former is just consuming someone else made while with the later is an act of creation/production.

So you made all your instruments yourself? Or did you just buy a guitar someone else had made and you just play it? Just like gamers buy games other people have made and play them?

Maybe you're also entertaining some people. What's the difference between that and some gamers entertaining people with their gameplay(streamers etc). Stop thinking you're doing something larger than life when you're making your shitty music man, it's fucking cringy. All you're doing when you're making music is making noises in certain sequences. It's all just entertainment exactly like games are.

Try 2004

Not that guy but yes I have made my own instruments before, in addition to developing my own software instruments, which are skills in and of themselves, and the skill in playing a guitar, or writing a song, or producing one, are not the same as manipulating a game world and arguably far more difficult than that and the former. Deep down you have to understand that the act of creation and consumption are fundamentally different things

You're just not understanding my point, playing an instrument and playing a game is basically creating the same thing, entertainment. Just because you happen to like music more doesn't make it somehow objectively superior form of entertainment lol. I get that you might have some special feels about music but it's still just entertainment nothing more.

i'll have time to play when i have my million dollars

Playing a game does not create entertainment, playing a game entertains you, you didn't create anything, except possibly enjoyable memories if it isn't utterly consuming your life. Your point would make sense if I was comparing buying an album to buying a game, but I am not, I am talking about learning a useful hobby, and the hobby could be literally anything where you create something of value, which is a much better thing to do than playing world of warcraft


I don't build my musical instruments, so yes in that sense I'm a consumer. But they're tools for creation, not for mere consumption.

For some people music is just entertainment (and that's OK), others consider music making a mere act of mental masturbation for seeking validation (and I understand that point of view).

However when you said:
>Stop thinking you're doing something larger than life when you're making your shitty music man, it's fucking cringy. All you're doing when you're making music is making noises in certain sequences. It's all just entertainment exactly like games are.

You're just reducing that in such a fucking absurd way, that it was you who came across as someone fucking cringy. Games can be inspiring and quite a few OSTs have inspired me in my music making but at the end of the day they're acts of consumption. But they're act that might inspire acts of creation, which is something that you don't do in games considering that they're mostly designed as dopaminergic skinner boxes (e.g. World of Warcraft), trying to suck your time and money.

Drop the fucking stupid reductionist nihilism, if you can't really see the difference between these two types of activity I advise you to think a bit more about it.

Also I might add that playing a game if you're streaming and your personality garners an audience that you can turn into something, I have no problem with that, and I don't even have a problem with games, I love them, I do however have a problem with the denigrating of any useful skill to the act of playing a video game, they're simply not the same

Come on man, at least learn how to read first.

>Playing a game does not create entertainment, playing a game entertains you

Tell that to the people who watch streamers/youtubers play games every day. They're creating entertaining gameplay. If you play a guitar alone in your room who are you entertaining except yourself? AGAIN WTF IS THE DIFFERENCE? At this point if you still don't get it you gotta be fucking stupid man, I simply can't make it any simpler than this. You've just been brainwashed into thinking games are something silly kids do with no value while music is something objectively valuable. No logic or mind of your own. The value of entertainment is all subjective. Your shitty music has no value to me for example.

>Drop the fucking stupid reductionist nihilism

You mean logic vs your feels?

I addressed your first point here>AGAIN WTF IS THE DIFFERENCE?

The difference is you are learning a skill, the quality of what I do or your subjective opinion of it is irrelevant to the subject.