/carib/ + island friends

Crabs and stuff

Attached: crab.jpg (1000x669, 409K)

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Attached: crab 5.jpg (900x600, 293K)

Smells like coconuts and pineapples in here.

Attached: Venusian.png (1360x623, 372K)

hello hello

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Hello, my fellow Caribbean posters: USA and Finland.
Here's your Caribbean brother Russia.

Hello! How are you?

Attached: sloth looking.jpg (500x750, 80K)

Hello my bröther from the tropic, hows it going?

Long time no see. I'm doing well. Been really darn hot recently, but it's cooled off a lot since yesterday. How are you?

Attached: three-toed sloth .jpg (700x481, 120K)

2:08, I need to sleep but instead of that I made a tea with honey and listen asmr.
Pretty gud I should say.
How are you tho?

I'm doing well too, still fairly consistent with the little bit of exercise I do. It was somewhat chilly/rainy for the past few weeks but it's started to get hot again here. That's a very comfy looking sloth btw
I'm having some green vanilla tea right now. pretty comfy

Nice work keeping up with the exercise, I still haven't, but I really need to. Sounds like things are going pretty decent. School starting back up anytime soon for you? Sloths are pretty comfy creatures, life in slow motion and all.

Attached: th.jpg (333x187, 13K)

>Sloths are pretty comfy creatures, life in slow motion and all.
Agreed. School starts up again in a little over a month for me. I've got some time before I need to worry about that stuff but time will surely fly faster than I expect it to do.

Attached: comfy capybaras bath.webm (640x640, 1.22M)

>time will surely fly faster than I expect it to do.
Seems to generally be the case.

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Crabs look so ugly desu

Take that back

Attached: crab 2.jpg (1000x667, 199K)

They look repulsive Suomifren. Especially their mouths, reminds me of spiders or something from an alien movie

Attached: 83D465AD-8EF8-438C-8989-7488AB100F66.jpg (2448x3264, 1.14M)

Based thread

Plebian taste desu
Hi. Hows it going?

Attached: crab and cigarette 2.jpg (720x720, 98K)

I'm good

God I wanna punt kick that thing

Attached: 6A56B41E-169B-4A1A-A1D7-9D1B681ED59C.jpg (891x597, 41K)

Crabs are part of anglo culture.


amscray, bully

Brebare to get snib snabbed
Have you started doing some exercises?
At least it no longer comes as a surprise

Attached: snib snab spurdo crab.png (296x302, 58K)

No not really, I forgot about it

They are like water spiders with armor and claws

Mena RD? Is that you?

Attached: images.jpg (224x224, 8K)

Is the weather comfy there now?

It's hot and annoying

puerto rico user, if you're here how is your coffee plant doing

Hello arubanon, hows it going?

p good, smoking a fat doink nibba

Dats the life bröther

Attached: cat with drink.jpg (720x960, 162K)


Attached: capybara and croc.jpg (696x364, 84K)

Couple of peas in a pod right there.

Capybaras find harmony with all creatures

Attached: capybara and ducks.jpg (634x375, 48K)

Cute critters.

Attached: 1561730309000.jpg (580x435, 146K)

President of /carib/

Attached: trujillo_rafael_leonidas.jpg (340x294, 17K)


Attached: comfy capybaras in bath.jpg (884x564, 104K)


Attached: cat playing with ball.gif (720x404, 2.99M)


Attached: blini kot.jpg (1124x1024, 162K)

Whatcha up to, bud?

I'll probably go to sleep soon. How about you?

I'd have thought so, getting a bit late. I've just been watching this show Dark Matter, it's space travel science fiction, pretty neat.

Seems interesting at a glance. But i'll be going to sleep now. Good night

Attached: comfy cat 2.jpg (724x458, 59K)

See ya next time. Good night.

Attached: 1561708184531.jpg (1706x960, 192K)

Hello there carib

Hello, I hope to see you in the next one since i'll be going to sleep now.

hello brother

Thanks for the you :3