I see no problem they're basically the same people
fucking disgusting br*tbongs, worse than insects, we really need to declare war and slit open the throats of all your subhumans living here
Are you a Spaniard living in the UK since you can read Spanish?
Galicians and Portuguese are literally the same people.
Why so many romanians?
you're calling our grandfathers and grandmothers who want a bit of sun disgusting when there are 3 times as many Moroccans?
Everyone south of Zaragossa looks like a Nafri anyway
Fucking Americans.
Their gypos moved to our country in mass to steal shit from us and commit crime as usual. Funny thing is that our local gypos hate the romanian ones.
I thought he was thinking of those Brit party goers that get really drunk at Spanish beaches.
I'm just larping, I literally don't care who comes here as long as they behave properly
Romanian and Spanish are extremely similar languages.
Spanish easy to learn = An incentive to move there.
>we really need to declare war
Why? they come here and kill themselves for some reason
I'm not fluent but it's extremely easy to understand.
Marruecos = Morrocans
Rumania = Romanians
Reino Unido = Brits
Portugal = Portuguese
Italia = Italians
Colombia = Colombia
Ecuador = Ecuador
Bulgaria = Bulgaria
Alemania = Germany
Ucrania = Ukraine
How is that hard?
The number of Moroccans is actually higher, it's just that a large number of them has been getting citizenship so now they're counted as Spanish
“Up to seven men are thieves; from seven to 35 men are a band; over that, it is an army.”
galicians are white portuguese
Why don't Mexicans and Argentines go to Spain?
>Romanian and Spanish are extremely similar languages.
No, both are romance languages but romanian is alien tier to other romance speakers. They have a lot of slavic loanwords and the most fucked up thing, Romanian is the only romance language that mantained grammatical cases.
and Venezuela? , british are all pensioners and italians are argies with eu passport
are you retarded?
spain has like 30% unemployment rate
We are Angloboos and would only consider living in superior nations, of course
Argentinians do move to Spain so I don't why you ask about that
After France started to deport Romanian gyppos they moved here basically
>The number of Moroccans is actually higher
the Romanians too because they are mostly living in shanties and you have to add 2-3M of Spics that got full citizenship after a couple of years here
Mexicans can't swim to Spain
Only higher class Mexicans are seen here. Argentinians don't migrate so much but you can find some of them here
13.6% atm
It should be
maybe a stupid question but how are Venezuelans even getting to spain?
>13.6% atm
they save money take a plane and enter as tourist and overextend, they need arround 3-4k Euros to get here, also human trafficking, but you need to be cute.
ironically we are the mexicans of UK, every spaniard wants to work in london. not only waiters , there are engineers ,doctors and qualified people in general
they work exploited by Glovoo or another shitty company, you can find many prostitutes from there too
Dios mio... Am I officially Spanish now?
>we are the mexicans of UK
that's Poland, average Spaniard don't move, other than qualified people.
send fems Vasile.
t. didn't work in London
i did and cardiff is full of italians and iberians
What's Belarus's secret?
why won't spanish bastards hire WOMEN?
canaries are full of italians, can confirm.
also they stereotipically open pizza and pasta restaurants. I don't complain tho.
Romanians are a blessing. You can fuck a Romanian 8/10 hooker with a killer body for 50 euros. Rejoice!
Belarus, making unemployment illegal will not...
Are you Moroccan
yeah I don't think Spain is getting the 8/10 Romanians
I know a Romanian guy who has a construction company with 100 workers here in my city
If you unemployed you pay extra taxes.
In Soviet times it was more extreme and unemployment was illegal, and if you don't have job state will find it for you.
>I don't think Spain is getting the 8/10 Romanians
these are the 20 € range
Thats to fucking close to my house.
Someone do something!
Is it possible to fuck Moroccan girls?
From Jow Forums I have discovered this:
>You can fuck T*rk girls in Germany
>You can fuck Algerian girls in the ass in France but it's much harder
>You CANNOT fuck paki girls in the UK (we have VERY conservative pakis)
What about Moroccans in Spain?
There is an infamous belgian tourist who went around Morocco and fucked a bunch of women after promising them he would take them back to Europe with him. He took pics of them and got a bunch of them honor killed/disowned by their families lel.
Deleting my image right now mister.
I hate misinformation
based belgian bull
Sure, most of them try to pass as locals to charge more but fail, Moroccan hookers are easier to find in Morocco, there's a fuckton in Tangier.
We're trying to take sp*in back, but gipsies are catching up.
it's pretty obvious it is literally the exact same image except in black and white
remainers will believe anything that satisfies their bias though
nvm it was algeria, same shit tho
do you think you could tell the difference between a Moroccan and an Andalusian?
Well, maybe you couldn't, wh*toid subhuman
Yes. Usually Uni students. They are try to get the fuck out of their country marrying with a local. If they scew up, hers family pay for a hymenoplastia a a new morita virgin was born
One is extremely Muslim and the other is a poser.
The Andalusian is the Muslim
LMAO if you check the article's history someone changed it to Algeria from Morocco
Andalusians mixed with basically everyone. Some of them even look like chinks. Not the best example.
is the woman in the middle a fucking ghost?
Those people are relatively recently mixed, though
This, what's with colombians and Spain?
I also think there's a shit ton of Argentinians over there
>what's with colombians and Spain?
got spanish nacionality
>Those people are relatively recently mixed
kek, There was a migration of christian refugees from Japan to andalusia in the sixteenth century. Pretty much anywhere in Andalusia you will find that some locals have oriental features.
Prove it
The guy who started the whole thingy:
>dos años después, tras su periplo por Europa, la misión partió desde Sevilla hacia Nueva España, en junio de 1616. Existen indicios por registros documentales de que algunos japoneses pudieron quedarse en España, ya que su última estancia la realizaron en localidades cercanas a Sevilla (Espartinas5 y Coria del Río6). Curiosamente, hay muchas personas que se apellidan "Japón" en esa comarca andaluza y en otras zonas de España 7,
It's too far and too p̶o̶o̶r̶ irrelevant
Alemania = Germany
how did you get this one?
We all learnt a little bit of French or Spanish in school and that one that stays with you.
based and wholesome
Brits get out of my province reeeeee
Didn't know Bulgarians were men of culture
T. alicantino furry.
Lmao it actually was Morocco
Thats literally what swedes say when they get questions about immigration. The reality is that its impossible to expect immigrants to behave because thats not how black men are programmed
Fine, but I doubt it's as widespread as you make it out to be
>The surname Japón (Spanish for "Japan") is conserved among approximately 700 inhabitants of Coria del Río, identifying them as descendants of the members of Hasekura Tsunenaga's delegation.
What do Blacks have to do with anything here? They are Arabs