
Upside down Ireland edish

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fuck all yanks


the gf

What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems

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Don't care virge

if you understand the word gibberish you have a perfectly good understanding of english

God damnit the tranny from that show Euphoria is so fucking hot

Would kill to shag her

GF: don't have one

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Blue is such an unfascist colour. It represents cool, calm democracy and liberty as opposed to the authoritarian, aggressive, violent, dictatorial nature of colours like black or red. Can never consider the Tories fascist for that reason alone

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>We're out by Oct 31st, deal or no deal

Personally report every yank post as spam/extremely low quality

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>muh colours
Literal horoscope-tier logic

Who wants a game of soggy biscuit?

Sorry mate, there was a democratic vote and we need to adhere to it, even if liberal shitbags have kept it held up for this long

Mate I will personally suck your gran and shart in your mart

too skinny
i need at least an hour for lunch

not gonna happen, if boris delays he'll get a vote of no confidence, lose and and a general election will happen

and goodbye to the tories and FPTP forever

is he the most obnoxious bellend in sports?


Nah colours say quite a lot about ideology, psychology and identity
Commies use red for a reason, it's not coincidental

Probably, he's a very good player though.

Who wants a game of pooy biscuit?

Corbyn couldn't defeat May in a general election. He doesn't stand a chance against a Tory with charisma

Got at least 3 yanks banned doing this haha

he's a mental midget

Probably, although I bet Yank sports are full of cunts like him, particularly in the NFL.

me on the left
leftypol on the right

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lads stop using plastic bottles or something please I can't deal with this global warming shit

He will if Labour's position on Brexit is clear - hold a 2nd referendum and campaign to remain.

>ideology, psychology and identity
Hello woman

great film
watched it after it was recommended by the racist Scot

Mate just conduct photosynthesis simple as

Coal fire blazing
All rings on hob going full blast
Heating on nonstop

don't bother, all out of our hands


For the reason of to copy form Europe, as it was the whole history. At some moment they decided that they're the third Rome and started actively copy everything.

anyone else proper lonely

Trans girls are literally the best of both worlds

if a general election were to be called, the conservative vote would be split heavily between the brexit party and tories. labour, lib dems and greens could probably squeeze a coalition for a second referendum.

that's why I say FPTP is soon going to be dead. brexit is so divisive that it's going to change our electoral system

>if boris delays he'll get a vote of no confidence
Other way around. If he doesn't delay and tries to force through no-deal, he'll get a vote of no confidence and the moderate Tories will bring him down.
Corbyn started that election 24 points behind May, and still took her majority away. He's not starting from the moment of absolute weakness the May election happened in. Most likely result would be a hung parliament anyway.

the wee lad?

just accept the 1000 Year Tory Reich already mate, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment with this "Here's how Corbyn can still win" naive optimism

the nintendogs are being little shits
wish there was a beat option


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The whole reason she called the general election is because Corbyn was polling at his lowest ever and she thought she could get an even bigger majority. Then he managed to claw himself back from the brink.

dece, bit anti democratic at the moment

are corbs

Any of you lads been following the Roger Scruton/New Statesman issue?

The eternal struggle of the gamer

back from vacation

Bulk or cut ?

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how does /brit/ feel about Boris? You see he's your PM now?

couldn't give a shit

metal gear solid 5 was a good game

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leftypol gimp reported me for racism earlier but the based janny gave me a warning

Labour can win though if they hoover up all the remain support with a clear and defined position. They stand an eve better chance if they bin-off Corbyn.

imagine spaffing up a females vagina
corrrrrr must feel grouse

May literally said that and it failed. The whole "Corbyn can't win" is Trump/Brexit can't happen logic.

Corbyn clawed himself up because it was Theresa May, Theresa the robot, Theresa the dry as cardboard cutout, Theresa the grey hag. Boris is not May. Elections are popularity contests, and Boris is more charismatic than Corbyn is.

who cares

no it wasnt

>Labour can win

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if you're gonna come here you should obey the rules simple as

Reckon kids with a life shortening illness shouldn't have to go to school

Imagine taxing your colonies to high hell until they revolt, then when the EU does the same to you, you want to stay with em

It's that German flag cunt.

always bulk lad
let the bloat be your guide

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>Couldn't even afford the rights to the original

>that's why I say FPTP is soon going to be dead. brexit is so divisive that it's going to change our electoral system
Why do you think it will lead to a change of FPTP to PR though? I agree with the rest of your post.

ive never voted in my life. funny people think it matters

delightfully devilish

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Imagine reaching around to tickle the outie clit of your gf (male) while you spaff inside her


what would they do all day then

remember when corbyn took a photo in the aisle of an empty train and pretended it was because of overcrowding


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pretty mad at you guys. the GF is british and i was planning on marrying her and being able to live anywhere in the EU

have any of you done one of those ancestry sites? Not the haplomeme tests but where you can build your family tree back a few generations

actually it was an artistic choice because the player in mgs5 the phantom pain is venom snake who isn't actually big boss, but he's just "covering" for the real big boss
hence a cover of the original song

That was then. This is now. No amount of charisma will save Boris if he fucks Brexit up.

good goy

bent yank twat

I did it and a few weeks later my uncle was charged with a cold case rape from a decade ago from ancestral DNA

so nah, not doing it again

> North American cities aren’t beautif-

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yeah well a yank fathered my grandmother and fucked off back to Missouri and she never saw him again so you can fuck off cunt

is seasidemark dead?

Might have some sorbet

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wow that's really deep

what flavour

I said the the non DNA ones. The ones where they go through old records to try find your relatives

He drank a bottle of detergent on livestream. It's over.

we should have a general election asap

Reading an article about why british architecture is so shit and they are talking about the area I live in. In fact I am pretty sure they are actually talking about my house specifically along with the rest of the houses on my street lol

Taking the piss

i totally understand my dad drank a guinness once and told me he didn't like it so i fucking hate ireland
