She should be the president

She should be the president.

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Explain why.

She support immigration, she doesn't want to electrocute anyone who is not white American, she will bring the peace and prosperity. Trump creates the hot situation.

>she doesn't want to electrocute anyone who is not white American, she will bring the peace and prosperity.
Trump is already doing that. AOC is a mediocre troll.

She should be on my dick.

We don't have either peace or prosperity retardito

>>Jow Forums

Why do Afro-Latinas have such straight hair?

Stop pretending that this isn't a jerk off thread and post more pics

wtf when did Janelle monae got bleached?

Nah he should.

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they don't look alike desu

He is sexy even with an eye patch.

I bet he has a really nice body from being in military too. Damn

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>openly cried out of his one good eye after getting made fun of by some faggot jew on SNL
Nope. That's not presidential. Also he lost his eye on accident it's a lame wound.

She isn't Afro-Latina

No. He's just George W Bush, even though he's a legit badass.

Gently remind you that America made money on the racial war wyboi. And Trump is gonna do da same thing.
Your word is my command.

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she should be my mom

what's wrong with her face in this pic?

Why not Cardi B ?

no, she's a terrible person
if she becomes president USA will turn to russia in 2 years.

The neolib Carterites should be purged from the Democratic Party. All Pelosi and Schumer have managed to do is “own” Trump and McConnell by giving them everything they want

It's a very local thing no one thinks about. The society can live with uneducated minorities. But it will not if ethno squads will knock every door and ask how white you are.

are you afraid of the future? get out

>Rogue, apartheid state warns other rogue, apartheid state not to become left wing less it turns into reactionary oligarchy

more pics you filthy russian

La presidenta® soon

There are over 500 representatives in the House. I'm positive there is another more beautiful than her, just one who isn't as vocal and forced by the media.
Does anyone know of any?

what do the left wing progressives do besides grandstand?

she should be the president of my dick, if you know what I mean.

Social security, Wagner act, Medicare, Medicaid

The democrats stopped being left wing around the mid-70s when they became GOP-lite.


she is an absolute retard and not even attractive, i dont understand why people meme her so much. i would 1000x rather have someone like sanders or warren before that crackpot. if she ran for president it would be one of the few times i would vote in my life because i would try like hell to see her lose

This is an exceptionally based, redpilled and intelligent post. To intelligent, dare I say, for Jow Forums.

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Legally she cant and she isnt even popular in NYC outside of her district so I'm not sure how you could convince voters in less liberal areas to vote for her.