How accurate is this?
How accurate is this?
I cringe a little every time I see a mexican meddle in european banter.
Not accurate at all. In fact the Ottoman turks were notorious sodomites. And turkish wrestling? It's gay. pic related turks have always been gay
I want the one on the left to satisfy my wife.
100% accurate
It just seems that way because we Turks treat our fags like vermin-so you don't see them around as much as in more accepting countries
And not all Turks are ottomans my friend.
Also you can't have more than 4 wives in islam - and I've only seen filthy Arabs with more than one.
cope wh*toid
OP is a homosexual from Guanajuato with AIDS. He is severely mentally ill and ugly. Pls just report his threads when you see them.