Crabs and stuff
/carib/ + island friends
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Smells like coconuts and pineapples in here.
hello hello
Hello, my fellow Caribbean posters: USA and Finland.
Here's your Caribbean brother Russia.
Hello! How are you?
Hello my bröther from the tropic, hows it going?
Long time no see. I'm doing well. Been really darn hot recently, but it's cooled off a lot since yesterday. How are you?
2:08, I need to sleep but instead of that I made a tea with honey and listen asmr.
Pretty gud I should say.
How are you tho?
I'm doing well too, still fairly consistent with the little bit of exercise I do. It was somewhat chilly/rainy for the past few weeks but it's started to get hot again here. That's a very comfy looking sloth btw
I'm having some green vanilla tea right now. pretty comfy
Nice work keeping up with the exercise, I still haven't, but I really need to. Sounds like things are going pretty decent. School starting back up anytime soon for you? Sloths are pretty comfy creatures, life in slow motion and all.
>Sloths are pretty comfy creatures, life in slow motion and all.
Agreed. School starts up again in a little over a month for me. I've got some time before I need to worry about that stuff but time will surely fly faster than I expect it to do.
>time will surely fly faster than I expect it to do.
Seems to generally be the case.
Crabs look so ugly desu
Take that back
They look repulsive Suomifren. Especially their mouths, reminds me of spiders or something from an alien movie
Based thread
Plebian taste desu
Hi. Hows it going?
I'm good
God I wanna punt kick that thing
Crabs are part of anglo culture.
amscray, bully
Brebare to get snib snabbed
Have you started doing some exercises?
At least it no longer comes as a surprise
No not really, I forgot about it
They are like water spiders with armor and claws
Mena RD? Is that you?
Is the weather comfy there now?
It's hot and annoying
puerto rico user, if you're here how is your coffee plant doing
Hello arubanon, hows it going?
p good, smoking a fat doink nibba
Dats the life bröther
Couple of peas in a pod right there.
Capybaras find harmony with all creatures
Cute critters.
President of /carib/
Whatcha up to, bud?
I'll probably go to sleep soon. How about you?
I'd have thought so, getting a bit late. I've just been watching this show Dark Matter, it's space travel science fiction, pretty neat.
Seems interesting at a glance. But i'll be going to sleep now. Good night
See ya next time. Good night.
Hello there carib
Hello, I hope to see you in the next one since i'll be going to sleep now.
hello brother
Thanks for the you :3