How would a boy that dresses like this be treated in your country?

How would a boy that dresses like this be treated in your country?

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In Petersburg, like a princess

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"She" is brazilian

He would unironically be jailed and beaten here lol.

he's an aussie

I bet his cock is huge.



Showered in gifts and money by some old perverted sugar daddy

when people discover it's a he they would be very mad

it's pretty big

He would be killed.

He'd be so fucked

It's alright. I was hoping for a bigger.

in Cluj he would be trated like an outcast for being too manly

He would get BLACKED

Attached: eeewtt.jpg (200x200, 38K)

i would personally beat him up

I don't know, but I do know I wouldn't go outside dressed like that

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>in Egypt, they were known by the related term khawal.[2] The khawal imitated female ghawazi by dancing with castanet self accompaniment, painting their hands with henna, braiding their long hair, plucking their facial hair, wearing make-up, and adopting the manners of women.[2]

halal if feminine enough

i would personally beat him up with my cock

absolutely based


I don't know but I would do him.


Is that a tranny or crossdresser?

wouldn't that get you both stoned?

They just killed some homo activist there. Mean while in Moscow nobody kills gays.

Attached: homosex_map.png (1836x1654, 215K)

lol france

I bet a slut like you goes out like that all the time.

wtf, you legalized it before we did?
also based Bosnia

Final proof that France is gayer than Sweden.

Meh, pretty normal.

not really
(france is red sweden is blue)

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like the beautiful princess he is

is this what they call "btfo"?
also nice exapalis

yeah you only dress like that for internet strangers...

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Shush! I dress very modestly when I go outside, although my summer shorts are rather short... Besides I don't wanna be beaten up or worse!

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would obliterate boypussy/10

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you and me both friend, I'd pound that bp like a cement breaker

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another fag thread, lol

The boy in this pic isn't me if thats what you are thinking....

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Is this her?

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Imagine double teaming that cute maid into oblivion.

Why not show the tits?

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Don't I have a say in this?

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I would spank him until he would willingly take those clothes off. Then we would engage in good old manly wrestling.

As if you would object.

I just assume you'll say "yes daddies :3"

Hmph, I might! Who knows.
Like hell i'd be that obedient out of uniform.

>out of uniform
I'd rather do you in uniform

Can your butt handle foreing objects with 17cm circumference?

More pics pls

You better be real nice to me if you want that!
Im rather tight so im gonna go out and say thats very big.

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sex, now!

honey I'd treat you like a princess

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Sounds good. I guess ill obey for a while.

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I dressed like this 2 days ago and I got treated pretty well


I hope your mouth can serve a cock well then
>According to the 2013 survey by the Pew Research Center, 97% of people answers no, 3% answered yes, on question: "Should Society Accept Homosexuality?".

You're not gonna earn them by replying to me with 1 word

what do ya want from me fella

So even though it's technically not illegal, it's still publicly condemned and potentially dangerous. Same thing happens in Lebanon with police detaining people suspected of being gay (they will just say they're detaining you for other reasons).

You're too late to give me anything, I'm going to sleep.

Most posters here know exactly what I wore though, since I met up with Spain

alright someone else send me pics of their BP please wont relinquish the goods

I really want whenever you guys post pics of yourselves, do it with "Jow Forums" written on a paper sheet or on your skin, to show proudly that this is your board.

sleep well hung portutrap user

>since I met up with Spain

Are there pics of this?!
>tfw also have to go to bed and now I might miss juicy lewds


shut up you furry


Oh fuck that sounds hard to do

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Yes but I can't post any of them in a blue board (any where we're both together I mean)



Link imgur? You don't have to of course but I'm extremely curious now.

Dane boy with the wide hips and cute tummy .

Attached: 1563706920454.jpg (615x387, 87K)

Built for BUC (Big Uralic Cock)

Nah, I'll take some pictures tomorrow since we're meeting up again.

You can have this though, he brought his clothes so I was finally able to crossdress

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So much nordic attention. Feels nice

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With my dick up his arsehole!!!!!!

Anyone else have fantasies of being shrunk and kept as a trap's pet?


I bet your ass feels nice.

A bit gay tbqh.

10/10 desu. Do you both crossdress? Cute.

Honestly wish I had som nordic friends of only foreigners(nonnordics) and swedes. Would be sweet to be able have places to stay over for the night when travelling and stuff like that.

It does! Outside and inside.

i got you

true but its a bit exaggerated
the area their questions were asked in is a major factor

almost sounds like you are hinting at something...

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Oh, I actually didn't even mean lewd stuff ya pervy dane.I just like nordic culture so it would be cool to get to travel to the different countries.

[spoiler]lewd stuff with strangers is scary[/spoiler]

what have I done to you:(

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Post the outside.

you can't spoiler on Jow Forums bra

IN MY DEFENCE! It sounded like you wanted that. But yeah I don't think I want to do it with strangers just like that.

furrys are too autistic


[spoiler]i kno[/spoiler]

You were probably right to assume that. Defence holds but I have to go to sleep now. Good night user.

post yours