I sold my small Apartment in Dallas

I'm officially living out of my car for the next few months sitting comfy as fuck in Bitcoin and XLM. I have a few dozen of bitcoin on an x10 leveraged long atm and just waiting for the moon to come.

By this time next year, I'll own a mansion.

Attached: 1534219791012.png (924x1398, 845K)


ok user

where do you poop?

In the street obviously.

At a mcdonalds. They think I'm kinda freaky, but they like my story. I do eat here a lot just to be fair.

Tell everyone and make yourself a target

are you at mcdonalds right now? also, do you have free/cheap public baths over there? if not, how to do you take a shower?

If shit gets fishy I'll drive a town over.

Yes, actually. I don't really shower daily, but obviously can't lgo without them too long. I bum off a friend once a week to shower and do laundry.