How i can invest in sex robots?

This will be a gorillion dollar business.

Attached: 08135D97-5AB9-4C3E-A90D-4E9F67078330.jpg (1800x1012, 158K)

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I've thought about this too and the first thing that came to mind was industrial producers of silicone and TPE.

You could also buy a hundred of them and open a fuck doll brothel like the one in europe that was successful.

Hmm...and cleaning this mess up? No thanks. xD

This is what middle men are for user...

and you guys thought working fast food was rough. Go clean out the cum dumpster wagie

Attached: wagie.jpg (231x218, 11K)

Yeah true...but still have to find wagecucks that will do this shitty work...otherwise i have to do it...

>What are Mexicans?

Haven't you heard? Wagecucks these days are very thankful to opportunity to work for you! Some of them even give complimentary blowjobs and do 6 months of voluntary unpaid internships just for the promise of, maybe, eventually paying them.

Attached: wagiecockhat.jpg (231x218, 38K)

They're still at least 20-30 years away. In the end they'll be so real it'll be like this: