Why do Yuros on here stereotype American food as being all McDonald's tier shit?

Why do Yuros on here stereotype American food as being all McDonald's tier shit?
When real American food is actually very based.

Pic related is a dish from Louisiana and it's delicious.

Attached: IMG_5362-2.jpg (750x1017, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Barbecue from Central Texas

Attached: BBQ_Main-Promo.jpg (680x382, 75K)

Manhattan Clam Chowder

Attached: 10eat2-articleLarge.jpg (600x600, 128K)

Attached: 20150910-clams-casino-vicky-wasik-21-1500x1125.jpg (1500x1125, 249K)

looks like nigger and chink food

As opposed to the Scandinavian cuisine of no seasoning and rotten fish?


>I made rice. please, love, our, cuisine

Attached: 1540094848794.png (412x433, 108K)

>bisteces a la mexicana

now, this, is truly gringo and I love it.

>no seasoning
>rotten fish
your life is one big meme

Everyone in Texas eats BBQ

Like calling our food "nigger and chink food"?

>>looks like nigger and chink food
>your life is one big meme
Observe muhammed calling the kettle black

he's right, you're wrong

simple as


those are bisteces a la mexicana ( mexican beef steaks a la mexican).
Where do I find those in the U.S?

Attached: bisteces-a-la-mexicana (1).jpg (1100x729, 225K)

because thats what your food is
all of it is foreign food that you brand as american, sorry sweatie

No it's actually crawfish etoufee, a dish from Louisiana. Bistec a la Mexicana can be found anywhere in the US with Mexicans

The US is a former colony, what do you expect? All world cuisines take outside influence anyway.

lol cope

Are you actually gonna pretend Danish cuisine is better than American?

Gumbo is nigger food


Attached: snownigra.png (434x524, 386K)

Smoked alligator is probably the best thing America has to off. Much better than gumbo.

Attached: american cuisine.jpg (3264x2448, 3.31M)

He's just mad because he eats rotten shark paste

No need to pretend anything, it's undisputed.

maximum cope

Uma delicia

Nordic countries:
>no history
>no culture (your own ministers say so)
>110% americanized
>world renowned for terrible cuisine
>weak genes (blond hair & blue eyes = soft cunt)
KYS you're self.

keep coping, it makes you feel better i see

>no history
>no culture (your own ministers say so)
>110% americanized
>world renowned for terrible cuisine
>weak genes (blond hair & blue eyes = soft cunt)
Any one of these alone would destroy a real country, how do you lot COPE with all 5?

Yes, everyone knows that Danish food is better than Cajun/Creole or BBQ...what a joke

>keep coping
*eats piss flavored hydroxide shark kebab pizza*

Attached: nword.jpg (567x603, 106K)

Bone app the teeth.

Attached: danish-cuisine.jpg (771x429, 75K)

As a Chinese I am gonna side with the Americans on this.
Nordics are huge arrogant snobs and eat stuff that even most Chinese would not eat.

subhuman gang assemble!

>ja ja ja vee maajk veery goood fjood hjier eejn zee Needeerlaands

Attached: dutch-cuisine.jpg (610x458, 79K)

Attached: sprzz.jpg (830x553, 156K)

>american "cuisine"

Attached: 1536920566584.png (2136x646, 474K)

>recommended as a healthy snack

Attached: 1563925719932.jpg (258x245, 33K)

kind of hard to call it a "dish"
why don't you post more instead of giving up after the usual couple meme dishes

Northern Europe BTFO

How are those dishes memes? I'll post more in a bit, though

The fuck is that? Crab?

Always said in every thread American food is soul food

they are the ones that always get posted/shown whenever some american says their cuisine is not a meme
not saying they are bad or anything, but there's life beyond clams, barbecues and prawns

>traditional American rice
The fuck?

And always said chowder is the one thing I ate and appreciated when I was there in the northeast

looks like shrimp to me
it's chowdah
say it right

Rice has been grown in the south since colonial times

Observe the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness of the European.

It's crayfish. I thought nordics ate it

you are completely delusional

I had no idea - interesting, thanks.

Main question is not whether there are some original, tasty dishes in American cuisine (some of the creole stuff is so comfy), but whether people actually eat it often or it only exists in a cookbook.

It's crawfish

Europeans are subhuman by definition, you clueless fuckstain.

The only american food thats exported is fast food chains

What should I be posting?

