
Attached: Mexico 2.jpg (900x900, 81K)

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What’s the benefit of that?

>Would have to hear mexican accent on tv
Yeah, this would kill the entire population of Spain, mainly by suicide

Attached: 1563210952715.jpg (720x720, 75K)


How can we convince them that giving us their land is progressive?

What's the relationship between Spain and Mexico like?

I bet the current one is the main reason of suicides in sPAIN

Why would you want this? Do you really want Podemitas ruining your country? I mean, they might probably move to your major cities and turn them into shitholes, so it might benefit Spain

Attached: 1549149351532.jpg (400x500, 121K)

The oligarchs in Mexico are friends or family with corrupt Spaniards. You can always find shitty Spanish companies winning government contracts for no real reason

I wonder too.