They look so different than us westerners. Their languages are completely different . Their behavior, way of thinking and mentality is completely different. Their food is completely different.
Sometimes I feel they might as well be from a different planet to me.
>flag >us westerners they're more human than your unsightly schizo ilk.
Jaxon Morris
Fucking hilarious, coming from a jew.
Jonathan Wood
I feel like they are a different creature than me. The way their brain works, their way of thinking, their mentality and their behavior are so different I feel like they are a different creature and that I will never understand them. And of course even the physical things like how they look, how they move their body, how they communicate are so different. I truly feel like we are from different planets and different creatures.
Leo Flores
>us westerners
Kayden Richardson
Thomas Wilson
we have nothing in common with degenerate westerners
Jaxson Gray
infact I feel more similar to some modern Japanese person than the average modern white person
Jaxon Cooper
>We Aryans are at a certain stage of development. After all, we have no relationship to Adam and Eve. We have been created on the Atlantis continent, from which we have come here. Jehovah again created the Jewish race. The Chinese and Japanese and other slant eyes, on the other hand, come from another planet. From a planet between Earth and Mars that exploded with only an asteroid zone left
I'd trust a Spaniard over a kike any day of the week.
Jose Rodriguez
It's more western than your country
Yeah you do, just because le ebin memesters say different doesn't make it so
Samuel Hernandez
I kinda agree with you. Im jot edgy and treat everybody nice but i believes there are 3 races the Caucasian, Mongol and sub sahara. Pity the 3 races can inter breed. Im a sailor and been around and we really exist in a different way
Brayden Ross
yes, hello there fellow white people. Let us divide and in-among ourselves, as we are all westerners, indeed. Today, let us make enemies of the Chinese people. I wonder who tomorrow's enemy should be?
Easton Clark
Brasil is culturally roman catholic, your cunt is med and has many western influences but you guys crated you own unique culture ij yhe last 600years