Cajun/creole food is definitely mainstream in Louisiana

so crabs? only posh cunts eat that here

you are the american, how should i know?
post more food that you have tried around that was tasty and seemed original
no cream filled stuff, barbecue, deep fry, stews, weird combos of sweet and salty, we already seen all those, nothing new
maybe some type of oven product? the tipical cartoonish american cake is uncommon here, never tried one, maybe you also declinated it with other stuff that isn't sweet?

Attached: LIMFAO.png (912x905, 1.23M)

burgers? bbq?

perhaps johnnycakes or anything with maple syrup.

now this is what i called based

Well I'm trying hard to post stuff that is objectively American. If I post something like New York pizza, then people would probably tell me "doesn't count, it's Italian"

Pic related is a Kentucky Hot Brown

Attached: 1200px-Hot_Brown_Kurtz.jpg (1200x900, 189K)

you don't seem very prepared
did you think this seriously before starting the thread? or you just clicked here and there and hoped it would work?
this kind of attitude isn't good at your age, see me after class

Buffalo wings

Attached: classic-buffalo-wings-horizontal-279-1547506077.jpg (1200x800, 230K)

He's not me but I posted a ton of things already. Now I'm posting stuff besides Louisiana food and BBQ (though those are important parts of American cuisine)

Philly cheesesteak

Forgot pic

Attached: jims-philly-cheesesteaks-12-pack.99a3b1ba624db92a7569238eff732ba2.jpg (820x820, 104K)

guess it's a start, even if a bit poorly executed
any other kind of more classy sandwich? i like those and it's hard to claim a sandwich as specific of a certain culture
maybe with a specific ham produced in a specific way in an american taste
just don't wanna see the usual "special recipe" with a mix of 50 spices and a ton of garlic powder for "extra italian taste"

What do you eat that is native to the region? Rotten fish.

>mexican beef
>when it's clearly shrimp

Black, hispanic and asian american food is good
White american food is bland and tasteless

What kind of shrimp have you been eating?


Lobster roll

Attached: lobster-rolls.jpg (600x900, 52K)

For me it's the Reuben.

Attached: reuben.jpg (2000x1333, 348K)

NYC style bacon egg and cheese

Attached: download (2).jpg (259x194, 11K)

Are you a fucking child? Look closely at the picture again, half of the stuff in the red part of the dish is clearly shrimp. Have you never seen or eaten shrimp before?

Delicious pimento cheese.

Attached: pimentocheese.jpg (183x275, 10K)

look at these levels of cope, absolutely seething literal niggers and chinks

L&B Spumoni Gardens (variety of New York pizza)

Attached: IMG_9095.0.jpg (1200x800, 182K)

>look at these levels of cope, absolutely seething literal niggers and chinks

Attached: 7C79EECC-CC77-41E3-8245-90E896E8EF2F.jpg (438x544, 52K)

>look at these levels of cope, absolutely seething literal niggers and chinks

Attached: d-Ne.jpg (425x531, 41K)

Key lime pie

Attached: key-lime-pie-01.jpg (1200x1800, 146K)


that looks like something i would make when im stoned

Eggs benedict

Attached: Eggs_Benedict-01-cropped.jpg (640x483, 36K)

>Why yes, I am Nordic and yes we have the best cuisine in the world, how could you tell?

Attached: NordicMasterrace.jpg (1080x1331, 109K)

Desserts are overlooked. While not uniquely American we do ice cream pretty well

>Why yes, I eat alot of pickled herring. You arent a nonwhite subhuman are you?

Attached: Nordicturbochad.png (859x450, 126K)

Only losers eat McDonald's.

Not OP but the dish isn't the rice brainlet, it's the gumbo.

>Why yes, I am Nordic and our cuisine and culinary skills are world renowned, how could you tell?

Attached: nordicultrachad.jpg (750x1024, 80K)

Marylander here. Grew up on crab cakes

Attached: 1F0BC468-1705-4805-A02B-CB30E113E816.jpg (220x165, 14K)

That's Canadian, possibly even Nordic, so is clam/seafood chowder, so is peanutbutter.

Made by Portugese and Spanish sailors off the coast of Florida.

It's poached eggs (an ancient cooking method) with French/Dutch hollandaise sauce. This is hardly a culinary achievement

I only eat it if I'm drunk or desperate

Junior's cheesecake from NYC

Attached: 8inch_sampler.jpg (498x498, 93K)