How i can invest in sex robots?

This will be a gorillion dollar business.

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I've thought about this too and the first thing that came to mind was industrial producers of silicone and TPE.

You could also buy a hundred of them and open a fuck doll brothel like the one in europe that was successful.

Hmm...and cleaning this mess up? No thanks. xD

This is what middle men are for user...

and you guys thought working fast food was rough. Go clean out the cum dumpster wagie

Attached: wagie.jpg (231x218, 11K)

Yeah true...but still have to find wagecucks that will do this shitty work...otherwise i have to do it...

>What are Mexicans?

Haven't you heard? Wagecucks these days are very thankful to opportunity to work for you! Some of them even give complimentary blowjobs and do 6 months of voluntary unpaid internships just for the promise of, maybe, eventually paying them.

Attached: wagiecockhat.jpg (231x218, 38K)

They're still at least 20-30 years away. In the end they'll be so real it'll be like this:

You idiot. They will obviously be self-cleaning

shouldn't be a problem user

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Nooooo. This was supposed to be my secret idea. Don't spread it. No OP faggot no. Fuck you.

dont do it. i had an intership as a mechanical engineer most of the tech involve is really old compared to what we have now. wait a couple of years before going balls deep

stupido...better they are producing energy of cum.

You‘re welcome.

>how was your weekend user?
>"um fine"
>Do anything fun?
>"I-I visited this bar where th-they have these realistic dolls.. Mostly watched tv and slept nothing nothing"

But where I have to look? Japan? China? USA? Germany?

Holy fuck you are such a zoomer. And not just a regular zoomer, the shitty underage "haha memes lol" kind. Fuck off OP.

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And i got the same idea like u? Hmmmmm who is the mentally retarded now?

hire someone for it

Yeah, that's what saddens me the most. Makes me loathe myself that my idea is shared by a fucking zoomer. But then again, I'm happy that I though of it way earlier and am more versed in it.

>Hmmmmm who is the mentally retarded now?
Well you, seeing as you are a fucking 12 year old on an 18+ website. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS.

>more versed in it
do you? I don’t think so. xD

this business idea is interesting

You know what user. For whatever reason, you remind me of me. Maybe not exactly, but if I were your age, I'd probably be like you, kinda. So I will give you some basic tips that will get you started at least.

>have a brokerage account ready
>consider what user said >
>be on the lookout for news regarding the topic
>don't invest if it's some shady chinese looking scam

The rest is on you. Also please drop the "xD", even ironically it's pretty retarded. Unironically it's KYS tier. Good luck champ.

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Thanks dude...i was just here for tips not for flaming bs. But you helped to bump it again and again to the front page. xD give me your BTC adress and I‘ll send you some loan.

delete this. damn after seeing you retards think of a business im definately starting mine. later losers see u at the top. but looks like im getting there first oh well just finish the race user.

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Saw an article yesterday about a brothel in Toronto opening up with this. So people are already on it. Open up brothels bruh.

Holy fuck what has biz become. Bunch of retards. Im gonna be so stinking rich i might even be stinky linky rich and drop a few k on that shit coinf or hte lols. god damn i did hte math and ya this is e z million dollars for me. welp see ya later biz off to get my millz n 100 dolla billz if u know what i stuntin i be bluntin with your moms muffin like a glue gun in a pumpkin gl son i ts been fun get ur self a fuukin gun.

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You gotta go back.

nice larp, kid
I'll have the combo meal number 4 with extra dipping sauce, and make it quick.

looks like someones gettin mums glue gun sauce n there tendies. so tell me wagie how much of a lendy for a tendy? lemme guess i t started a lil something like this : "MMOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!"

Attached: Japan-Anime-Pillow-Hugging-Pillow-Cases-Martial-Arts-Printed-Pillow-Cover-Peach-Skin-Home-Textiles-P (750x422, 63K)

Seconding this.

I want to know is there is any stock, option I can invest in that is remotely close to this industry

The fact that you're going to stop posting in 20 minutes means that your half lunch lunch break is up.

lol? im retired.

call me pyq2 i shall be back with proof of my millz n dollar billz sellin the grillz n the netz place ur betz