Poopcoin to become the official currency of India by 2020

Poopcoin to become the official currency of India by 2020.

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fuck you racist bitch

kek aww is poor little rakesh butthurt? maybe he should go poo in the loo

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LOL pooping in Blockchains

>brown id

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pajeet detected

kys you basterd. you think white people are so superior when we are takign all of ur tech jobs

It's obviously bait, normalfags.

Cause we actually care about what we get paid. We don't accept table scraps, we make the table scraps


Indian tech jobs kek

Tech support*

No its not, people genuinely think that shit

Not on Jow Forums.

Rajeesh isnt even a real name bitch. i do not know a single person or have ever met a single person called pajeet. fuck you and ur racism. wen we come over and rape ur women and take ur country because ur men ar to lazy to get the jobs then u will see. white fuck. there is a reason we scam so many of u . itr is because u are all retarded and mothers dropped you on ur head . easy money u bitch

What makes you the expert on the user base of an anonymous site?

How in the fuck will your men come here to rape our women if our women are taller than your men?

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>implying someone who gets offended by racism would use Jow Forums

Jow Forums as you remember it is dead

smallest unit of poopcoin 0.0000001 to be called "pajeet"